[MacPorts] TeXLivePackages modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Aug 10 20:12:49 PDT 2015

Page "TeXLivePackages" was changed by dports at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/TeXLivePackages?action=diff&version=7>
Revision 7
Comment: update for texlive 2015
Index: TeXLivePackages
--- TeXLivePackages (version: 6)
+++ TeXLivePackages (version: 7)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-The contents of the TeX Live ports are listed below. This list is current as of TeX Live 2014.
+The contents of the TeX Live ports are listed below. This list is current as of TeX Live 2015.
 = texlive-basic =
  *    amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  *    kpathsea: Path searching library for TeX-related files.
  *    lua-alt-getopt: Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long.
  *    luatex: The LuaTeX engine.
- *    makeindex: Process index output to produce typesettable code.
+ *    makeindex: Makeindex development sources.
  *    metafont: A system for specifying fonts.
  *    mflogo: LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts.
  *    mfware: Supporting tools for use with Metafont.
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
  *    bibexport: Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file.
  *    bibhtml: BibTeX support for HTML files.
  *    biblatex: Bibliographies in LaTeX using BibTeX for sorting only.
+ *    biblatex-anonymous: A tool to manage anonymous work with biblatex.
  *    biblatex-apa: Biblatex citation and reference style for APA.
+ *    biblatex-bookinarticle: Manage book edited in article.
  *    biblatex-bwl: Biblatex citations for FU Berlin.
  *    biblatex-caspervector: A simple citation style for Chinese users.
  *    biblatex-chem: A set of biblatex implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles.
@@ -61,14 +63,17 @@
  *    biblatex-luh-ipw: Biblatex styles for social sciences.
  *    biblatex-manuscripts-philology: Manage classical manuscripts with biblatex.
  *    biblatex-mla: MLA style files for biblatex.
+ *    biblatex-multiple-dm: Load multiple datamodels in biblatex
  *    biblatex-musuos: A biblatex style for citations in musuos.cls.
  *    biblatex-nature: Biblatex support for Nature.
  *    biblatex-nejm: Biblatex style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
  *    biblatex-philosophy: Styles for using biblatex for work in philosophy.
  *    biblatex-phys: A biblatex implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style.
  *    biblatex-publist: BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists.
+ *    biblatex-realauthor: Indicate the real author of a work
  *    biblatex-science: Biblatex implementation of the Science bibliography style.
  *    biblatex-source-division: References by "division" in classical sources.
+ *    biblatex-subseries: Manages subseries with biblatex
  *    biblatex-swiss-legal: Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice.
  *    biblatex-trad: "Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX.
  *    biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of biblatex styles
@@ -83,8 +88,10 @@
  *    chicago-annote: Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style.
  *    chembst: A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals.
  *    chscite: Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology.
+ *    citeall: Cite all entries of a bbl created with biblatex.
  *    collref: Collect blocks of references into a single reference.
  *    compactbib: Multiple thebibliography environments.
+ *    crossrefware: Scripts for working with crossref.org.
  *    custom-bib: Customised BibTeX styles.
  *    din1505: Bibliography styles for German texts.
  *    dk-bib: Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles.
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@
  *    showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries.
  *    sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting.
  *    splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography.
+ *    turabian-formatting: Formatting based on Turabian's Manual.
  *    uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  *    uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal.
  *    urlbst: Web support for BibTeX.
@@ -133,6 +141,7 @@
  *    bibtexu: 
  *    bundledoc: Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document.
  *    chktex: Check for errors in LaTeX documents.
+ *    ctan_chk: Ctan guidelines verifier and corrector for uploading projects.
  *    ctanify: Prepare a package for upload to CTAN.
  *    ctanupload: Support for users uploading to CTAN.
  *    ctie: C version of tie (merging Web change files).
@@ -148,7 +157,8 @@
  *    dvisvgm: Convert DVI files to Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG).
  *    findhyph: Find hyphenated words in a document.
  *    fragmaster: Using psfrag with PDFLaTeX.
- *    hyphenex: Generate a hyphenation exceptions file.
+ *    hook-pre-commit-pkg: Pre-commit git hook for LaTeX package developpers.
+ *    hyphenex: US English hyphenation exceptions file.
  *    installfont: A bash script for installing a LaTeX font family.
  *    lacheck: LaTeX checker.
  *    latex-git-log: Typeset git log information.
@@ -191,11 +201,14 @@
  *    jmn: 
  *    context-account: A simple accounting package.
  *    context-algorithmic: Algorithm handling in ConTeXt.
+ *    context-animation: Generate fieldstack based animation with ConTeXt.
+ *    context-annotation: 
  *    context-bnf: A BNF module for Context.
  *    context-chromato: ConTeXt macros for chromatograms.
  *    context-construction-plan: Construction plans in ConTeXt.
  *    context-cyrillicnumbers: Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs.
  *    context-degrade: Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt.
+ *    context-fancybreak: Overfull pages with ConTeXt
  *    context-filter: Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment.
  *    context-fixme: Make editorial marks on a document.
  *    context-french: Support for writing French in ConTeXt.
@@ -212,10 +225,12 @@
  *    context-ruby: Ruby annotations in ConTeXt.
  *    context-simplefonts: Simplified font usage for ConTeXt.
  *    context-simpleslides: 
+ *    context-title: 
  *    context-transliterator: Transliterate text from 'other' alphabets.
  *    context-typearea: Something like Koma-Script typearea.
  *    context-typescripts: Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt.
  *    context-vim: Generate Context syntax highlighting code from vim.
+ *    context-visualcounter: 
 = texlive-fonts-extra =
  *    Asana-Math: A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX.
@@ -225,6 +240,7 @@
  *    aecc: Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts.
  *    alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support.
  *    allrunes: Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes.
+ *    almfixed: Arabic-Latin Modern Fixed extends TeX-Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10 Regular to full Arabic Unicode support
  *    anonymouspro: Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX.
  *    antiqua: URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX.
  *    antt: Antykwa Torunska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type.
@@ -256,11 +272,14 @@
  *    braille: Support for braille.
  *    brushscr: A handwriting script font.
  *    cabin: A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support.
+ *    caladea: Support for the Caladea family of fonts
  *    calligra: Calligraphic font.
  *    calligra-type1: Type 1 version of Calligra.
  *    cantarell: LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family.
+ *    carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
  *    carolmin-ps: Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts.
  *    ccicons: LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons.
+ *    cfr-initials: LaTeX packages for use of initials.
  *    cfr-lm: Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts.
  *    cherokee: A font for the Cherokee script.
  *    cinzel: LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts.
@@ -279,18 +298,21 @@
  *    cryst: Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography.
  *    cyklop: The Cyclop typeface.
  *    dancers: Font for Conan Doyle'ss "The Dancing Men".
+ *    dantelogo: A font for DANTE's logo.
