[126020] trunk/dports/devel/libcudd

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Oct 1 21:17:52 PDT 2014

Revision: 126020
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2014-10-01 21:17:52 -0700 (Wed, 01 Oct 2014)
Log Message:
libcudd: update to 2.5.0 (#27726); don't use nonexistent optimization levels (#40623); add universal variant; fix livecheck; new maintainer

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/Portfile	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/Portfile	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                libcudd
-version             2.4.1
+version             2.5.0
 categories          devel
-maintainers         nomaintainer
+platforms           darwin
+maintainers         caltech.edu:SCL openmaintainer
 description         An efficient library for manipulating decision diagrams
 long_description    The CUDD package provides functions to manipulate Binary \
                     Decision Diagrams (BDDs), Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs), \
                     and Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDDs). It's \
@@ -17,33 +20,40 @@
 homepage            http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/CUDD/
 master_sites        ftp://vlsi.colorado.edu/pub/
 distname            cudd-${version}
-checksums           sha1 0a0894ff5a2798a73fcacf76d451777aa02919ce
-platforms           darwin
-# patch to:
-# Makefile: avoid compiler flags that cause errors, add C++ interface target
-patchfiles          patch-Makefile.diff patch-obj-cuddObj.cc.diff patch-obj-cuddObj.hh.diff patch-cudd-Makefile.diff patch-dddmp-Makefile.diff patch-epd-Makefile.diff patch-mtr-Makefile.diff patch-obj-Makefile.diff patch-st-Makefile.diff patch-util-Makefile.diff
+checksums           rmd160  2f7b1dc3118925de268a1f1396ba4e66b65c54e4 \
+                    sha256  4f3bc49b35564af94b17135d8cb8c4063fb049cfaa442f80dc40ba73c6345a85
+patchfiles          patch-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-cudd-cudd.h.diff \
+                    patch-dddmp-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-epd-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-mtr-mtr.h.diff \
+                    patch-nanotrav-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-st-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-util-util.h.diff
 use_configure       no
+variant universal {}
 pre-build {
-    system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make distclean"
-    system "cd ${worksrcpath}/obj && make distclean"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "make distclean"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath}/obj "make distclean"
 build.target        build
-build.args          CC="${configure.cc} ${configure.cc_archflags}" \
-                    CXX="${configure.cxx} ${configure.cxx_archflags}" \
-                    CPP="${configure.cxx} ${configure.cxx_archflags}"
+build.args          CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" \
+                    CXX="${configure.cxx} [get_canonical_archflags cxx]"
 post-build {
     # generate dylib for C interface
-    exec /bin/sh -c "${configure.cc} ${configure.cc_archflags} -dynamiclib -O6 -headerpad_max_install_names -install_name ${prefix}/lib/cudd/libcudd.dylib -o ${worksrcpath}/libcudd.dylib `find ${worksrcpath}/cudd ${worksrcpath}/dddmp ${worksrcpath}/epd ${worksrcpath}/mtr ${worksrcpath}/st ${worksrcpath}/util -name '*.o'`"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "${configure.cc} ${configure.optflags} [get_canonical_archflags cc] -dynamiclib -install_name ${prefix}/lib/cudd/libcudd.dylib -o libcudd.dylib `find cudd dddmp epd mtr st util -name '*.o'` ${configure.ldflags}"
     # compile the additional C++ interface
-    system "cd ${worksrcpath}/obj && make distclean && make [join ${build.args}]"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath}/obj "make distclean && make [join ${build.args}]"
     # generate dylib for C++ interface
-    exec /bin/sh -c "${configure.cxx} ${configure.cxx_archflags} -dynamiclib -O6 -headerpad_max_install_names -install_name ${prefix}/lib/cudd/libcuddobj.dylib -L${worksrcpath} -lcudd -o ${worksrcpath}/libcuddobj.dylib ${worksrcpath}/obj/cuddObj.o"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "${configure.cxx} ${configure.optflags} [get_canonical_archflags cxx] -dynamiclib -install_name ${prefix}/lib/cudd/libcuddobj.dylib -L. -lcudd -o libcuddobj.dylib obj/cuddObj.o ${configure.ldflags}"
 destroot {
@@ -63,3 +73,7 @@
 '-I${prefix}/include/cudd -L${prefix}/lib/cudd -lcudd' for the C interface, or\
 '-I${prefix}/include/cudd -L${prefix}/lib/cudd -lcudd -lcuddobj' for the C++ interface.
+livecheck.type      regex
+livecheck.url       [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
+livecheck.regex     cudd-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,24 +1,15 @@
---- Makefile.orig	2004-08-17 19:18:45.000000000 -0500
-+++ Makefile	2010-12-19 01:54:10.000000000 -0600
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- # These four are typical settings for optimized code with gcc.  The
- # last two also work with icc/ecc.
- #ICFLAGS	= -g -O6 -Wall
--ICFLAGS	= -g -O6
-+ICFLAGS	= -g -O6 -dynamiclib
- #ICFLAGS	= -g -O3 -Wall
- #ICFLAGS	= -g -O3
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+--- Makefile.orig	2012-02-05 00:48:43.000000000 -0600
++++ Makefile	2014-10-01 20:33:03.000000000 -0500
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
  #  Linux
- # Gcc 2.8.1 or higher on i686.
--XCFLAGS	= -mcpu=pentiumpro -malign-double -DHAVE_IEEE_754 -DBSD
+ # Gcc 4.2.4 or higher on i686.
+-XCFLAGS	= -mtune=native -malign-double -DHAVE_IEEE_754 -DBSD
  # Gcc 3.2.2 or higher on i686.
- #XCFLAGS	= -mcpu=pentium4 -malign-double -DHAVE_IEEE_754 -DBSD
- # Icc on i686.
-@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
+ #XCFLAGS	= -mtune=pentium4 -malign-double -DHAVE_IEEE_754 -DBSD
+ # Gcc 2.8.1 on i686.
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
  	@for dir in $(DIRS); do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making $$dir ...; \
@@ -27,7 +18,7 @@
  nanotrav: build
-@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
+@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
  	@for dir in mnemosyne $(DIRS); do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making $$dir ...; \
@@ -36,7 +27,7 @@
-@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
  	@for dir in $(DIRS); do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making $$dir ...; \
@@ -45,7 +36,7 @@
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
+@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
  	@for dir in $(DIRS) obj; do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making lint in $$dir ...; \
@@ -54,7 +45,7 @@
-@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
+@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
  	@for dir in $(DIRS) obj; do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making tags in $$dir ...; \
@@ -63,7 +54,7 @@
-@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
  	@for dir in $(DIRS); do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making all in $$dir ...; \
@@ -72,7 +63,7 @@
-@@ -269,18 +269,18 @@
+@@ -273,18 +273,18 @@
  	@for dir in util st mtr epd; do \
  		(cd $$dir; \
  		echo Making $$dir ...; \
@@ -94,7 +85,7 @@
  	@(cd obj; \
  	echo Making obj ...; \
-@@ -294,12 +294,12 @@
+@@ -298,12 +298,12 @@
  testdddmp: build
  	@(cd dddmp; \
  	echo Making testdddmp ...; \

