[MacPorts] KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri May 9 16:30:26 PDT 2014

Page "KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI" was changed by mk at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI?action=diff&version=10>
Revision 10
Comment: non-MacPorts Qt5
Index: KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI
--- KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI (version: 9)
+++ KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI (version: 10)
@@ -43,6 +43,38 @@
 '''The only problem seems to be C# support.''' But those projects will probably only be running on Windows anyways.
+== Discussion about getting a non-MacPorts Qt5 installation ==
+[23:46] <bcooksley> Thibrom: we should be able to arrange that, once we've got a Mac platform ready
+[23:47] <Thibrom> okay, that's nice
+[23:47] <bcooksley> you could help speed that up
+[23:47] <bcooksley> by finding out if the scripts are able to build Qt 5 and up
+[23:47] <Thibrom> yep if i can help for anything tel me
+[23:47] <bcooksley> I assume GCompris only needs Qt 5 / Qt 4?
+[23:47] <Thibrom> yes it's only based on Qt5
+[23:47] <Thibrom> no other dependencies
+[23:49] <bcooksley> okay, the first step then
+[23:49] <Thibrom> i didn"t see something about qt5 in the scripts 
+[23:49] <Thibrom> like in QT_PLUGIN_PATH
+[23:50] <bcooksley> the scripts determine a lot of stuff dynamically at runtime
+[23:50] <bcooksley> they use branch groups and dependency files to determine what is needed
+[23:51] <bcooksley> you can see the commands used to build Qt 5 at config/build/qt5/
+[23:51] <bcooksley> all you should need to do is clone the repo
+[23:51] <bcooksley> checkout the production branch
+[23:52] <bcooksley> then run update-setup.sh to clone in the other repos and bits it needs
+[23:52] <bcooksley> after that
+[23:52] <bcooksley> you can run python tools/prepare-environment.py --project qt5 --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources /path/to/directory/where/qt5/will/be/built
+[23:53] <bcooksley> and then python tools/perform-build.py --project qt5 --branchGroup kf5-qt5 --platform darwin-mavericks --sources /path/to/directory/where/qt5/will/be/built
+[23:53] <bcooksley> you might need to give me an SSH key though
+[23:53] <Thibrom> okay thanks for all that informations, where can i get those scripts?
+[23:53] <bcooksley> git://anongit.kde.org/websites/build-kde-org
+[23:54] <bcooksley> as the scripts work by sharing build materials between nodes
+[23:54] <bcooksley> they use a workspace on the main build.kde.org server for that, which is accessed via ssh
+[23:54] <Thibrom> i cloned the repo thakns
+[23:55] <mk_MP> bcooksley: Is the above written down on some web page or do I have to copy your last 10 lines in case I manage to get my Mavericks VM set up?
 == OSX virtualisation ==
 When setting up build-slaves it might be a good idea to not only have several Apple machines in real hardware, but perhaps also make use of some virtual OSX machines. This might speed up especially the test of various environments or give opportunity for an easy backup of the complete CI system.

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI>
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