  *    dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts.
  *    dice: A font for die faces.
  *    dictsym: DictSym font and macro package
  *    dingbat: Two dingbat symbol fonts.
  *    doublestroke: Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols.
  *    dozenal: Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
+ *    drm: A complete family of fonts written in Metafont.
  *    droid: LaTeX support for the Droid font families.
  *    duerer: Computer Duerer fonts.
  *    duerer-latex: LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts.
  *    dutchcal: A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version.
  *    ean: Macros for making EAN barcodes.
  *    ebgaramond: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts.
+ *    ebgaramond-maths: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
  *    ecc: Sources for the European Concrete fonts.
  *    eco: Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts.
  *    eiad: Traditional style Irish fonts.
@@ -299,6 +321,8 @@
  *    elvish: Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts.
  *    epigrafica: A Greek and Latin font.
  *    epsdice: A scalable dice "font".
+ *    erewhon: Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia.
+ *    esrelation: Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
  *    esstix: PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support.
  *    esvect: Vector arrows.
  *    eulervm: Euler virtual math fonts.
@@ -312,6 +336,7 @@
  *    foekfont: The title font of the Mads Fok magazine.
  *    fonetika: Support for the Danish "Dania" phonetic system.
  *    fontawesome: Font containing web-related icons.
+ *    fontmfizz: Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX.
  *    fourier: Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents.
  *    fouriernc: Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts.
  *    frcursive: French cursive hand fonts.
@@ -366,6 +391,7 @@
  *    mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro.
  *    newpx: Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics.
  *    newtx: Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics.
+ *    newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
  *    newtxtt: Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx.
  *    nkarta: A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts.
  *    obnov: Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts.
@@ -378,6 +404,7 @@
  *    oldstandard: Old Standard: A Unicode Font for Classical and Medieval Studies.
  *    opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support.
  *    orkhun: A font for orkhun script.
+ *    overlock: Overlook sans fonts with LaTeX support.
  *    pacioli: Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497.
  *    paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType.
  *    phaistos: Disk of Phaistos font.
@@ -393,6 +420,7 @@
  *    quattrocento: LaTeX support for Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts.
  *    raleway: Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems.
  *    recycle: A font providing the "recyclable" logo.
+ *    roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts.
  *    romande: Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support.
  *    rsfso: A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs.
  *    sansmathaccent: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths.
@@ -404,6 +432,7 @@
  *    skull: A font to draw a skull.
  *    sourcecodepro: Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems.
  *    sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems.
+ *    sourceserifpro: Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems.
  *    starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font.
  *    staves: Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters.
  *    stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts.
@@ -423,6 +452,7 @@
  *    xcharter: Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts.
  *    xits: A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting.
  *    yfonts: Support for old German fonts.
+ *    yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format.
  *    zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts.
 = texlive-fonts-recommended =
@@ -442,6 +472,8 @@
  *    lm-math: OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern.
  *    marvosym: Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font.
  *    mathpazo: Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino.
+ *    manfnt-font: 
+ *    mflogo-font: Metafont logo font.
  *    ncntrsbk: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX.
  *    palatino: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX.
  *    pxfonts: Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics.
@@ -454,6 +486,7 @@
  *    txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics.
  *    utopia: Adobe Utopia fonts.
  *    wasy: The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts).
+ *    wasy2-ps: Type 1 versions of wasy2 fonts.
  *    wasysym: LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts
  *    zapfchan: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX.
  *    zapfding: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX.
@@ -462,9 +495,10 @@
  *    accfonts: Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones.
  *    afm2pl: 
  *    dosepsbin: Deal with DOS binary EPS files.
- *    epstopdf: Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using GhostScript.
+ *    epstopdf: Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using Ghostscript.
  *    fontware: 
- *    ps2pkm: Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font.
+ *    metatype1: Generate Type 1 fonts from MetaPost.
+ *    ps2pk: Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font.
  *    dvipsconfig: Collection of dvips PostScript headers.
  *    fontinst: Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX.
  *    fontools: Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones).
@@ -473,7 +507,7 @@
 = texlive-formats-extra =
  *    edmac: Typeset critical editions.
- *    eplain: Extended plain tex macros.
+ *    eplain: Extended plain TeX macros.
  *    lollipop: TeX made easy.
  *    mltex: The MLTeX system.
  *    psizzl: A TeX format for physics papers.
@@ -492,6 +526,7 @@
  *    gamebook: Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels.
  *    go: Fonts and macros for typesetting go games.
  *    hanoi: Tower of Hanoi in TeX.
+ *    havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex.
  *    hexgame: Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board.
  *    horoscop: Generate astrological charts in LaTeX.
  *    labyrinth: Draw labyrinths and solution paths.
@@ -534,7 +569,7 @@
  *    gates: Support for writing modular and customisable code.
  *    ifetex: Provides \ifetex switch.
  *    iftex: Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
- *    insbox: A TeX macro for inserting pictures/boxes into paragraphs.
+ *    insbox: Insert pictures/boxes into paragraphs.
  *    lambda-lists: Lists in TeX's mouth.
  *    langcode: Simple language-dependent settings based on language codes.
  *    lecturer: On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats.
@@ -550,12 +585,14 @@
  *    shade: Shade pieces of text.
  *    systeme: Format systems of equations.
  *    tabto-generic: "Tab" to a measured position in the line.
+ *    tracklang: Language and dialect tracker.
  *    texapi: Macros to write format-independent packages.
  *    upca: Print UPC-A barcodes.
  *    xlop: Calculates and displays arithmetic operations.
  *    yax: Yet Another Key System.
 = texlive-generic-recommended =
+ *    apnum: Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros.
  *    epsf: Simple macros for EPS inclusion.
  *    fontname: Scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
  *    genmisc: 
@@ -571,15 +608,15 @@
  *    passivetex: Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
  *    tex4ht: Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML.
  *    xmltex: Support for parsing XML documents.
+ *    xmltexconfig: 
 = texlive-humanities =
- *    alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering.
- *    arydshln: Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars.
  *    bibleref: Format bible citations.
  *    bibleref-lds: Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  *    bibleref-mouth: Consistent formatting of Bible references.
  *    bibleref-parse: Specify Bible passages in human-readable format.
  *    covington: Linguistic support.
+ *    diadia: Package to keep a diabetes diary.
  *    dramatist: Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose.
  *    dvgloss: Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text.
  *    ecltree: Trees using epic and eepic macros.
@@ -598,7 +635,6 @@
  *    leipzig: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations.
  *    lexikon: Macros for a two language dictionary.
  *    lexref: Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions.
- *    lineno: Line numbers on paragraphs.
  *    linguex: Format linguists' examples.
  *    liturg: Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts.
  *    metrix: Typeset metric marks for Latin text.