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- oldcudd/Makefile	1999-08-20 00:34:24.000000000 +0200
-+++ cudd/Makefile	2008-08-16 17:56:14.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- #EXE	= .exe
--ICFLAGS	= -g
-+ICFLAGS	= -g -dynamiclib

Added: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-cudd.h.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-cudd.h.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-cudd-cudd.h.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+--- cudd/cudd.h.orig	2012-02-04 19:07:33.000000000 -0600
++++ cudd/cudd.h	2014-10-01 20:48:15.000000000 -0500
+@@ -75,14 +75,22 @@
+ #define CUDD_VERSION "2.5.0"
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_VOID_P
++#if __LP64__
++#define SIZEOF_VOID_P 8
+ #define SIZEOF_VOID_P 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_INT
+ #define SIZEOF_INT 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_LONG
++#if __LP64__
++#define SIZEOF_LONG 8
+ #define SIZEOF_LONG 4
+ #endif
+ #define CUDD_TRUE 1
+ #define CUDD_FALSE 0

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-dddmp-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-dddmp-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-dddmp-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
---- olddddmp/Makefile	2004-02-20 17:13:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ dddmp/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:30:14.000000000 +0200
+--- dddmp/Makefile.orig	2012-02-04 21:53:21.000000000 -0600
++++ dddmp/Makefile	2014-10-01 20:33:16.000000000 -0500
 @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
  # Settings for optimized code with gcc
  #ICFLAGS	= -g -Wall
  #ICFLAGS	= -g -O3 -Wall
 -ICFLAGS	= -g -O6 -Wall
-+ICFLAGS	= -g -O6 -Wall -dynamiclib
++ICFLAGS	= -g -O3 -Wall
  # Define Machine Dependent Flags #

