[128944] trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Sun Nov 30 14:36:58 PST 2014

Revision: 128944
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2014-11-30 14:36:58 -0800 (Sun, 30 Nov 2014)
Log Message:
argus-monitor: update to version 3.7, use perl5.16 instead of perl5.12, fix perl configuration and other build problems (#39666, #39706, #44405).

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/Portfile	2014-11-30 20:36:32 UTC (rev 128943)
+++ trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/Portfile	2014-11-30 22:36:58 UTC (rev 128944)
@@ -4,40 +4,43 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                argus-monitor
-version             3.5
-revision            3
+version             3.7
 categories          net
+license             Artistic
 maintainers         nomaintainer
 description         The All Seeing System and Network Monitoring Software
 long_description    ${description}
 homepage            http://argus.tcp4me.com/
 platforms           darwin
 master_sites        http://www.tcp4me.com/code/argus-archive/
-checksums           md5 7a946b17a61edeb1b455f2ab45acf77d
 distfiles           argus-${version}.tgz
+checksums           rmd160  f8f9eeb6ca5451475594262efcdd571bda931f32 \
+                    sha256  796f2e0783d535556f457635561bee17cb82e3805c2f99d024068187f4b6f563
 worksrcdir          argus-${version}
-depends_lib         port:perl5.12 \
+depends_lib         port:perl5.16 \
                     port:postfix \
                     port:openssl \
                     port:freetype \
                     port:gd2 \
                     port:fping \
-                    port:db44 \
-                    port:p5.12-dbi \
-                    port:p5.12-berkeleydb \
-                    port:p5.12-socket6 \
-                    port:p5.12-gd \
-                    port:p5.12-time-hires \
-                    port:p5.12-net-ssleay \
-                    port:p5.12-digest-hmac \
-                    port:p5.12-digest-md5 \
-                    port:p5.12-digest-sha1 \
-                    port:p5.12-crypt-des
+                    port:db53 \
+                    port:p5.16-dbi \
+                    port:p5.16-berkeleydb \
+                    port:p5.16-socket6 \
+                    port:p5.16-gd \
+                    port:p5.16-time-hires \
+                    port:p5.16-net-ssleay \
+                    port:p5.16-digest-hmac \
+                    port:p5.16-digest-md5 \
+                    port:p5.16-digest-sha1 \
+                    port:p5.16-crypt-des
-patchfiles          patch-Makefile.tplt
+patchfiles          patch-Makefile.tplt.diff
-variant apple_postfix {
+variant apple_postfix description {Use installed Apple postfix instead of MacPorts version} {
     depends_lib-delete  port:postfix
@@ -52,22 +55,26 @@
 # Set the Argus htdocs directory.
 set argus_htdocs    ${prefix}/share/${name}/htdocs
+configure.env-append \
+                    PERLNAME=perl5.16
 configure.cmd       ./Configure
 configure.args      --bin_dir=${prefix}/bin \
                     --sbin_dir=${prefix}/sbin \
                     --lib_dir=${prefix}/lib/argus-monitor \
                     --data_dir=${argus_data_dir} \
+                    --www_dir=${argus_htdocs}/ \
 post-patch {
-if { [variant_isset apple_postfix] } {
-    reinplace "s|/lib/sendmail|/usr/sbin/sendmail|g" \
-        ${worksrcpath}/examples/config
-} else {
-    reinplace "s|/lib/sendmail|${prefix}/sbin/sendmail|g" \
-        ${worksrcpath}/examples/config
+    if { [variant_isset apple_postfix] } {
+        reinplace "s|/lib/sendmail|/usr/sbin/sendmail|g" \
+            ${worksrcpath}/examples/config
+    } else {
+        reinplace "s|/lib/sendmail|${prefix}/sbin/sendmail|g" \
+            ${worksrcpath}/examples/config
+    }
 post-destroot {
     xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${argus_htdocs}/sound
@@ -90,8 +97,8 @@
-post-install {
-ui_msg "\n  *** To complete the Argus install ***
+notes "
+  *** To complete the Argus install ***
 1) Modify the httpd.conf for Argus
@@ -223,12 +230,11 @@
     argusctl hup
-5) Login to the Argus web interface to monitor your services.
+6) Login to the Argus web interface to monitor your services.