@@ -633,13 +669,13 @@
  *    arabi: (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel.
  *    arabtex: Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic.
  *    bidi: Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX engine.
+ *    dad: Simple typesetting system for mixed Arabic/Latin documents.
  *    ghab: Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX.
  *    hyphen-arabic: (No) Arabic hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-farsi: (No) Persian hyphenation patterns.
  *    imsproc: Typeset IMS conference proceedings.
  *    lshort-persian: Persian (Farsi) introduction to LaTeX.
  *    persian-bib: Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles.
- *    persian-modern: The "Persian Modern" family of fonts.
  *    simurgh: Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX.
  *    tram: Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX.
@@ -653,6 +689,7 @@
  *    ctex-faq: LaTeX FAQ by the Chinese TeX Society (ctex.org).
  *    fandol: Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting.
  *    hyphen-chinese: Chinese pinyin hyphenation patterns.
+ *    impatient-cn: 
  *    latex-notes-zh-cn: Chinese Introduction to TeX and LaTeX.
  *    lshort-chinese: Introduction to LaTeX, in Chinese.
  *    texlive-zh-cn: TeX Live manual (Chinese)
@@ -664,6 +701,7 @@
 = texlive-lang-cjk =
  *    adobemapping: Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
  *    c90: 
+ *    cjk-gs-integrate: Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
  *    cjk: CJK language support.
  *    cjkpunct: Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks.
  *    cjkutils: 
@@ -721,7 +759,7 @@
  *    cs: Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts.
  *    csbulletin: LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj).
  *    cslatex: LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting.
- *    csplain: Plain TeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting.
+ *    csplain: Plain TeX multilanguage support
  *    cstex: Support for Czech/Slovak languages.
  *    hyphen-czech: Czech hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-slovak: Slovak hyphenation patterns.
@@ -756,9 +794,10 @@
  *    latex-graphics-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion.
  *    latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX.
  *    latex-web-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion.
- *    latex2e-help-texinfo: Unoffical reference manual covering LaTeX2e.
+ *    latex2e-help-texinfo: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e.
  *    latex4wp: A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users.
  *    latexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet.
+ *    latexcourse-rug: A LaTeX course book.
  *    latexfileinfo-pkgs: A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information.
  *    lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
  *    macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2e macros.
@@ -791,6 +830,7 @@
 = texlive-lang-european =
  *    armtex: A sytem for writing Armenian with TeX and LaTeX.
  *    babel-albanian: Support for Albanian within babel
+ *    babel-bosnian: Babel contrib support for Bosnian
  *    babel-breton: Babel contributed support for Breton.
  *    babel-croatian: Babel contributed support for Croatian.
  *    babel-danish: Babel contributed support for Danish.
@@ -803,6 +843,7 @@
  *    babel-irish: Babel support for Irish.
  *    babel-kurmanji: Babel support for Kurmanji.
  *    babel-latin: Babel support for Latin.
+ *    babel-latvian: Babel support for Latvian.
  *    babel-norsk: Babel support for Norwegian.
  *    babel-piedmontese: Babel support for Piedmontese.
  *    babel-romanian: Babel support for Romanian.
@@ -826,7 +867,7 @@
  *    hyphen-icelandic: Icelandic hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-irish: Irish hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-kurmanji: Kurmanji hyphenation patterns.
- *    hyphen-latin: Latin hyphenation patterns.
+ *    hyphen-latin: Latin and classical Latin hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-latvian: Latvian hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-lithuanian: Lithuanian hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-norwegian: Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk hyphenation patterns.
@@ -864,7 +905,7 @@
  *    hyphen-basque: Basque hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-french: French hyphenation patterns.
  *    impatient-fr: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
- *    impnattypo: Support typography of l'Imprimerie Nationale FranASSaise.
+ *    impnattypo: Support typography of l'Imprimerie Nationale Francaise.
  *    l2tabu-french: French translation of l2tabu.
  *    lshort-french: Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation.
  *    mafr: Mathematics in accord with French usage.
@@ -885,13 +926,14 @@
  *    dehyph-exptl: Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language.
  *    dhua: German abbreviations using thin space.
  *    einfuehrung: Examples from the book Einfuhrung in LaTeX.
+ *    etdipa: Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents.
  *    etoolbox-de: German translation of documentation of etoolbox.
  *    fifinddo-info: German HTML beamer presentation on nicetext and morehype.
  *    geometry-de: German translation of the geometry package.
  *    german: Support for German typography.
  *    germbib: German variants of standard BibTeX styles.
  *    germkorr: Change kerning for german quotation marks.
- *    hausarbeit-jura: Class for writing "juristiche Hausarbeiten" at German Universities.
+ *    hausarbeit-jura: Class for writing "juristische Hausarbeiten" at German Universities.
  *    hyphen-german: German hyphenation patterns.
  *    koma-script-examples: Examples from the KOMA-Script book.
  *    l2picfaq: LaTeX pictures "how-to" (German).
@@ -899,6 +941,7 @@
  *    latex-bib-ex: Examples for the book Bibliografien mit LaTeX.
  *    latex-referenz: Examples from the book "LaTeX Referenz".
  *    latex-tabellen: LaTeX Tabellen.
+ *    latexcheat-de: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in German.
  *    lshort-german: German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung.
  *    lualatex-doc-de: Guide to LuaLaTeX (German translation).
  *    microtype-de: Translation into German of the documentation of microtype.
@@ -912,7 +955,7 @@
  *    translation-arsclassica-de: German version of arsclassica.
  *    translation-biblatex-de: German translation of the documentation of biblatex.
  *    translation-chemsym-de: German version of chemsym.
- *    translation-ecv-de: German version of evc.
+ *    translation-ecv-de: Ecv documentation, in German.
  *    translation-enumitem-de: Enumitem documentation, in German.
  *    translation-europecv-de: German version of europecv.
  *    translation-filecontents-de: German version of filecontents.
@@ -923,6 +966,7 @@
 = texlive-lang-greek =
  *    babel-greek: Babel support for documents written in Greek.
+ *    begingreek: Greek environment to be used with pdflatex only
  *    betababel: Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code.
  *    bgreek: Using Beccari's fonts in betacode for classical Greek.
  *    cbfonts: Complete set of Greek fonts.
@@ -954,6 +998,7 @@
  *    hyphen-indic: Indic hyphenation patterns.
  *    hyphen-sanskrit: Sanskrit hyphenation patterns.
  *    sanskrit: Sanskrit support.
+ *    sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit.
  *    velthuis: Typeset Devanagari.
  *    wnri: Ridgeway's fonts.
  *    wnri-latex: LaTeX support for wnri fonts.
@@ -1048,7 +1093,7 @@
  *    lshort-polish: Introduction to LaTeX in Polish.
  *    mex: Polish formats for TeX.
  *    mwcls: Polish-oriented document classes.