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-epd-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-epd-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-epd-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
---- oldepd/Makefile	2003-12-31 17:31:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ epd/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:30:31.000000000 +0200
+--- epd/Makefile.orig	2003-12-31 10:31:30.000000000 -0600
++++ epd/Makefile	2014-10-01 20:33:09.000000000 -0500
 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  RANLIB	= ranlib
 -ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -Wall
-+ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -Wall -dynamiclib
++ICFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall
  LINTFLAGS = -u -n

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- oldmtr/Makefile	2004-01-01 19:47:16.000000000 +0100
-+++ mtr/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:31:05.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- #EXE	= .exe
- MFLAG   =
--ICFLAGS = -g
-+ICFLAGS = -g -dynamiclib

Added: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-mtr.h.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-mtr.h.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-mtr-mtr.h.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- mtr/mtr.h.orig	2012-02-04 19:06:22.000000000 -0600
++++ mtr/mtr.h	2014-10-01 20:48:40.000000000 -0500
+@@ -72,8 +72,12 @@
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_VOID_P
++#if __LP64__
++#define SIZEOF_VOID_P 8
+ #define SIZEOF_VOID_P 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_INT
+ #define SIZEOF_INT 4
+ #endif

Added: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-nanotrav-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-nanotrav-Makefile.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-nanotrav-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- nanotrav/Makefile.orig	1999-08-31 14:12:55.000000000 -0500
++++ nanotrav/Makefile	2014-10-01 20:33:46.000000000 -0500
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+-ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -Wall
++ICFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall
+ #ICFLAGS = -g -Wall
+ #XCFLAGS = -xtaso -ieee_with_no_inexact -tune host

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- oldobj/Makefile	2001-03-19 08:35:09.000000000 +0100
-+++ obj/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:31:37.000000000 +0200
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- #EXE	= .exe
--ICFLAGS = -g
-+ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -dynamiclib

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.cc.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.cc.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.cc.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
---- oldobj/cuddObj.cc	2004-08-24 23:13:14.000000000 +0200
-+++ obj/cuddObj.cc	2008-08-16 18:36:28.000000000 +0200
-@@ -94,84 +94,6 @@
- } // DD::DD
--inline DdManager *
--  const DD &other) const
--    DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
--    if (mgr != other.ddMgr->p->manager) {
--	ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Operands come from different manager.");
--    }
--    return mgr;
--} // DD::checkSameManager
--inline void
--  const DdNode *result) const
--    if (result == 0) {
--	DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
--	Cudd_ErrorType errType = Cudd_ReadErrorCode(mgr);
--	switch (errType) {
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
--	    break;
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Maximum memory exceeded.");
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Invalid argument.");
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
--	    break;
--	default:
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Unexpected error.");
--	    break;
--	}
--    }
--} // DD::checkReturnValue
--inline void
--  const int result,
--  const int expected) const
--    if (result != expected) {
--	DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
--	Cudd_ErrorType errType = Cudd_ReadErrorCode(mgr);
--	switch (errType) {
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
--	    break;
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Maximum memory exceeded.");
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Invalid argument.");
--	    break;
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
--	    break;
--	default:
--	    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Unexpected error.");
--	    break;
--	}
--    }
--} // DD::checkReturnValue
- Cudd *
- DD::manager() const
- {
-@@ -180,14 +102,6 @@
- } // DD::manager
--inline DdNode *
--DD::getNode() const
--    return node;
--} // DD::getNode
- int
- DD::nodeCount() const
- {
-@@ -1097,36 +1011,6 @@
- } // Cudd::getHandler
--inline void
--  const DdNode *result) const
--    if (result == 0) {
--	if (Cudd_ReadErrorCode(p->manager) == CUDD_MEMORY_OUT) {
--	    p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
--	} else {
--	    p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
--	}
--    }
--} // Cudd::checkReturnValue
--inline void
--  const int result) const
--    if (result == 0) {
--	if (Cudd_ReadErrorCode(p->manager) == CUDD_MEMORY_OUT) {
--	    p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
--	} else {
--	    p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
--	}
--    }
--} // Cudd::checkReturnValue
- void
- Cudd::info() const
- {