 Login at http://localhost/argus
 livecheck.url       [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
 livecheck.regex     argus-(\[0-9.\]+).tgz

Deleted: trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt
--- trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt	2014-11-30 20:36:32 UTC (rev 128943)
+++ trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt	2014-11-30 22:36:58 UTC (rev 128944)
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.tplt.org	2007-06-01 16:30:47.000000000 -0700
-+++ Makefile.tplt	2007-08-04 00:18:25.000000000 -0700
-@@ -127,81 +127,71 @@
- clean:
- 	-rm $(CLEAN)
--install: install-lib install-prog install-conf remove-auth $(INSTALL_DATA) \
--	$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl install-locale install-message
-+install: install-lib install-prog install-conf remove-auth install-data \
-+	install-gdata install-perl install-locale install-message
- install-lib:
--	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_LIB)
-+	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
- 	$(PERL) tools/install_lib -s src -l $(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBS)
--	cp $(TEXT) $(INSTALL_LIB)/
--install-prog: upgrade-cgi
--	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_SBIN)
--	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_BIN)
--	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_CGI)
--	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_LIB)
--	cp built/argusd   $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
--	cp built/argusctl $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
--	cp built/arguscgi $(INSTALL_CGI)/
--	cp built/graphd   $(INSTALL_LIB)/
--	cp built/picasso  $(INSTALL_LIB)/
--	cp built/argus-config $(INSTALL_BIN)/
--	cp built/argus-agent  $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
--	cp built/argusvxml    $(INSTALL_CGI)/
--# previously, cgi was installed in sbin with symlink
--# cleanup old the files
--	-rm $(INSTALL_SBIN)/arguscgi $(INSTALL_CGI)/arguscgi
-+	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)
-+	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BIN)
-+	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)
-+	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
-+	cp built/argusd   $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
-+	cp built/argusctl $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
-+	cp built/arguscgi $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)/
-+	cp built/graphd   $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)/
-+	cp built/picasso  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)/
-+	cp built/argus-config $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BIN)/
-+	cp built/argus-agent  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
-+	cp built/argusvxml    $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)/
- # in case the format of the auth file has changed
- remove-auth:
--	@if test "$(REMOVEAUTH)" -a -f $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; then rm $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; fi
-+#	@if test "$(REMOVEAUTH)" -a -f $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; then rm $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; fi
- # this only happens if there isn't already a data dir
- # if the user is upgrading, we leave it all alone
- # while a+rwx may be not be optimal security-wise,
- # it reduces the amount of support email the author receives
--	mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DATA)/stats $(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(INSTALL_DATA)/notify
--	touch $(INSTALL_DATA)/log
--	$(PERL) -e 'print getppid, "\n"' > $(INSTALL_DATA)/notno
--	chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)
--	chmod a+r $(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(INSTALL_DATA)/log
-+	touch $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/log
-+	$(PERL) -e 'print getppid, "\n"' > $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/notno
-+	chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)
-+	chmod a+r $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/log
- 	@echo ''
- 	@echo creating example files...
- 	@sleep 1
--	@cp examples/users  $(INSTALL_DATA)/users.example
--	@cp examples/config $(INSTALL_DATA)/config.example
-+	@cp examples/users  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/users.example
-+	@cp examples/config $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/config.example
- 	@echo ''
- 	@echo '***' you will need to create/edit the files \'$(INSTALL_DATA)/config\' 
- 	@echo '***      ' and \'$(INSTALL_DATA)/users\'
- 	@echo '***' be sure to check permissions on \'$(INSTALL_DATA)\' and its contents
- 	@echo ''
--# if this is an upgrade, gdata might not exist even though data does
--	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  then mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  \
--		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  fi
--	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; then mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; \
--		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; fi
--	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  then \
--		mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
--		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
--	fi
--install-locale: $(INSTALL_DATA)
--	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; then \
--		mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; \
--		chmod a+rx $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale;  \
--	fi
--	-cp locale/* $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;
-+		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;
-+	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache;
-+		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; 
-+		mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;
-+		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;
-+		mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale;
-+		chmod a+rx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale;
-+	-cp locale/* $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale
- install-conf:
--	cp built/conf.pl  $(INSTALL_LIB)
-+	cp built/conf.pl  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
- HTML/config-details.html: $(BUILD)
- 	built/argusd -DH > HTML/config-details.html

Copied: trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt.diff (from rev 128943, trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt)
--- trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/net/argus-monitor/files/patch-Makefile.tplt.diff	2014-11-30 22:36:58 UTC (rev 128944)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+--- Makefile.tplt.orig	2013-02-13 16:23:57.000000000 -0800