- *    pl: Polish extension of CM fonts in Type 1 format.
+ *    pl: Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts.
  *    polski: Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts.
  *    przechlewski-book: Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book.
  *    qpxqtx: 
@@ -1071,6 +1116,7 @@
 = texlive-lang-spanish =
  *    babel-catalan: Babel contributed support for Catalan.
  *    babel-galician: 
+ *    babel-spanglish: Simplified Spanish support for Babel.
  *    babel-spanish: Babel support for Spanish.
  *    es-tex-faq: CervanTeX (Spanish TeX Group) FAQ
  *    hyphen-catalan: Catalan hyphenation patterns.
@@ -1135,6 +1181,7 @@
  *    advdate: Print a date relative to "today".
  *    akktex: A collection of packages and classes.
  *    akletter: Comprehensive letter support.
+ *    alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering.
  *    alterqcm: Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables.
  *    altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX.
  *    amsaddr: Alter the position of affiliations in amsart.
@@ -1148,17 +1195,23 @@
  *    arcs: Draw arcs over and under text
  *    arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX.
  *    arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them).
+ *    arydshln: Horizontal and vertical dashed lines in arrays and tabulars.
  *    assignment: A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
+ *    assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps.
  *    attachfile: Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
- *    autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats.
  *    authoraftertitle: Make author, etc., available after \maketitle.
  *    authorindex: Index citations by author names.
  *    autonum: Automatic equation references.
+ *    autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats.
+ *    avremu: An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX.
  *    background: Placement of background material on pages of a document.
+ *    bankstatement: A LaTeX class for bank statements based on csv data.
  *    bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX.
+ *    basicarith: Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic.
  *    bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX.
  *    beamer2thesis: Thesis presentations using beamer.
  *    beameraudience: Assembling beamer frames according to audience
+ *    beamerdarkthemes: Dark color themes for beamer.
  *    beamerposter: Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters.
  *    beamersubframe: Reorder frames in the PDF file.
  *    beamertheme-upenn-bc: Beamer themies for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania.
@@ -1176,13 +1229,16 @@
  *    blkarray: Extended array and tabular.
  *    block: A block letter style for the letter class.
  *    blowup: Upscale or downscale all pages of a document.
+ *    bnumexpr: Extends eTeX's \numexpr...\relax construct to big integers.
  *    boites: Boxes that may break across pages
  *    bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts.
+ *    bookcover: A class for book covers and dust jackets.
  *    bookest: Extended book class.
  *    booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets.
  *    boolexpr: A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command.
  *    bophook: Provides an At-Begin-Page hook.
  *    boxedminipage: A package for producing framed minipages.
+ *    boxedminipage2e: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
  *    boxhandler: Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing.
  *    bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys.
  *    braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations.
@@ -1236,12 +1292,16 @@
  *    cmdtrack: Check used commands.
  *    cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts.
  *    cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities.
+ *    cntformats: A different way to read counters.
+ *    cntperchap: Store counter values per chapter.
  *    codedoc: LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file.
  *    codepage: Support for variant code pages.
+ *    codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included.
  *    collcell: Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro.
  *    collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes.
  *    colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation.
  *    colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours.
+ *    colorspace: Provides PDF color spaces
  *    colortab: Shade cells of tables and halign.
  *    colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light.
  *    colorweb: Extend the color package colour space.
@@ -1274,7 +1334,6 @@
  *    crossreference: Crossreferences within documents.
  *    csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities.
  *    csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing.
- *    csvtools: Reading data from CSV files.
  *    cuisine: Typeset recipes.
  *    currfile: Provide file name and path of input files.
  *    currvita: Typeset a curriculum vitae.
@@ -1282,6 +1341,8 @@
  *    cv: A package for creating a curriculum vitae.
  *    cv4tw: LaTeX CV class, with extended details.
  *    cweb-latex: A LaTeX version of CWEB.
+ *    cyber: Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements.
+ *    cybercic: "Controls in Contents" for the cyber package.
  *    dashbox: Draw dashed boxes.
  *    dashrule: Draw dashed rules.
  *    dashundergaps: Underline with dotted or dashed lines.
@@ -1290,11 +1351,55 @@
  *    dateiliste: Extensions of the \listfiles concept.
  *    datenumber: Convert a date into a number and vice versa.
  *    datetime: Change format of \today with commands for current time.
+ *    datetime2: Formats for dates, times and time zones.
+ *    datetime2-bahasai: Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-basque: Basque language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-breton: breton language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-bulgarian: Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-catalan: catalan language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-croatian: croatian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-czech: czech language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-danish: danish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-dutch: dutch language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-en-fulltext: English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-english: English language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-esperanto: Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-estonian: Estonian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-finnish: Finnish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-french: French language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-galician: galician language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-german: German language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-greek: Greek language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-hebrew: Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-icelandic: Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-irish: Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package.
+ *    datetime2-italian: Italian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-it-fulltext: Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-latin: Latin language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-lsorbian: Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-magyar: magyar language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-norsk: Norsk language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-polish: polish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-portuges: Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-romanian: Romanian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-russian: russian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-samin: Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-scottish: Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package.
+ *    datetime2-serbian: serbian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-slovak: slovak language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-slovene: slovene language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-spanish: Spanish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-swedish: swedish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-turkish: turkish language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-ukrainian: Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-usorbian: Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package.
+ *    datetime2-welsh: Welsh language module for the datetime2 package.
  *    dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats.
  *    decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point.
  *    decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character.
  *    delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters.
  *    delimtxt: Read and parse text tables.
+ *    denisbdoc: A personal dirty package for documenting packages
  *    detlev-cm: 
  *    diagbox: Table heads with diagonal lines.
  *    diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation.
@@ -1305,8 +1410,10 @@
  *    dirtytalk: A package to typeset quotations easier.
  *    dlfltxb: Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX".
  *    dnaseq: Format DNA base sequences.
+ *    doclicense: Support for putting documents under a license.
  *    docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code.
  *    docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc.
+ *    doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code.
  *    documentation: Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code.
  *    doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers.
  *    dotarrow: Extendable dotted arrows.
@@ -1322,11 +1429,11 @@
  *    dtxgallery: A small collection of minimal DTX examples.
  *    dvdcoll: A class for typesetting DVD archives
  *    dynblocks: A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer.
+ *    ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN.
  *    easy: A collection of easy-to-use macros.
  *    easy-todo: To-do notes in a document.
  *    easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures.
  *    easylist: Lists using a single active character.
- *    ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN.
  *    ebezier: Device independent picture environment enhancement.
  *    ecclesiastic: Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin.
  *    ecv: A fancy Curriculum Vitae class.
@@ -1337,7 +1444,9 @@
  *    egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents.
  *    ellipsis: Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode.
  *    elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts.