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.hh.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.hh.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-obj-cuddObj.hh.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
---- obj/cuddObj.hh	2004-08-24 23:13:14.000000000 +0200
-+++ obj/cuddObj.hh	2010-03-08 11:59:35.000000000 +0100
-@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
- /* Type definitions                                                          */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-+class DD;
- class ADD;
- class BDD;
- class ZDD;
-@@ -89,6 +90,232 @@
- /**Class***********************************************************************
-+  Synopsis     [Class for CUDD managers.]
-+  Description  []
-+  SeeAlso      [DD]
-+class Cudd {
-+    friend class DD;
-+    friend class ABDD;
-+    friend class ADD;
-+    friend class BDD;
-+    friend class ZDD;
-+    struct capsule {
-+	DdManager *manager;
-+	PFC errorHandler;
-+	int verbose;
-+	int ref;
-+    };
-+    capsule *p;
-+    Cudd(
-+      unsigned int numVars = 0,
-+      unsigned int numVarsZ = 0,
-+      unsigned int numSlots = CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS,
-+      unsigned int cacheSize = CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS,
-+      unsigned long maxMemory = 0);
-+    Cudd(Cudd& x);
-+    ~Cudd();
-+    PFC setHandler(PFC newHandler);
-+    PFC getHandler() const;
-+    DdManager *getManager() const {return p->manager;}
-+    inline void makeVerbose() {p->verbose = 1;}
-+    inline void makeTerse() {p->verbose = 0;}
-+    inline int isVerbose() const {return p->verbose;}
-+    inline void checkReturnValue(const DdNode *result) const {
-+        if (result == 0) {
-+            if (Cudd_ReadErrorCode(p->manager) == CUDD_MEMORY_OUT) {
-+                p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
-+            } else {
-+                p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    inline void checkReturnValue(const int result) const {
-+        if (result == 0) {
-+            if (Cudd_ReadErrorCode(p->manager) == CUDD_MEMORY_OUT) {
-+                p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
-+            } else {
-+                p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    Cudd& operator=(const Cudd& right);
-+    void info() const;
-+    BDD bddVar();
-+    BDD bddVar(int index);
-+    BDD bddOne();
-+    BDD bddZero();
-+    ADD addVar();
-+    ADD addVar(int index);
-+    ADD addOne();
-+    ADD addZero();
-+    ADD constant(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE c);
-+    ADD plusInfinity();
-+    ADD minusInfinity();
-+    ZDD zddVar(int index);
-+    ZDD zddOne(int i);
-+    ZDD zddZero();
-+    ADD addNewVarAtLevel(int level);
-+    BDD bddNewVarAtLevel(int level);
-+    void zddVarsFromBddVars(int multiplicity);
-+    void AutodynEnable(Cudd_ReorderingType method);
-+    void AutodynDisable();
-+    int ReorderingStatus(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
-+    void AutodynEnableZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType method);
-+    void AutodynDisableZdd();
-+    int ReorderingStatusZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
-+    int zddRealignmentEnabled() const;
-+    void zddRealignEnable();
-+    void zddRealignDisable();
-+    int bddRealignmentEnabled() const;
-+    void bddRealignEnable();
-+    void bddRealignDisable();
-+    ADD background();
-+    void SetBackground(ADD bg);
-+    unsigned int ReadCacheSlots() const;
-+    double ReadCacheUsedSlots() const;
-+    double ReadCacheLookUps() const;
-+    double ReadCacheHits() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadMinHit() const;
-+    void SetMinHit(unsigned int hr);
-+    unsigned int ReadLooseUpTo() const;
-+    void SetLooseUpTo(unsigned int lut);
-+    unsigned int ReadMaxCache() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadMaxCacheHard() const;
-+    void SetMaxCacheHard(unsigned int mc);
-+    int ReadSize() const;
-+    int ReadZddSize() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadSlots() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadKeys() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadDead() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadMinDead() const;
-+    int ReadReorderings() const;
-+    long ReadReorderingTime() const;
-+    int ReadGarbageCollections() const;
-+    long ReadGarbageCollectionTime() const;
-+    int ReadSiftMaxVar() const;
-+    void SetSiftMaxVar(int smv);
-+    int ReadSiftMaxSwap() const;
-+    void SetSiftMaxSwap(int sms);
-+    double ReadMaxGrowth() const;
-+    void SetMaxGrowth(double mg);
-+    MtrNode * ReadTree() const;
-+    void SetTree(MtrNode * tree);
-+    void FreeTree();
-+    MtrNode * ReadZddTree() const;
-+    void SetZddTree(MtrNode * tree);
-+    void FreeZddTree();
-+    int ReadPerm(int i) const;
-+    int ReadPermZdd(int i) const;
-+    int ReadInvPerm(int i) const;
-+    int ReadInvPermZdd(int i) const;
-+    BDD ReadVars(int i);
-+    CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ReadEpsilon() const;
-+    void SetEpsilon(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ep);
-+    Cudd_AggregationType ReadGroupcheck() const;
-+    void SetGroupcheck(Cudd_AggregationType gc);
-+    int GarbageCollectionEnabled() const;
-+    void EnableGarbageCollection();
-+    void DisableGarbageCollection();
-+    int DeadAreCounted() const;
