[MacPorts] KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Sep 5 15:23:10 PDT 2014

Page "KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status" was changed by mk at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status?action=diff&version=210>
Revision 210
Comment: Move projects beyond KF5 to separate page
Index: KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status
--- KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status (version: 209)
+++ KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status (version: 210)
@@ -347,96 +347,4 @@
 Since the basic set of frameworks is now ready for use on OSX one can go ahead and start building other software depending on KF5.
 A first step is building kdesupport-svn which is a prerequisite for further projects.
-Important projects are e.g. KDevelop, KMyMoney, but also [https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeedu KDE-EDU applications] on their [https://community.kde.org/KDEEdu/RouteToKF5 route to KF5] can serve as good test cases. This is referred to as "Tier 5":
- - kdesupport-svn
- - kio-extras
- - kde-cli-tools
- - khelpcenter (%)
- - kate (+)
- - libkomparediff2
- - kfilemetadata
- - kdevplatform
- - kinfocenter (%)
- - kdevelop (.)
- - okteta  (o)
- - qca
- - konversation (%)
- - konsole ($)
- - akonadi
- - alkimia (needs port gmp installed)
- - prison (needs ports qrencode and "libdmtx -x11" [which pulls also these in: ImageMagick djvulibre fftw-3 fontconfig freetype ghostscript jbig2dec lcms2 urw-fonts webp]) 
- - kmymoney (=1)
- - kde-baseapps (2?)
-KDE edu:
- - libkdeedu (§)
- - libkeduvocdocument
- - analitza
- - kalgebra (!)
- - step (.)
- - kgeography (%)
- - kig (*)
- - kanagram (.)
- - parley (x)
- - kstars (*, needs port eigen3 installed)
- - kqtquickcharts
- - marble (?)
- - artikulate (3)
- - kiten (0)
- - kdepimlibs (4)
- - oxygen (5)
- - pairs (0)
- - rocs (0)
- - klettres (0)
-Unneeded on OSX (tried just for the fun of it):
- - kwin (a)
- - libkscreen (a)
- - kde-runtime (a,b)
- - ktp-common-internals (c)
- - libksysguard (d)
- - khotkeys (e)
- - kmenuedit (e)
- - milou (f)
- - powerdevil (f)
- - baloo (g)
- - xapian
- Legend:
- NOTE 1: Many applications throw {{{QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", ... )}}} errors which might be due to the lack of proper search paths for Qt. '''This is WIP.'''
- NOTE 2: Currently DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is globally set for phonon.
- (%) starts, but unsuccessfully tries to fire up DrKonqi, then keeps running but is not showing sensible content, main menu missing[[BR]]
- (+) application has to be started with "QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster" ([https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=337140 b.k.o. issue 337140])[[BR]]
- (.) exits because of an ASSERT[[BR]]
- (o) throws QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", ... )[[BR]]
- ($) does not start because it can't find dbus atm, i.e. exits gracefully[[BR]]
- (=) crashes at startup although with and without setting raster graphics[[BR]]
- (§) according to PovAddictW not very much useful in there anymore these days (kalgebra doesn't need it)[[BR]]
- (!) application can actually be executed successfully[[BR]]
- (*) crashes because some config files can't be found[[BR]]
- (x) starts, but some config files can't be found[[BR]] 
- (?) starting application still untested[[BR]]
- (0) not ported yet[[BR]]
- (1) kmymoney has some [http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kmymoney-devel/2014-July/012773.html (temporally) optional frameworks][[BR]]
- (2) needs fixing spaces in DTD path (see also [https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119363/ patch regarding docbook DTD])[[BR]]
- (3) Qt5GStreamer needed[[BR]]
- (4) build failure due to [http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-August/018479.html kdepimlibs/akonadi][[BR]]
- (5) needs kwin, but according to [http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:KDE/Frameworks#kdelibs info for gentoo] this can be optional[[BR]]
- (a) FWs require Qt5X11Extras, although it is switched off in global configuration using -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11=ON[[BR]]
- (b) kde-runtime is not needed, since its functionality is currently getting ported into other KF5 FWs step by step[[BR]]
- (c) ktp-common-internals requires TelepathyQt5[[BR]]
- (d) libksysguard is [http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-July/017312.html broken] (see also [http://stackoverflow.com/a/19637199/2858390 this])[[BR]]
- (e) need libksysguard[[BR]]
- (f) needs baloo[[BR]]
- (g) needs [http://xapian.org xapian][[BR]]
+Important projects are e.g. KDevelop, KMyMoney, but also [https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeedu KDE-EDU applications] on their [https://community.kde.org/KDEEdu/RouteToKF5 route to KF5] can serve as good test cases. This is referred to as "Tier 5" and details can be found  [wiki:/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status/ProjectsBeyondKF5 here].

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status>
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