+ *    elocalloc: Local allocation macros for LaTeX 2015.
  *    elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
+ *    elzcards: Typeset business cards, index cards and flash cards easyly.
  *    emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX.
  *    embedall: Embed source files into the generated PDF.
  *    embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text.
@@ -1356,6 +1465,7 @@
  *    envlab: Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels.
  *    epigraph: A package for typesetting epigraphs.
  *    epiolmec: Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language.
+ *    epyt: A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer class.
  *    eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation.
  *    eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation.
  *    eqname: Name tags for equations.
@@ -1368,8 +1478,9 @@
  *    etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment.
  *    etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers.
  *    etoc: Completely customisable TOCs.
- *    etoolbox: Tool-box for LaTeX programmers using e-TeX.
+ *    etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX.
  *    eukdate: UK format dates, with weekday.
+ *    europasscv: Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
  *    europecv: Unofficial class for European curricula vitae.
  *    everyhook: Hooks for standard TeX token lists.
  *    everypage: Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document.
@@ -1385,14 +1496,17 @@
  *    expdlist: Expanded description environments.
  *    export: Import and export values of LaTeX registers.
  *    exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams.
- *    exsol: Exercises and solutions from same source, into a book.
+ *    exsol: Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book.
  *    extract: Extract parts of a document and write to another document.
  *    facsimile: Document class for preparing faxes.
- *    factura: Write invoices according to Venezuelan law.
+ *    factura: Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law.
+ *    fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX.
  *    fancynum: Typeset numbers.
  *    fancypar: Decoration of individual paragraphs.
+ *    fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer.
  *    fancytabs: Fancy page border tabs.
  *    fancytooltips: Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips.
+ *    fcolumn: Typesetting financial tables.
  *    fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
  *    figsize: Auto-size graphics.
  *    filecontents: Extended filecontents and filecontents* environments
@@ -1405,6 +1519,7 @@
  *    fixfoot: Multiple use of the same footnote text.
  *    fixme: Insert "fixme" notes into draft documents.
  *    fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development.
+ *    fixocgx: Add support for dvips+ps2pdf, XeLaTeX, dvipdfmx to the ocgx package.
  *    fjodor: A selection of layout styles.
  *    flabels: Labels for files and folders.
  *    flacards: Generate flashcards for printing.
@@ -1445,6 +1560,7 @@
  *    ftcap: Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment.
  *    ftnxtra: Extend the applicability of the \footnote command.
  *    fullblck: Left-blocking for letter class.
+ *    fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
  *    fullwidth: Adjust margins of text block.
  *    fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents.
  *    fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts.
@@ -1454,17 +1570,32 @@
  *    gauss: A package for Gaussian operations.
  *    gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card.
  *    gcite: Citations in a reader-friendly style.
+ *    gender: Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender.
  *    genmpage: Generalization of LaTeX's minipages.
  *    getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file.
  *    ginpenc: Modification of inputenc for German.
  *    gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
+ *    gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system.
  *    gloss: Create glossaries using BibTeX.
  *    glossaries: Create glossaries and lists of acronyms.
+ *    glossaries-danish: Danish language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-dutch: Dutch language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-english: English language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-french: French language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-german: German language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-irish: Irish language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-italian: Italian language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-magyar: Magyar language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-polish: Polish language module for glossaries package
+ *    glossaries-portuges: Portuges language module for glossaries package.
+ *    glossaries-serbian: Serbian language module for glossaries package.
+ *    glossaries-spanish: Spanish language module for glossaries package.
  *    gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages.
  *    gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package.
  *    gmiflink: Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink.
  *    gmutils: Support macros for other packages.
  *    gmverb: A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb.
+ *    graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics.
  *    graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images.
  *    graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background.
  *    grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file.
@@ -1474,6 +1605,7 @@
  *    gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists.
  *    guitlogo: Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo.
  *    handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
+ *    hang: Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items.
  *    hanging: Hanging paragraphs.
  *    hardwrap: Hard wrap text to a certain character length.
  *    harnon-cv: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience.
@@ -1506,6 +1638,7 @@
  *    imakeidx: A package for producing multiple indexes.
  *    import: Establish input relative to a directory.
  *    incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document.
+ *    indextools: A fork of imakeidx to fixe one bug with bidi
  *    inlinedef: Inline expansions within definitions.
  *    inputtrc: Trace which file loads which.
  *    interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web.
@@ -1515,13 +1648,15 @@
  *    iso: Generic ISO standards typesetting macros.
  *    iso10303: Typesetting the STEP standards.
  *    isodate: Tune the output format of dates according to language.
+ *    isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices.
  *    isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0.
- *    isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices.
  *    isorot: Rotation of document elements.
  *    isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
  *    issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones.
  *    iwhdp: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers.
  *    jlabels: Make letter-sized pages of labels.
+ *    jslectureplanner: Creation and management of university course material.
+ *    jumplines: Articles with teasers and continuation later on.
  *    jvlisting: A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package.
  *    kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style.
  *    kerntest: Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings.
@@ -1532,12 +1667,16 @@
  *    kix: Typeset KIX codes.
  *    koma-moderncvclassic: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex.
  *    koma-script-sfs: Koma-script letter class option for Finnish.
+ *    komacv: Typesetting a beuatiful CV with various style options.
  *    ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents.
+ *    l3build: A testing and building system for (La)TeX.
  *    labbook: Typeset laboratory journals.
  *    labelcas: Check the existence of labels, and fork accordingly.
  *    labels: Print sheets of sticky labels.
+ *    lastpackage: Indicates the last loaded package.
  *    lastpage: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers.
  *    latex-tds: A structured copy of the LaTeX distribution.
+ *    latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output.
  *    layouts: Display various elements of a document's layout.
  *    lazylist: Lists in TeX's "mouth".
  *    lcd: Alphanumerical LCD-style displays.
@@ -1556,8 +1695,9 @@
  *    lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum dummy text.
  *    lisp-on-tex: Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document.
  *    listing: Produce formatted program listings.
+ *    listlbls: Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
+ *    listliketab: Typeset lists as tables.
  *    listofsymbols: Create and manipulate lists of symbols
- *    listliketab: Typeset lists as tables.
  *    lkproof: LK Proof figure macros.
  *    lmake: Process lists to do repetitive actions.
  *    locality: Various macros for keeping things local.
@@ -1565,6 +1705,7 @@
  *    logbox: e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes.
  *    logical-markup-utils: Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes.
  *    logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX.
+ *    longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages.
  *    longnamefilelist: Tidy \listfiles with long file names.
  *    loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX.
  *    lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts.
@@ -1736,7 +1877,6 @@
  *    pdfwin: 
  *    pdfx: PDF/X-1a and PDF/A-1b support for pdfTeX.
  *    pecha: Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style.
