[127557] trunk/dports/science/uhd/Portfile

michaelld at macports.org michaelld at macports.org
Wed Oct 29 08:27:03 PDT 2014

Revision: 127557
Author:   michaelld at macports.org
Date:     2014-10-29 08:27:03 -0700 (Wed, 29 Oct 2014)
Log Message:
+ update release to 3.8.0;
+ update devel to a60e3083 (20141028);
+ fix versioning of devel to be just the date;
+ fix homepage, post github Portgroup setting;
+ add comments about various settings.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/uhd/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/uhd/Portfile	2014-10-29 15:19:19 UTC (rev 127556)
+++ trunk/dports/science/uhd/Portfile	2014-10-29 15:27:03 UTC (rev 127557)
@@ -10,27 +10,23 @@
 maintainers         michaelld
 description         USRP Hardware Driver for Ettus Research Products
 license             GPL-3+
-homepage            https://ettus-apps.sourcerepo.com/redmine/ettus/projects/uhd/wiki
 platforms           darwin
+# common directory for storing downloaded tarballs
 dist_subdir         uhd
-set major           3
-set minor           7
-set patch           3
-set base_version    [join "${major} ${minor} ${patch}" .]
-set devel_version   [join "${major} [expr {${minor} + 1}]" .]
 if {${subport} eq ${name}} {
     long_description ${description}: \
 Provides the release version, which is typically updated every month or so.
+    set base_version 3.8.0
     github.setup    EttusResearch uhd 00[join [split ${base_version} "."] "_00"] release_
     version         ${base_version}
     conflicts       uhd-devel
-    checksums       rmd160 a355c46091c32847bc0fc164b0749beb308d4ac5 \
-                    sha256 030660a40a202dfabc3144897fe80cd5cd3eac7b2c29e5fc44a0457490d1030c
+    checksums       rmd160 9c1ddfc1b0c1df7e7747fc242c7085ebc2347380 \
+                    sha256 a1e5b359cbf7decafabc95b848184809884583eba34b429d5ee9dd51a0c32742
     # overload the github livecheck regex to look for versions that
     # are just numbers and '_', no letters (e.g., "3.7.3_rc2").
@@ -44,22 +40,26 @@
     long_description ${description}: \
 Provides the UHD GIT maint or master branch, depending on which is more advanced, and is typically updated every few days to week.
-    github.setup    EttusResearch uhd 3351f4d92b283e99239d7bd7cd7ff3cd391817f1
-    version         ${devel_version}_20141021
+    github.setup    EttusResearch uhd a60e3083214f24adfb6556a5fdb068433eba4543
+    version         20141028
     name            uhd-devel
     conflicts       uhd
-    checksums       rmd160 e425fdccc83916d24693dbd5f2964b6ca0d33c11 \
-                    sha256 2a5ffe0e06d32379c5472a92833d428bd302f20779294ff5a873ecfcf1b4f53b
+    checksums       rmd160 ec448c2782be3c5f537fe9ade06033e7c4f79c6f \
+                    sha256 0289ae0b521afb83e1eb6e21adab7c1a1bb9f9d2f8a4d874925d40a1869c901c
     # overload the github livecheck URL with the maint branch,
-    # when it is more advanced
+    # when it is more advanced; comment out for master.
     # livecheck.url   ${github.homepage}/commits/maint.atom
-depends_lib-append	 port:boost port:ncurses
+# override the github Portgroup's homepage setting
+homepage             http://uhd.ettus.com/
+depends_lib-append   port:boost port:ncurses
 depends_build-append port:pkgconfig
 # do VPATH build
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