-+    void TurnOnCountDead();
-+    void TurnOffCountDead();
-+    int ReadRecomb() const;
-+    void SetRecomb(int recomb);
-+    int ReadSymmviolation() const;
-+    void SetSymmviolation(int symmviolation);
-+    int ReadArcviolation() const;
-+    void SetArcviolation(int arcviolation);
-+    int ReadPopulationSize() const;
-+    void SetPopulationSize(int populationSize);
-+    int ReadNumberXovers() const;
-+    void SetNumberXovers(int numberXovers);
-+    unsigned long ReadMemoryInUse() const;
-+    long ReadPeakNodeCount() const;
-+    long ReadNodeCount() const;
-+    long zddReadNodeCount() const;
-+    void AddHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where);
-+    void RemoveHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where);
-+    int IsInHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where) const;
-+    void EnableReorderingReporting();
-+    void DisableReorderingReporting();
-+    int ReorderingReporting();
-+    int ReadErrorCode() const;
-+    void ClearErrorCode();
-+    FILE *ReadStdout() const;
-+    void SetStdout(FILE *);
-+    FILE *ReadStderr() const;
-+    void SetStderr(FILE *);
-+    unsigned int ReadNextReordering() const;
-+    double ReadSwapSteps() const;
-+    unsigned int ReadMaxLive() const;
-+    void SetMaxLive(unsigned int);
-+    unsigned long ReadMaxMemory() const;
-+    void SetMaxMemory(unsigned long);
-+    int bddBindVar(int);
-+    int bddUnbindVar(int);
-+    int bddVarIsBound(int) const;
-+    ADD Walsh(ADDvector x, ADDvector y);
-+    ADD addResidue(int n, int m, int options, int top);
-+    int ApaNumberOfDigits(int binaryDigits) const;
-+    DdApaNumber NewApaNumber(int digits) const;
-+    void ApaCopy(int digits, DdApaNumber source, DdApaNumber dest) const;
-+    DdApaDigit ApaAdd(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b, DdApaNumber
-+		      sum) const;
-+    DdApaDigit ApaSubtract(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b,
-+			   DdApaNumber diff) const;
-+    DdApaDigit ApaShortDivision(int digits, DdApaNumber dividend, DdApaDigit
-+				divisor, DdApaNumber quotient) const;
-+    void ApaShiftRight(int digits, DdApaDigit in, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber
-+		       b) const;
-+    void ApaSetToLiteral(int digits, DdApaNumber number, DdApaDigit literal)
-+      const;
-+    void ApaPowerOfTwo(int digits, DdApaNumber number, int power) const;
-+    void ApaPrintHex(FILE * fp, int digits, DdApaNumber number) const;
-+    void ApaPrintDecimal(FILE * fp, int digits, DdApaNumber number) const;
-+    void DebugCheck();
-+    void CheckKeys();
-+    MtrNode * MakeTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size, unsigned int type);
-+    // void Harwell(FILE * fp, ADD* E, ADD** x, ADD** y, ADD** xn, ADD** yn_, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy, int pr);
-+    void PrintLinear();
-+    int ReadLinear(int x, int y);
-+    BDD Xgty(BDDvector z, BDDvector x, BDDvector y);
-+    BDD Xeqy(BDDvector x, BDDvector y);
-+    ADD Xeqy(ADDvector x, ADDvector y);
-+    BDD Dxygtdxz(BDDvector x, BDDvector y, BDDvector z);
-+    BDD Dxygtdyz(BDDvector x, BDDvector y, BDDvector z);
-+    ADD Hamming(ADDvector xVars, ADDvector yVars);
-+    // void Read(FILE * fp, ADD* E, ADD** x, ADD** y, ADD** xn, ADD** yn_, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy);
-+    // void Read(FILE * fp, BDD* E, BDD** x, BDD** y, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy);
-+    void ReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic, int minsize);
-+    void ShuffleHeap(int * permutation);
-+    void SymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
-+    unsigned int Prime(unsigned int pr) const;
-+    int SharingSize(DD* nodes, int n) const;
-+    BDD bddComputeCube(BDD * vars, int * phase, int n);
-+    ADD addComputeCube(ADD * vars, int * phase, int n);
-+    int NextNode(DdGen * gen, BDD * nnode);
-+    BDD IndicesToCube(int * array, int n);
-+    void PrintVersion(FILE * fp) const;
-+    double AverageDistance() const;
-+    long Random();
-+    void Srandom(long seed);
-+    MtrNode * MakeZddTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size, unsigned int type);
-+    void zddPrintSubtable() const;
-+    void zddReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic, int minsize);
-+    void zddShuffleHeap(int * permutation);
-+    void zddSymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
-+  //void DumpDot(int n, ZDD* f, char ** inames, char ** onames, FILE * fp);
-+}; // Cudd
-   Synopsis     [Base class for all decision diagrams in CUDD.]
-   Description  []
-@@ -103,16 +330,73 @@
-     friend class ZDD;
-     Cudd *ddMgr;
-     DdNode *node;
--    inline DdManager * checkSameManager(const DD &other) const;
--    inline void checkReturnValue(const DdNode *result) const;
--    inline void checkReturnValue(const int result, const int expected = 1)
--	const;
-+    inline DdManager * checkSameManager(const DD &other) const {
-+        DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
-+        if (mgr != other.ddMgr->p->manager) {
-+            ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Operands come from different manager.");
-+        }
-+        return mgr;
-+    }
-+    inline void checkReturnValue(const DdNode *result) const {
-+        if (result == 0) {
-+            DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
-+            Cudd_ErrorType errType = Cudd_ReadErrorCode(mgr);
