[121018] trunk/dports/www/webarchiver/Portfile

khindenburg at macports.org khindenburg at macports.org
Sat Jun 14 06:02:29 PDT 2014

Revision: 121018
Author:   khindenburg at macports.org
Date:     2014-06-14 06:02:29 -0700 (Sat, 14 Jun 2014)
Log Message:
webarchiver: updated for 0.5 (20120821), closes #32869

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/www/webarchiver/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/www/webarchiver/Portfile	2014-06-14 12:09:45 UTC (rev 121017)
+++ trunk/dports/www/webarchiver/Portfile	2014-06-14 13:02:29 UTC (rev 121018)
@@ -1,40 +1,32 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem      1.0
+PortGroup       github 1.0
+PortGroup       xcode 1.0
-name            webarchiver
-version         0.3
+github.setup    newzealandpaul webarchiver 8e0ef5ebd6bfcbb537bb52d75137785de1920f5d
+version         20120821
 categories      www
+maintainers     khindenburg openmaintainer
 license         none
-platforms       darwin
-maintainers     nomaintainer
 description     Command-line tool to create Safari-style webarchives
 long_description \
     webarchiver is a simply utility that allows you to create Safari\
     webarchives (.webarchive) from the command line.\
     webarchiver is compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 (Safari 2.0).
-homepage   http://www.entropytheblog.com/blog/2008/11/webarchiver-create-safari-webarchives-from-the-command-line/
-master_sites    macports
-#master_sites    http://github.com/paulwilliam/webarchiver/tarball/${version}/
-set author      paulwilliam
-set commit_sha1 14f7c37ff6016a2d200f40f1f67245be849cec35
-#distname        ${author}-${name}-${commit_sha1}
-worksrcdir      ${author}-${name}-${commit_sha1}
-checksums       md5     b96f0ba9e80f122a1c1cfb58a4576d0a \
-                sha1    37d93162ff88adff9bec9e30c780ca7446f3d81b \
-                rmd160  bc98ccb42f6b4268ba60163e78c647a5d4139494
-use_configure   no
-build.cmd       xcodebuild
-build.target    build
-# At present, this port builds universal by default.  I will fix this once I
-# figure out how to, but it's so tiny that it's not a big deal for now.
+checksums        sha1    8e3f7a293701395fa71fe6970bce7cf9d52fd8db \
+                 rmd160  25a7eb75fa8db1bafd6820c811cb1ef78972fe24
 destroot {
-    xinstall -m 755 \
-        ${worksrcpath}/build/Release/webarchiver ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-    xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/webarchiver
-    xinstall -m 644 \
-        ${worksrcpath}/README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/webarchiver
-#    The source doesn't currently have a man page; guess I'll have to write
-#    one eventually.  The following will be added once I've done so.
-#    xinstall -m 644 ${filespath}/webarchiver.1 ${prefix}/share/man/man1
+    xinstall  ${worksrcpath}/build/Release/webarchiver ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+    set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+    xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
+    xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/README.markdown ${destroot}${docdir}
+# The man file is just a template w/o any info
+#    set mandir ${prefix}/share/man/man1
+#    xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/webarchiver.1 ${destroot}${mandir}
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