- *    perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
  *    perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
  *    permute: Support for symmetric groups.
  *    petiteannonce: A class for small advertisements.
@@ -1745,8 +1885,8 @@
  *    piff: Macro tools by Mike Piff.
  *    pkgloader: Managing the options and loading order of other packages.
  *    placeins: Control float placement.
+ *    plantslabels: Write labels for plants.
  *    plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents.
- *    plantslabels: Write labels for plants.
  *    plweb: Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX.
  *    polynom: Macros for manipulating polynomials.
  *    polynomial: Typeset (univariate) polynomials.
@@ -1755,6 +1895,7 @@
  *    poster-mac: Make posters and banners with TeX.
  *    ppr-prv: Prosper preview.
  *    preprint: A bundle of packages provided "as is".
+ *    pressrelease: A class for typesetting press releases.
  *    prettyref: Make label references "self-identify".
  *    preview: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output.
  *    printlen: Print lengths using specified units.
@@ -1772,10 +1913,10 @@
  *    pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters.
  *    python: Embed Python code in LaTeX.
  *    qcm: A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
- *    quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text.
  *    qstest: Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching.
  *    qsymbols: Maths symbol abbreviations.
  *    quotchap: Decorative chapter headings.
+ *    quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text.
  *    quotmark: Consistent quote marks.
  *    ran_toks: Randomise token strings.
  *    randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings.
@@ -1785,6 +1926,7 @@
  *    readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data.
  *    realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument.
  *    recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes.
+ *    recipebook: Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing.
  *    recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes.
  *    rectopma: Recycle top matter.
  *    refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc).
@@ -1806,6 +1948,7 @@
  *    robustcommand: Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks.
  *    robustindex: Create index with pagerefs.
  *    romanbar: Write roman number with "bars".
+ *    romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers.
  *    romanneg: Roman page numbers negative.
  *    romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits.
  *    rotfloat: Rotate floats.
@@ -1836,10 +1979,11 @@
  *    sf298: Standard form 298.
  *    sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts.
  *    sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics.
+ *    shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
  *    shadow: Shadow boxes.
  *    shadowtext: shadowtext
- *    shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
  *    shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.
+ *    shdoc: Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session.
  *    shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes.
  *    shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths.
  *    show2e: Variants of \show for LaTeX2e.
@@ -1865,14 +2009,13 @@
  *    snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document.
  *    snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin.
  *    soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more.
- *    spanglish: Simplified Spanish support for Babel.
  *    sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics.
  *    sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros.
- *    spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments.
- *    spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output.
  *    splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes.
  *    spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer.
  *    spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX.
+ *    spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments.
+ *    spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output.
  *    srbook-mem: 
  *    srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files.
  *    sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts.
@@ -1912,6 +2055,7 @@
  *    tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations.
  *    tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables.
  *    tableof: Tagging tables of contents.
+ *    tablestyles: 
  *    tablists: Tabulated lists of short items.
  *    tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays.
  *    tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine.
@@ -1922,15 +2066,19 @@
  *    tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment.
  *    tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced.
  *    tagging: Document configuration with tags.
+ *    tagpair: Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions.
  *    talk: A LaTeX class for presentations.
  *    tamefloats: Experimentally use \holdinginserts with LaTeX floats.
+ *    tasks: Horizontally columned lists.
  *    tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl.
  *    tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc.
  *    tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output.
  *    technics: A package to format technical documents.
  *    ted: A (primitive) token list editor.
+ *    templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates.
  *    termcal: Print a class calendar.
  *    termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter.
+ *    testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns
  *    tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document
  *    texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos.
  *    texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX.
@@ -1942,11 +2090,11 @@
  *    textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX.
  *    textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page.
  *    theoremref: References with automatic theorem names.
+ *    thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX.
+ *    thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments.
  *    threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread".
  *    threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width.
  *    threeparttablex: Notes in longtables.
- *    thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX.
- *    thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments.
  *    thumb: Thumb marks in documents.
  *    thumbs: Create thumb indexes.
  *    thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books.
@@ -1970,8 +2118,8 @@
  *    translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages.
  *    trfsigns: Typeset transform signs.
  *    trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro.
+ *    trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX.
  *    trsym: Symbols for transformations.
- *    trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX.
  *    truncate: Truncate text to a specified width.
  *    tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee.
  *    turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions.
@@ -2005,6 +2153,7 @@
  *    verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents.
  *    version: Conditionally include text.
  *    versions: Optionally omit pieces of text.
+ *    versonotes: Display brief notes on verso pages.
  *    vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text.
  *    vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page.
  *    vhistory: Support for creating a change log.
@@ -2023,11 +2172,11 @@
  *    wordlike: Simulating word processor layout.
  *    wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around.
  *    xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments.
+ *    xcolor-solarized: Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette
  *    xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.
- *    xhfill: Extending \hrulefill.
- *    xtab: Break tables across pages.
  *    xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system.
  *    xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro.
+ *    xhfill: Extending \hrulefill.
  *    xifthen: Extended conditional commands.
  *    xint: Expandable operations on long numbers.
  *    xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in PDFLaTeX.
@@ -2035,8 +2184,10 @@
  *    xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument.
  *    xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands.
  *    xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream.
+ *    xprintlen: Print TeX lengths in a variety of units.
  *    xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant.
  *    xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX.
+ *    xtab: Break tables across pages.
  *    xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages.
  *    xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic.
  *    yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages.
@@ -2052,12 +2203,14 @@
  *    anysize: A simple package to set up document margins.
  *    beamer: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides.
  *    booktabs: Publication quality tables in LaTeX
+ *    breqn: Automatic line breaking of displayed equations.
  *    caption: Customising captions in floating environments.
  *    cite: Improved citation handling in LaTeX.
  *    cmap: Make PDF files searchable and copyable.
  *    crop: Support for cropmarks.
  *    ctable: Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives.
  *    eso-pic: Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page.
+ *    euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX.
  *    euler: Use AMS Euler fonts for math.
  *    extsizes: Extend the standard classes' size options.
  *    fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes.
@@ -2072,11 +2225,12 @@
  *    l3kernel: LaTeX3 programming conventions.
  *    l3packages: High-level LaTeX3 concepts.
  *    l3experimental: Experimental LaTeX3 concepts.
+ *    lineno: Line numbers on paragraphs.
  *    listings: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX.
+ *    mathtools: Mathematical tools to use with amsmath.
  *    mdwtools: Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding.
  *    memoir: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books.
  *    metalogo: Extended TeX logo macros.
- *    mh: The MH bundle
  *    microtype: Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection.
  *    ms: Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder.
  *    ntgclass: "European" versions of standard classes.
