[MacPorts] egall modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Oct 11 16:38:29 PDT 2014

Page "egall" was changed by egall at gwmail.gwu.edu
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/egall?action=diff&version=24>
Revision 24
Comment: remind myself to open a ticket with a patch for the gob1 port
Index: egall
--- egall (version: 23)
+++ egall (version: 24)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
  - ~~samba3 +kerberos+openldap~~ (found the following tickets open against samba3: #30951, #34572, and #39997. None of them are really build errors though...)
  - ~~sudo +insults+openldap~~ (found #21314, #40644, and #40959. None of them are really build errors though...)
  - ~~mapnik +cairo+gdal+osm+postgis+sqlite (the `+cairo` variant in particular is what I think is the issue... also the `scons`-based build system ignores stuff.)~~ (found #30187, #32452, #35323, #37995, and #38417; I think #36134 in particular is the issue I was experiencing though)
- - gob1 (not actually broken, just installs /opt/local/share/aclocal/gob.m4 which produces underquoted macro warnings when autoreconfing)
+ - ~~gob1 (not actually broken, just installs /opt/local/share/aclocal/gob.m4 which produces underquoted macro warnings when autoreconfing)~~ fixed locally, just need to generate a patch for the Portfile, and then contribute it along with my macrofile-patch back upstream...
  - libmemcached +dtrace+hsieh (found tickets for other memcached ports, but '''not''' this one though...)
  - gnome-vfs +avahi (just the post-activate gconf schemas installation)
  - linuxdoc-tools (found #42988, which was the same issue. Running into something else now though...)

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/egall>
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