++++ Makefile.tplt	2014-11-30 14:20:30.000000000 -0800
+@@ -133,87 +133,84 @@
+ clean:
+ 	-rm $(CLEAN)
+-install: install-lib install-prog install-www install-conf remove-auth $(INSTALL_DATA) \
+-	$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl install-locale install-message
++install: install-lib install-prog install-www install-conf remove-auth install-data \
++	install-gdata install-perl install-locale install-message
+ install-lib:
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_LIB)
+-	$(PERL) tools/install_lib -s src -l $(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBS)
+-	cp $(TEXT) $(INSTALL_LIB)/
+-install-prog: upgrade-cgi
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_SBIN)
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_BIN)
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_CGI)
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_LIB)
+-	cp built/argusd   $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
+-	cp built/argusctl $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
+-	cp built/arguscgi $(INSTALL_CGI)/
+-	cp built/graphd   $(INSTALL_LIB)/
+-	cp built/picasso  $(INSTALL_LIB)/
+-	cp built/argus-config $(INSTALL_BIN)/
+-	cp built/argus-agent  $(INSTALL_SBIN)/
+-	cp built/argusvxml    $(INSTALL_CGI)/
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
++	$(PERL) tools/install_lib -s src -l $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB) $(LIBS)
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BIN)
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
++	cp built/argusd   $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
++	cp built/argusctl $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
++	cp built/arguscgi $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)/
++	cp built/graphd   $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)/
++	cp built/picasso  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)/
++	cp built/argus-config $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_BIN)/
++	cp built/argus-agent  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_SBIN)/
++	cp built/argusvxml    $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_CGI)/
+ # copy images, sounds, style sheets, javascript to htdocs
+ install-www:
+-	-mkdir -p $(INSTALL_WWW)
+-	-cp misc/* $(INSTALL_WWW)
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_WWW)
++	-cp misc/* $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_WWW)
+ # previously, cgi was installed in sbin with symlink
+ # cleanup old the files
+-	-rm $(INSTALL_SBIN)/arguscgi $(INSTALL_CGI)/arguscgi
++#	-rm $(INSTALL_SBIN)/arguscgi $(INSTALL_CGI)/arguscgi
+ # in case the format of the auth file has changed
+ remove-auth:
+-	@if test "$(REMOVEAUTH)" -a -f $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; then rm $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; fi
++#	@if test "$(REMOVEAUTH)" -a -f $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; then rm $(INSTALL_DATA)/auth; fi
+-# this only happens if there isn't already a data dir.
+-# if the user is upgrading, we leave it all alone.
+ # while a+rwx may be not be optimal security-wise,
+ # it reduces the amount of support email the author receives
+ # see docs for better perm strategies
+-	mkdir -p $(INSTALL_DATA)/stats $(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(INSTALL_DATA)/notify
+-	touch $(INSTALL_DATA)/log
+-	$(PERL) -e 'print getppid, "\n"' > $(INSTALL_DATA)/notno
+-	chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)
+-	chmod a+r $(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(INSTALL_DATA)/log
++	touch $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/log
++	$(PERL) -e 'print getppid, "\n"' > $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/notno
++	chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)
++	chmod a+r $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/html $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/log
+ 	@echo ''
+ 	@echo creating example files...
+ 	@sleep 1
+-	@cp examples/users  $(INSTALL_DATA)/users.example
+-	@cp examples/config $(INSTALL_DATA)/config.example
++	@cp examples/users  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/users.example
++	@cp examples/config $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/config.example
+ 	@echo ''
+ 	@echo '***' you will need to create/edit the files \'$(INSTALL_DATA)/config\'
+ 	@echo '***      ' and \'$(INSTALL_DATA)/users\'
+ 	@echo '***' be sure to check permissions on \'$(INSTALL_DATA)\' and its contents
+ 	@echo ''
+-# if this is an upgrade, gdata might not exist even though data does
+-	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  then mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  \
+-		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  fi
+-	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; then mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; \
+-		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; fi
+-	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  then \
+-		mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
+-		chmod a+rwx $(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
++install-gdata: install-data
++	if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  then mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  \
++		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gdata;  fi
++	if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; then mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; \
++		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/gcache; fi
++install-perl: install-data
++	if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  then \
++		mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
++		chmod a+rwx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/perl;  \
+ 	fi
+ install-locale: $(INSTALL_DATA)
+-	if test ! -d $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; then \
+-		mkdir $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; \
+-		chmod a+rx $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale;  \
++	if test ! -d $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; then \
++		mkdir $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale; \
++		chmod a+rx $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale;  \
+ 	fi
+-	-cp locale/* $(INSTALL_DATA)/locale
++	-cp locale/* $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_DATA)/locale
+ install-conf:
+-	cp built/conf.pl  $(INSTALL_LIB)
++	cp built/conf.pl  $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALL_LIB)
+ HTML/config-details.html: $(BUILD)
+ 	built/argusd -DH > HTML/config-details.html
-------------- next part --------------
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