@@ -2122,6 +2276,7 @@
  *    luatexbase: Basic resource management for LuaTeX code.
  *    luatexko: Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX.
  *    luatextra: Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX.
+ *    luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document.
  *    luaxml: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files.
  *    odsfile: Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables.
  *    placeat: Absolute content positioning.
@@ -2138,11 +2293,13 @@
  *    boldtensors: Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters.
  *    bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio.
  *    bropd: Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX.
+ *    calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs.
  *    ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX.
  *    commath: Mathematics typesetting support.
  *    concmath: Concrete Math fonts.
  *    concrete: Concrete Roman fonts.
  *    conteq: Typeset multiline continued equalities.
+ *    ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus.
  *    eqnarray: More generalised equation arrays with numbering.
  *    extarrows: Extra Arrows beyond those provided in AMSmath
  *    extpfeil: Extensible arrows in mathematics.
@@ -2152,6 +2309,7 @@
  *    ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode.
  *    isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology.
  *    logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic.
+ *    lpform: Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
  *    lplfitch: Fitch-style natural deduction proofs.
  *    mathcomp: Text symbols in maths mode.
  *    mattens: Matrices/tensor typesetting.
@@ -2161,9 +2319,12 @@
  *    nath: Natural mathematics notation.
  *    ot-tableau: Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX.
  *    oubraces: Braces over and under a formula.
+ *    perfectcut: Brackets whose size adjusts to the nesting.
+ *    prftree: Macros for building proof trees.
  *    proba: Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts.
  *    rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers.
  *    ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs.
+ *    sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper
  *    shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product.
  *    skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir.
  *    statex: Statistics style.
@@ -2225,17 +2386,20 @@
 = texlive-music =
  *    abc: Support ABC music notation in LaTeX.
+ *    bagpipe: Support for typesetting bagpipe music.
  *    figbas: Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music.
  *    gchords: Typeset guitar chords.
  *    gtrcrd: Add chords to lyrics.
  *    guitar: Guitar chords and song texts.
  *    guitarchordschemes: Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures.
  *    harmony: Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology.
+ *    leadsheets: Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks.
  *    lilyglyphs: Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX.
  *    m-tx: A preprocessor for pmx.
  *    musixguit: Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX.
  *    musixtex: Sophisticated music typesetting
  *    musixtex-fonts: Fonts used by MusixTeX.
+ *    musixtnt: A MusiXTeX extension library that enables transformations of the effect of notes commands
  *    pmx: Preprocessor for MusiXTeX.
  *    pmxchords: Produce chord information to go with pmx output.
  *    songbook: Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books.
@@ -2258,11 +2422,14 @@
  *    autoarea: Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX.
  *    bardiag: LateX package for drawing bar diagrams.
  *    bloques: Generate control diagrams.
+ *    blox: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ.
  *    bodegraph: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ.
  *    bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents.
+ *    bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using pgf/TikZ.
  *    braids: Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ.
  *    bxeepic: Eepic facilities using pict2e.
  *    cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics.
+ *    celtic: A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots.
  *    chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax.
  *    combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations.
  *    circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ.
@@ -2284,6 +2451,8 @@
  *    fig4latex: Management of figures for large LaTeX documents.
  *    flowchart: Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ.
  *    forest: Drawing (linguistic) trees.
+ *    genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
+ *    getmap: Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents.
  *    gincltex: Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics).
  *    gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents.
  *    gradientframe: Simple gradient frames around objects.
@@ -2297,6 +2466,7 @@
  *    knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX.
  *    knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns.
  *    lapdf: PDF drawing directly in TeX documents.
+ *    latex-make: Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents.
  *    lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics.
  *    makeshape: Declare new PGF shapes.
  *    mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX.
@@ -2326,6 +2496,8 @@
  *    prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts.
  *    productbox: Typeset a three-dimensional product box.
  *    pxpgfmark: e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections.
+ *    qcircuit: Macros to generate quantum ciruits
+ *    qrcode: Generate QR codes in LaTeX.
  *    randbild: Marginal pictures.
  *    randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ.
  *    reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits.
@@ -2337,12 +2509,16 @@
  *    spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF.
  *    swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
  *    texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
+ *    ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator.
+ *    tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ.
  *    tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ.
  *    tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs.
  *    tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
  *    tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs.
+ *    tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ.
  *    tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
  *    tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams.
+ *    tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ.
  *    tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ.
  *    tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as tikz pictures.
  *    tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions.
@@ -2372,11 +2548,13 @@
  *    xypic: Flexible diagramming macros.
 = texlive-plain-extra =
+ *    epsf-dvipdfmx: Plain TeX file for using epsf.tex with (x)dvipdfmx.
  *    figflow: Flow text around a figure.
  *    fixpdfmag: Fix magnification in PDFTeX.
  *    font-change: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX.
  *    fontch: Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX.
  *    getoptk: Define macros with sophisticated options.
+ *    gfnotation: Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
  *    graphics-pln: LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users.
  *    hyplain: Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX.
  *    js-misc: Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod.
@@ -2398,6 +2576,7 @@
 = texlive-pstricks =
  *    auto-pst-pdf: Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features).
  *    bclogo: Creating colourful boxes with logos.
+ *    dsptricks: Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots.
  *    makeplot: Easy plots from Matlab in LaTeX.
  *    pdftricks: Support for pstricks in pdfTeX.
  *    pdftricks2: Use pstricks in pdfTeX.
@@ -2466,16 +2645,17 @@
  *    pst-sigsys: Support of signal processing-related disciplines.
  *    pst-slpe: Sophisticated colour gradients.
  *    pst-solarsystem: Plot the solar system for a specific date.
- *    pst-spectra: Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks.
  *    pst-solides3d: Draw perspective views of 3D solids.
  *    pst-soroban: Draw a Soroban using PSTricks.
+ *    pst-spectra: Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks.
+ *    pst-spirograph: Drawing hypotrochoids as with a spirograph.
  *    pst-stru: Civil engineering diagrams, using pstricks.
  *    pst-support: Assorted support files for use with PStricks.
  *    pst-text: Text and character manipulation in PSTricks.
  *    pst-thick: Drawing very thick lines and curves.
  *    pst-tools: PStricks support functions.
  *    pst-tree: Trees, using pstricks.
- *    pst-tvz: Draw trees with more than on root node, using PSTricks.
+ *    pst-tvz: Draw trees with more than one root node, using PSTricks.
  *    pst-uml: UML diagrams with PSTricks.
  *    pst-vectorian: Printing ornaments.
  *    pst-vowel: Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts.
@@ -2496,10 +2676,11 @@
  *    acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings.
  *    active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers.
  *    adfathesis: Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format.
+ *    afparticle: Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
  *    afthesis: Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class.
  *    aguplus: Styles for American Geophysical Union.
