[MacPorts] egall modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Jun 9 06:22:13 PDT 2014

Page "egall" was changed by egall at gwmail.gwu.edu
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/egall?action=diff&version=16>
Revision 16
Comment: cross off some to-file tickets from my list that I found pre-existing tickets for; also add some new ones
Index: egall
--- egall (version: 15)
+++ egall (version: 16)
@@ -78,18 +78,18 @@
  - sendpage
  - sfcgal
  - sicp
- - slib-guile16 (depends on guile16, which has a separate entry below)
- - slirp
+ - ~~slib-guile16~~ (depends on guile16, which has a separate entry below) (could also be due to its other dependency, slib, in which case I was already on cc for a relevant ticket: #42370)
+ - ~~slirp~~ (found #41875, which might have been the same issue that I was having)
  - sloth
  - srm
- - webkit-gtk
+ - ~~webkit-gtk~~ (already on cc for a bunch of webkit-gtk tickets; open ones include #41560 and #41737; also found a bunch more; open ones include #21151, #34448, #39506, and #39873; not sure which one was the one I was experiencing most recently though...)
  - xorg
  - xorg-server
  - crlibm
  - glpng
- - pngmeta
- - liboss
- - libevt
+ - ~~pngmeta~~ (found #26263, forget if my issue was the same)
+ - ~~liboss~~ (found #14590, forget if my issue was the same)
+ - ~~libevt~~ (found #42789, that seems like it)
  - mdbtools (because txt2man is not universal)
  - py*jcc
  - p5*css (various perl versions conflict)
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
  - pccts (conflicts with antlr)
  - watchman
  - chmsee (depends on firefox-x11, which no longer exists in trunk - [https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2014-June/026868.html brought up on mailing lists], at least)
- - swig-clisp (clisp is i386, swig-clisp is x86_64)
- - gcl
+ - ~~swig-clisp~~ (clisp is i386, swig-clisp is x86_64 - I guess that makes it an example of #34891 - added a comment saying so: [comment:ticket:34891:6])
+ - ~~gcl~~ (found #12906 and #40468, mine was probably the same as one of those)
  - postgresql81 +krb5+perl+python
  - samba3 +kerberos+openldap
  - sudo +insults+openldap
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
  - astyle +java+lib
  - cl-ppcre +asdf_binary_locations+sbcl (just requires some manual interaction at one point)
  - cssc (due to texinfo5)
- - docbook-utils
+ - ~~docbook-utils~~ (found #43750; might have been something older than that though)
  - cm3 (and, by extension, cvsup) (cm3's distfile is bad)
  - cvsync +universal (unrecognized --disable-dependency-tracking flag)
  - libctl (needs variants for newer versions of gcc)
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@
  - Eterm (actually libast)
  - libbert
  - hoard
- - opal (rev-upgrade after installing ode +debug)
+ - ~~opal~~ (rev-upgrade after installing ode +debug - filed #43595)
  - libgksuui10
- - bashdb (bash4.3 is too new)
+ - ~~bashdb~~ (bash4.3 is too new - filed #43590)
  - dialog
  - fcrackzip (conflicts with unzip)
  - gpgme (when argp-standalone is active)
@@ -151,5 +151,9 @@
  - xchm (crashes on start, missing symbol `__ZThn888_N12wxHtmlWindow13GetHTMLWindowEv`, which `c++filt` demangles as "`non-virtual thunk to wxHtmlWindow::GetHTMLWindow()`", [https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2014-June/026868.html brought up on mailing lists], at least; will file full ticket once I investigate crash report further)
  - uudeview (`+tcltk` variant is missing description and has incorrect `lib:`-style dependency on tcl - wants 8.4, but the tcl port provides 8.6 - this is #34826. Furthermore,`uuwish` crashes on startup)
  - pear-Sabre_DAVACL
+ - gnuregex +universal is not actually universal
+ - new ports needed for new optional dependencies of gdb: libmcheck (hard to disentangle from glibc) and [https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/babeltrace/1.0.3-1 libbabeltrace] (seems easier to port)
+ - QLStephen
+ - ...
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Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/egall>
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