[125955] trunk/dports/kde/koffice
nicos at macports.org
nicos at macports.org
Tue Sep 30 04:23:25 PDT 2014
Revision: 125955
Author: nicos at macports.org
Date: 2014-09-30 04:23:25 -0700 (Tue, 30 Sep 2014)
Log Message:
koffice: made obsolete
Modified Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/kde/koffice/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/kde/koffice/Portfile 2014-09-30 11:01:14 UTC (rev 125954)
+++ trunk/dports/kde/koffice/Portfile 2014-09-30 11:23:25 UTC (rev 125955)
@@ -4,103 +4,22 @@
name koffice
version 1.6.3
-revision 4
-set kdeadmin kde-admindir-790
-categories kde kde3
-license GPL-2
-maintainers nomaintainer
-description KDE office suite. \
- NB KDE sound does not work.
-long_description ${description}
-platforms darwin
-homepage http://www.koffice.org/
-master_sites kde:stable/${name}-${version}/src/:koffice \
- http://ranger.users.finkproject.org/distfiles/:admin \
- http://ranger.befunk.com/fink/:admin \
- http://astrange.ithinksw.net/~astrange/ranger-fink/:admin \
- http://www.southofheaven.net/befunk/:admin
-use_bzip2 yes
-distfiles ${distname}.tar.bz2:koffice \
- ${kdeadmin}.tar.bz2:admin
-depends_build port:autoconf263 \
- port:unsermake
-depends_lib port:kdebase3 \
- port:ImageMagick \
- port:lcms \
- port:libexif \
- port:libwpd \
- path:lib/mysql5:mysql5 \
- port:ruby \
- port:wv2
-# port:python24 can't be found. looking for .so
-# port:postgresql80 can't be found. looking for .so
+revision 5
-checksums ${distname}.tar.bz2 md5 386d388094734f9759977c3267098e30 \
- ${kdeadmin}.tar.bz2 md5 8a098eeb808331ddf5912f7a8a184dd5
+platforms darwin
+maintainers nomaintainer
+supported_archs noarch
+description this port is only a stub and has been made obsolete
+default long_description ${description}
-extract.only ${distname}.tar.bz2
-post-extract { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && bzcat -dc ${distpath}/${kdeadmin}.tar.bz2 | tar xf -" }
+homepage http://www.macports.org/
-patchfiles koffice-tiger.patch.bz2 \
- CVE-2007-3387_4352_5392_5393.patch \
- patch-kexi_kexidb_drivers_configure.in.in.diff \
-patch {
- foreach f $patchfiles {
- if {[regexp "\.bz2$" ${f}]} {
- system "cd ${worksrcpath} && bzip2 -dc ${filespath}/${f} | sed -e 's, at FINKPREFIX@,${prefix},g' | patch -p1"
- } else {
- system "cd ${worksrcpath} && cat ${filespath}/${f} | patch -p1"
- }
- }
- system "perl -pi -e 's,-O2,-Os,g; s,doc/HTML,doc/kde,g; s,/usr/share/doc/packages/qt3/html,${prefix}/share/doc/qt3/html,g;' ${worksrcpath}/admin/*"
-post-patch {
- reinplace "s|/lib/freetype219||g" ${worksrcpath}/environment-helper.sh
- reinplace "s|--with-ssl-dir=/usr|--with-ssl-dir=\$PREFIX|g" ${worksrcpath}/environment-helper.sh
- reinplace "s|HOME=/tmp|HOME=${workpath}|g" ${worksrcpath}/environment-helper.sh
- reinplace "s|/tmp/buildlog|${workpath}/buildlog|g" ${worksrcpath}/build-helper.sh
- foreach f {CompileScript.sh InstallScript.sh} {
- copy ${filespath}/${f} ${worksrcpath}
- reinplace "s|%p|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%N|${name}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%v|${version}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%r|${revision}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%c|${configure.args}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%d|${destroot}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%i|${destroot}${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- reinplace "s|%b|${worksrcpath}|g" ${worksrcpath}/${f}
- file attributes ${worksrcpath}/${f} -permissions 0755
- }
-configure.args --enable-mysql --with-distribution='MacPorts/Mac OS X' --without-arts
-# (libpqxx is missing.)
-# --enable-pgsql --with-pgsqlincdir=${prefix}/include/pgsql8 --with-pgsqllibdir=${prefix}/lib/pgsql8 --with-pqxx-includes=${prefix}/include --with-pqxx-libraries=${prefix}/lib
-use_configure no
pre-configure {
- if {[file exists ${prefix}/bin/GraphicsMagick-config]} {
- return -code error "port:GraphicsMagick prevents building koffice. Please uninstall (or deactivate) GraphicsMagick and restart the build."
- }
+ ui_error "KDE3 is considered obsolete, and is being replaced by KDE4. Consequently, ${subport} has been made obsolete"
+ return -code error "obsolete port"
-use_parallel_build yes
-build.env MAKEFLAGS="-j${build.jobs}" AUTOCONF=autoconf263
-build.cmd ./CompileScript.sh
-destroot.cmd ./InstallScript.sh
-post-destroot {
- xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
- xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} AUTHORS COPYING COPYING.LIB INSTALL README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-platform darwin 9 {
- post-patch {
- reinplace "s|CFLAGS=\"-Os -fPIC\"|CFLAGS=\"-Os -fPIC -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib\"|" ${worksrcpath}/environment-helper.sh
- }
-universal_variant no
-livecheck.type none
+livecheck.type none
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