[120764] trunk/dports/science/root6/Portfile

mojca at macports.org mojca at macports.org
Fri Jun 6 07:30:14 PDT 2014

Revision: 120764
Author:   mojca at macports.org
Date:     2014-06-06 07:30:14 -0700 (Fri, 06 Jun 2014)
Log Message:
root6: fix configure.cxx_stdlib and compiler blacklist (#43917)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/root6/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/root6/Portfile	2014-06-06 13:26:55 UTC (rev 120763)
+++ trunk/dports/science/root6/Portfile	2014-06-06 14:30:14 UTC (rev 120764)
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
 PortGroup           github 1.0
 PortGroup           select 1.0
-# TODO: try to figure out if one could also build root6 on < 10.9
 # Essentially 6.00.00, but with some bug fixes to the build system
 github.setup        root-mirror root aaf9b65
 #github.setup       root-mirror root 6-00-00 v
@@ -37,27 +35,6 @@
 configure.dir       ${workpath}/build
 build.dir           ${configure.dir}
-# (copied from llvm-3.5)
-# TODO: Check ${configure.cxx_stdlib} directly once MacPorts 2.3 is released
-platform darwin {
-    # Note that we are forcing this choice.  This means that anything linking
-    # against llvm-3.5 needs to also be using libc++.  This is possibly
-    # problematic, but luckily there is just a limited set of such dependents.
-    if {[info exists configure.cxx_stdlib]} {
-        configure.cxx_stdlib libc++
-    }
-    depends_lib-append port:libcxx
-pre-fetch {
-    if {(${os.major} < 13 && ! [info exists configure.cxx_stdlib]) ||
-        (! [file exists /usr/lib/libc++.dylib])} {
-        ui_error "$name requires a C++11 runtime, which your configuration does not allow"
-        error "unsupported configuration"
-    }
 post-extract {
     file mkdir ${configure.dir}
@@ -80,10 +57,10 @@
 select.group        root
 select.file         ${filespath}/${name}
-# TODO: exact compiler fallback/black list
 # Force a compatible compiler
-compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 425} macports-clang-2.9
-compiler.fallback-append macports-clang-3.5 macports-clang-3.4 macports-clang-3.3
+# (macports-clang-3.3 works; it's blacklisted only to give the preference to 3.4)
+compiler.blacklist-append *gcc* {clang < 500} macports-clang-2.9 macports-clang-3.0 macports-clang-3.1 macports-clang-3.2 macports-clang-3.3
+compiler.fallback-append macports-clang-3.4 macports-clang-3.5
 # port specific location
 set install_prefix ${prefix}/libexec/root${version_major}
@@ -125,15 +102,14 @@
                     -Dbonjour=OFF \
                     -Dgviz=OFF \
                     -Dsoversion=OFF \
-                    -Dc++11=OFF \
-                    -Dlibcxx=OFF \
+                    -Dc++11=ON \
+                    -Dlibcxx=ON \
                     -Dxrootd=OFF \
                     -Dbuiltin_ftgl=ON \
                     -Dmathmore=ON \
                     -Dgenvector=ON \
                     -Dmemstat=ON \
                     -Dunuran=ON \
-                    -Dreflex=ON \
                     -Dtable=ON \
                     -Dgdml=ON \
                     -DPNG_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libpng.dylib \
@@ -145,23 +121,16 @@
 configure.args-append       -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=${prefix}/include
 configure.cppflags-delete   -I${prefix}/include
-# TODO: Check ${configure.cxx_stdlib} directly once MacPorts 2.3 is released
 platform darwin {
-    set cxxstdlib {}
-    if {[info exists configure.cxx_stdlib] &&
-        ${configure.cxx_stdlib} ne {} &&
-        [string match *clang* ${configure.cxx}]} {
-        set cxxstdlib ${configure.cxx_stdlib}
-    } elseif {[string match *clang* ${configure.cxx}] && ${os.major} >= 13} {
-        set cxxstdlib libc++
-    } else {
-        set cxxstdlib libstdc++
+    # Note that we are forcing this choice.  This means that anything linking
+    # against root6 needs to also be using libc++.  This is possibly
+    # problematic, but luckily there is just a limited set of such dependents.
+    # Another problem is that all dependencies might need to be built-in
+    # to make sure that they all use libc++.
+    if { ${configure.cxx_stdlib} ne "libc++" } {
+        configure.cxx_stdlib libc++
+        depends_lib-append port:libcxx
-    if {${cxxstdlib} eq "libc++"} {
-        configure.args-replace -Dc++11=OFF -Dc++11=ON
-    }
 post-destroot {
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