-+            switch (errType) {
-+                case CUDD_MEMORY_OUT:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_TOO_MANY_NODES:
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_MAX_MEM_EXCEEDED:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Maximum memory exceeded.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_INVALID_ARG:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Invalid argument.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_INTERNAL_ERROR:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_NO_ERROR:
-+                default:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Unexpected error.");
-+                    break;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
-+    inline void checkReturnValue(const int result, const int expected = 1) const {
-+        if (result != expected) {
-+            DdManager *mgr = ddMgr->p->manager;
-+            Cudd_ErrorType errType = Cudd_ReadErrorCode(mgr);
-+            switch (errType) {
-+                case CUDD_MEMORY_OUT:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Out of memory.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_TOO_MANY_NODES:
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_MAX_MEM_EXCEEDED:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Maximum memory exceeded.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_INVALID_ARG:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Invalid argument.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_INTERNAL_ERROR:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Internal error.");
-+                    break;
-+                case CUDD_NO_ERROR:
-+                default:
-+                    ddMgr->p->errorHandler("Unexpected error.");
-+                    break;
-+            }
-+        }
-+    }
- public:
-     DD(Cudd *ddManager, DdNode *ddNode);
-     DD();
-     DD(const DD &from);
-     Cudd *manager() const;
--    inline DdNode * getNode() const;
-+    inline DdNode * getNode() const {
-+        return node;
-+    }
-     int nodeCount() const;
-     unsigned int NodeReadIndex() const;
-@@ -442,215 +726,6 @@
- }; // ZDD
--  Synopsis     [Class for CUDD managers.]
--  Description  []
--  SeeAlso      [DD]
--class Cudd {
--    friend class DD;
--    friend class ABDD;
--    friend class ADD;
--    friend class BDD;
--    friend class ZDD;
--    struct capsule {
--	DdManager *manager;
--	PFC errorHandler;
--	int verbose;
--	int ref;
--    };
--    capsule *p;
--    Cudd(
--      unsigned int numVars = 0,
--      unsigned int numVarsZ = 0,
--      unsigned int numSlots = CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS,
--      unsigned int cacheSize = CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS,
--      unsigned long maxMemory = 0);
--    Cudd(Cudd& x);
--    ~Cudd();
--    PFC setHandler(PFC newHandler);
--    PFC getHandler() const;
--    DdManager *getManager() const {return p->manager;}
--    inline void makeVerbose() {p->verbose = 1;}
--    inline void makeTerse() {p->verbose = 0;}
--    inline int isVerbose() const {return p->verbose;}
--    inline void checkReturnValue(const DdNode *result) const;
--    inline void checkReturnValue(const int result) const;
--    Cudd& operator=(const Cudd& right);
--    void info() const;
--    BDD bddVar();
--    BDD bddVar(int index);
--    BDD bddOne();
--    BDD bddZero();
--    ADD addVar();
--    ADD addVar(int index);
--    ADD addOne();
--    ADD addZero();
--    ADD constant(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE c);
--    ADD plusInfinity();
--    ADD minusInfinity();
--    ZDD zddVar(int index);
--    ZDD zddOne(int i);
--    ZDD zddZero();
--    ADD addNewVarAtLevel(int level);
--    BDD bddNewVarAtLevel(int level);
--    void zddVarsFromBddVars(int multiplicity);
--    void AutodynEnable(Cudd_ReorderingType method);
--    void AutodynDisable();
--    int ReorderingStatus(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
--    void AutodynEnableZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType method);
--    void AutodynDisableZdd();
--    int ReorderingStatusZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
--    int zddRealignmentEnabled() const;
--    void zddRealignEnable();
--    void zddRealignDisable();
--    int bddRealignmentEnabled() const;
--    void bddRealignEnable();
--    void bddRealignDisable();
--    ADD background();
--    void SetBackground(ADD bg);
--    unsigned int ReadCacheSlots() const;
--    double ReadCacheUsedSlots() const;
--    double ReadCacheLookUps() const;
--    double ReadCacheHits() const;
--    unsigned int ReadMinHit() const;
--    void SetMinHit(unsigned int hr);
--    unsigned int ReadLooseUpTo() const;
--    void SetLooseUpTo(unsigned int lut);
--    unsigned int ReadMaxCache() const;
--    unsigned int ReadMaxCacheHard() const;
--    void SetMaxCacheHard(unsigned int mc);
--    int ReadSize() const;
--    int ReadZddSize() const;
--    unsigned int ReadSlots() const;
--    unsigned int ReadKeys() const;
--    unsigned int ReadDead() const;
--    unsigned int ReadMinDead() const;
--    int ReadReorderings() const;
--    long ReadReorderingTime() const;
--    int ReadGarbageCollections() const;
--    long ReadGarbageCollectionTime() const;
--    int ReadSiftMaxVar() const;
--    void SetSiftMaxVar(int smv);
--    int ReadSiftMaxSwap() const;
--    void SetSiftMaxSwap(int sms);
--    double ReadMaxGrowth() const;
