[125090] trunk/dports/sysutils

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Thu Sep 4 21:16:05 PDT 2014

Revision: 125090
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2014-09-04 21:16:05 -0700 (Thu, 04 Sep 2014)
Log Message:
littleutils: new port, version 1.0.32 (#44880)

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/sysutils/littleutils/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/sysutils/littleutils/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/sysutils/littleutils/Portfile	2014-09-05 04:16:05 UTC (rev 125090)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem          1.0
+name                littleutils
+version             1.0.32
+categories          sysutils
+maintainers         gmail.com:mschamschula openmaintainer
+platforms           darwin
+# Needs to be corrected; see LICENSES file
+#license             GPL-2+
+description         littleutils includes various small and useful command-line utilities
+long_description    The littleutils include a duplicate file finder (repeats), \
+                    image optimizers (opt-jpg, opt-png, opt-gif, recomp-jpg), \
+                    file rename tools (lowercase, uppercase, pren), archive \
+                    recompressors (to-gzip, to-bzip, to-7zip, to-lzma, \
+                    to-lzip, to-xz), a tempfile utility (tempname), file \
+                    property tools (filedate, filemode, filenode, fileown, \
+                    filesize, and lrealpath), and others.
+homepage            https://sourceforge.net/projects/littleutils/
+master_sites        sourceforge:project/littleutils/littleutils-source/${version}/
+use_xz              yes
+checksums           rmd160  5586e6b0f3d41cd3f96b512d6f1dcdb0cedde1da \
+                    sha256  990ab6fbe07333a909d249256e45246a6850f8b1394ad7ad933eb729f08e7ac8
+depends_lib         port:bash \
+                    port:perl5 \
+                    port:python27 \
+                    port:gettext \
+                    port:gifsicle \
+                    port:pngcrush \
+                    port:file \
+                    port:ghostscript \
+                    port:gzip \
+                    port:bzip2 \
+                    port:lzma \
+                    port:p7zip \
+                    port:xz
+configure.env       PROGPYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
+livecheck.regex     /${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}

Property changes on: trunk/dports/sysutils/littleutils/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native
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