[MacPorts] StatisticsIdeas modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Mar 24 17:01:39 PDT 2014

Page "StatisticsIdeas" was changed by mojca at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/StatisticsIdeas?action=diff&version=2>
Revision 2
Comment: some additional ideas for statistics
Index: StatisticsIdeas
--- StatisticsIdeas (version: 1)
+++ StatisticsIdeas (version: 2)
@@ -41,3 +41,31 @@
 === Port the server's dependencies to MacPorts ===
 It would be nice if MacPorts would allow installing dependencies to allow running the app locally without much hassle. The app needs rails 3.2.
+=== Simple port hierarchy / group (sub)ports ===
+Ports like `py-name`, `py27-name`, `py33-name`, ... should be grouped in some way.
+=== Direct and meaningful links to ports ===
+Port statistics is currently accessed via `http://<server>/categories/<n>/ports/<n>`. It should be `http://<server>/port/<name>` or `http://<server>/show/port/<name>` for example (or something equivalent excluding category and not displaying any numbers).
+=== Direct links to maintainer's ports ===
+One can search for maintainer's ports, but only via `http://<server>/ports/search/maintainers/<name>` to some extent. The search is more problematic for non-committers with `:` in the name and the search is not unique (searching for `cal` returns `mcalhoun`'s ports etc.). It would make sense to search through `nomaintainer` and `openmaintainer` ports.
+Maybe something like `http://<server>/show/maintainer/macports.org/<handle>` and `http://<server>/show/maintainer/gmail.com/name.surname` for direct access or simply `http://<server>/show/maintainer/id/<number>` would allow clicking the maintainer in the same way as one can follow a link for categories, variants, ...
+=== Sort ports alphabetically ===
+Complete list of ports shows
+← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 366 367 Next →
+It would be helpful to have alphabetic index available.
+=== Show OS X version statistics for every port ===
+As a port maintainer, one key thing I'd like to know is the breakdown of OS versions that my users are running. (Xcode version and architecture might also be relevant.)
+=== Bar graphs instead of pies ===
+> I'm not a big fan of pie (or donut) graphs. It is much easy to compare magnitudes of a bar as opposed to sections of a donut.
+This probably needs a bit of experimenting.

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/StatisticsIdeas>
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Ports system for OS X

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