--    void SetMaxGrowth(double mg);
--    MtrNode * ReadTree() const;
--    void SetTree(MtrNode * tree);
--    void FreeTree();
--    MtrNode * ReadZddTree() const;
--    void SetZddTree(MtrNode * tree);
--    void FreeZddTree();
--    int ReadPerm(int i) const;
--    int ReadPermZdd(int i) const;
--    int ReadInvPerm(int i) const;
--    int ReadInvPermZdd(int i) const;
--    BDD ReadVars(int i);
--    CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ReadEpsilon() const;
--    void SetEpsilon(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ep);
--    Cudd_AggregationType ReadGroupcheck() const;
--    void SetGroupcheck(Cudd_AggregationType gc);
--    int GarbageCollectionEnabled() const;
--    void EnableGarbageCollection();
--    void DisableGarbageCollection();
--    int DeadAreCounted() const;
--    void TurnOnCountDead();
--    void TurnOffCountDead();
--    int ReadRecomb() const;
--    void SetRecomb(int recomb);
--    int ReadSymmviolation() const;
--    void SetSymmviolation(int symmviolation);
--    int ReadArcviolation() const;
--    void SetArcviolation(int arcviolation);
--    int ReadPopulationSize() const;
--    void SetPopulationSize(int populationSize);
--    int ReadNumberXovers() const;
--    void SetNumberXovers(int numberXovers);
--    unsigned long ReadMemoryInUse() const;
--    long ReadPeakNodeCount() const;
--    long ReadNodeCount() const;
--    long zddReadNodeCount() const;
--    void AddHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where);
--    void RemoveHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where);
--    int IsInHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where) const;
--    void EnableReorderingReporting();
--    void DisableReorderingReporting();
--    int ReorderingReporting();
--    int ReadErrorCode() const;
--    void ClearErrorCode();
--    FILE *ReadStdout() const;
--    void SetStdout(FILE *);
--    FILE *ReadStderr() const;
--    void SetStderr(FILE *);
--    unsigned int ReadNextReordering() const;
--    double ReadSwapSteps() const;
--    unsigned int ReadMaxLive() const;
--    void SetMaxLive(unsigned int);
--    unsigned long ReadMaxMemory() const;
--    void SetMaxMemory(unsigned long);
--    int bddBindVar(int);
--    int bddUnbindVar(int);
--    int bddVarIsBound(int) const;
--    ADD Walsh(ADDvector x, ADDvector y);
--    ADD addResidue(int n, int m, int options, int top);
--    int ApaNumberOfDigits(int binaryDigits) const;
--    DdApaNumber NewApaNumber(int digits) const;
--    void ApaCopy(int digits, DdApaNumber source, DdApaNumber dest) const;
--    DdApaDigit ApaAdd(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b, DdApaNumber
--		      sum) const;
--    DdApaDigit ApaSubtract(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b,
--			   DdApaNumber diff) const;
--    DdApaDigit ApaShortDivision(int digits, DdApaNumber dividend, DdApaDigit
--				divisor, DdApaNumber quotient) const;
--    void ApaShiftRight(int digits, DdApaDigit in, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber
--		       b) const;
--    void ApaSetToLiteral(int digits, DdApaNumber number, DdApaDigit literal)
--      const;
--    void ApaPowerOfTwo(int digits, DdApaNumber number, int power) const;
--    void ApaPrintHex(FILE * fp, int digits, DdApaNumber number) const;
--    void ApaPrintDecimal(FILE * fp, int digits, DdApaNumber number) const;
--    void DebugCheck();
--    void CheckKeys();
--    MtrNode * MakeTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size, unsigned int type);
--    // void Harwell(FILE * fp, ADD* E, ADD** x, ADD** y, ADD** xn, ADD** yn_, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy, int pr);
--    void PrintLinear();
--    int ReadLinear(int x, int y);
--    BDD Xgty(BDDvector z, BDDvector x, BDDvector y);
--    BDD Xeqy(BDDvector x, BDDvector y);
--    ADD Xeqy(ADDvector x, ADDvector y);
--    BDD Dxygtdxz(BDDvector x, BDDvector y, BDDvector z);
--    BDD Dxygtdyz(BDDvector x, BDDvector y, BDDvector z);
--    ADD Hamming(ADDvector xVars, ADDvector yVars);
--    // void Read(FILE * fp, ADD* E, ADD** x, ADD** y, ADD** xn, ADD** yn_, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy);
--    // void Read(FILE * fp, BDD* E, BDD** x, BDD** y, int * nx, int * ny, int * m, int * n, int bx, int sx, int by, int sy);
--    void ReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic, int minsize);
--    void ShuffleHeap(int * permutation);
--    void SymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
--    unsigned int Prime(unsigned int pr) const;
--    int SharingSize(DD* nodes, int n) const;
--    BDD bddComputeCube(BDD * vars, int * phase, int n);
--    ADD addComputeCube(ADD * vars, int * phase, int n);
--    int NextNode(DdGen * gen, BDD * nnode);
--    BDD IndicesToCube(int * array, int n);
--    void PrintVersion(FILE * fp) const;
--    double AverageDistance() const;
--    long Random();
--    void Srandom(long seed);
--    MtrNode * MakeZddTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size, unsigned int type);
--    void zddPrintSubtable() const;
--    void zddReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic, int minsize);
--    void zddShuffleHeap(int * permutation);
--    void zddSymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
--  //void DumpDot(int n, ZDD* f, char ** inames, char ** onames, FILE * fp);
--}; // Cudd
- /**Class***********************************************************************

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-st-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-st-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-st-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
---- oldst/Makefile	2004-01-01 17:53:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ st/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:31:31.000000000 +0200
+--- st/Makefile.orig	2004-01-01 10:53:24.000000000 -0600
++++ st/Makefile	2014-10-01 20:32:35.000000000 -0500
 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  RANLIB	= ranlib
 -ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -Wall
-+ICFLAGS = -g -O6 -Wall -dynamiclib
++ICFLAGS = -g -O3 -Wall
  LINTFLAGS = -u -n

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 02:03:56 UTC (rev 126019)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-Makefile.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- oldutil/Makefile	2004-01-03 18:15:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ util/Makefile	2008-08-16 18:31:45.000000000 +0200
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- MFLAG   =
--ICFLAGS = -g
-+ICFLAGS = -g -dynamiclib
- LINTFLAGS = -u -n

Added: trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-util.h.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-util.h.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libcudd/files/patch-util-util.h.diff	2014-10-02 04:17:52 UTC (rev 126020)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+--- util/util.h.orig	2012-02-04 23:35:52.000000000 -0600
++++ util/util.h	2014-10-01 20:48:32.000000000 -0500
+@@ -20,14 +20,22 @@
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_VOID_P
++#if __LP64__
++#define SIZEOF_VOID_P 8
+ #define SIZEOF_VOID_P 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_INT
+ #define SIZEOF_INT 4
+ #endif
+ #ifndef SIZEOF_LONG
++#if __LP64__
++#define SIZEOF_LONG 8
+ #define SIZEOF_LONG 4
+ #endif
+ #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
+ typedef long util_ptrint;
-------------- next part --------------
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