  *    aiaa: Typeset AIAA conference papers.
- *    ametsoc: Official American Meteorological Society Latex Template.
+ *    ametsoc: Official American Meteorological Society LaTeX Template.
  *    anufinalexam: LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
  *    aomart: Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics.
  *    apa: American Psychological Association format.
@@ -2509,6 +2690,7 @@
  *    articleingud: LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review.
  *    asaetr: Transactions of the ASAE.
  *    ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE.
+ *    bangorcsthesis: Typeset a thesis at Bangor University.
  *    beamer-FUBerlin: Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin.
  *    bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag".
  *    brandeis-dissertation: Class for Brandeis University dissertations.
@@ -2518,9 +2700,11 @@
  *    cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics.
  *    confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings.
  *    dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
+ *    dithesis: Thesis class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens.
  *    ebook: ebook
  *    ebsthesis: Typesetting theses for economics
  *    ejpecp: Class for EJP and ECP.
+ *    ekaia: Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia"
  *    elbioimp: A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance.
  *    elsarticle: Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals.
  *    elteikthesis: Thesis class for ELTE University Informatics wing.
@@ -2530,6 +2714,8 @@
  *    fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation.
  *    gaceta: A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME.
  *    gatech-thesis: Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class
+ *    gsemthesis: Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format.
+ *    gzt: Bundle of classes for "La Gazette des Mathematiciens".
  *    har2nat: Replace the harvard package with natbib.
  *    hobete: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim.
  *    icsv: Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference.
@@ -2544,12 +2730,15 @@
  *    lps: Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science".
  *    matc3: Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
  *    matc3mem: Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks.
+ *    mcmthesis: Template designed for MCM/ICM
  *    mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers.
  *    msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses.
+ *    mugsthesis: Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements.
  *    musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck.
  *    muthesis: Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science.
  *    nature: Prepare papers for the journal Nature.
  *    nddiss: Notre Dame Dissertation format class.
+ *    ndsu-thesis: North Dakota State University disquisition class.
  *    nih: A class for NIH grant applications.
  *    nostarch: LaTeX class for No Starch Press.
  *    nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals.
@@ -2572,9 +2761,11 @@
  *    sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS.
  *    sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome.
  *    scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals.
- *    schule: Improved support for teaching technical subjects.
+ *    schule: Support for teachers at German schools.
+ *    sduthesis: Thesis Template of Shandong University
  *    seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University.
  *    soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides.
+ *    sphdthesis: Latex template for writing PhD Thesis
  *    spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts.
  *    sr-vorl: Class for Springer books.
  *    stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle.
@@ -2586,10 +2777,11 @@
  *    thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly College.
  *    thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
  *    thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University.
- *    toptesi: Bundle of files for typsetting theses.
+ *    toptesi: Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses.
  *    tudscr: Typeset documents in the corporate style of TU Dresden.
  *    tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles.
  *    tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat.
+ *    turabian: Create Turabian-formatted material using LaTeX.
  *    tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia.
  *    uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format.
  *    uadocs: Course texts and masters theses in University of Antwerp style.
@@ -2606,15 +2798,17 @@
  *    unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template
  *    unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses.
  *    unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines.
- *    ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style.
  *    uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon.
+ *    urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg.
  *    uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
  *    uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong.
  *    uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX.
+ *    ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style.
  *    uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class.
  *    vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals.
  *    wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers.
  *    xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes.
+ *    yathesis: yathesis provides a LaTeX class that aims to help to write a thesis following French rules
  *    york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto.
 = texlive-science =
@@ -2632,12 +2826,17 @@
  *    chemcompounds: Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds.
  *    chemcono: Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents.
  *    chemexec: Creating (chemical) exercise sheets.
+ *    chemformula: Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions.
+ *    chemgreek: Upright Greek letters in chemistry.
  *    chemmacros: A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents.
  *    chemnum: A method of numbering chemical compounds.
+ *    chemschemex: Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code.
  *    chemstyle: Writing chemistry with style.
  *    clrscode: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms.
+ *    clrscode3e: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms.
  *    complexity: Computational complexity class names.
  *    computational-complexity: Class for the journal Computational Complexity.
+ *    cryptocode: Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography.
  *    digiconfigs: Writing "configurations"
  *    drawstack: Draw execution stacks.
  *    dyntree: Construct Dynkin tree diagrams.
@@ -2649,6 +2848,7 @@
  *    galois: Typeset Galois connections.
  *    gastex: Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX.
  *    gene-logic: Typeset logic formulae, etc.
+ *    ghsystem: Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming.
  *    gu: Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes.
  *    hep: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages.
  *    hepnames: Pre-defined high energy particle names.
@@ -2656,16 +2856,19 @@
  *    hepthesis: A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses.
  *    hepunits: A set of units useful in high energy physics applications.
  *    karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps.
+ *    karnaughmap: Typeset Karnaugh maps.
+ *    matlab-prettifier: Pretty-print Matlab source code.
  *    mhchem: Typeset chemical formulae/equations and Risk and Safety phrases.
  *    miller: Typeset miller indices.
  *    mychemistry: Create reaction schemes with LaTeX and ChemFig.
  *    nuc: Notation for nuclear isotopes.
  *    objectz: Macros for typesetting Object Z.
  *    physics: Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics.
- *    physymb: Assorted macros for Physicists.
  *    pseudocode: LaTeX environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way.
+ *    pygmentex: Use Pygments to format code listings in documents.
  *    sasnrdisplay: Typeset SAS or R code or output.
  *    sciposter: Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger.
+ *    sclang-prettifier: Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
  *    sfg: Draw signal flow graphs.
  *    siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package.
  *    steinmetz: Print Steinmetz notation.
@@ -2680,10 +2883,15 @@
 = texlive-xetex =
  *    arabxetex: An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX.
- *    euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX.
+ *    bidi-atbegshi: Bidi-aware shipout macros.
+ *    bidicontour: Bidi-aware coloured contour around text.
+ *    bidipagegrid: Bidi-aware page grid in background.
+ *    bidishadowtext: Bidi-aware shadow text.
+ *    bidipresentation: Experimental bidi presentation.
  *    fixlatvian: Improve Latvian language support in XeLaTeX.
  *    fontbook: Generate a font book.
  *    fontwrap: Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks.
+ *    interchar: Managing character class schemes in XeTeX
  *    mathspec: Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX.
  *    philokalia: A font to typeset the Philokalia Books.
  *    polyglossia: Modern multilingual typesetting with XeLaTeX.
@@ -2697,6 +2905,7 @@
  *    xeindex: Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX.
  *    xepersian: Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX.
  *    xesearch: A string finder for XeTeX.
+ *    xespotcolor: Spot colours support for XeLaTeX
  *    xetex: Unicode and OpenType-enabled TeX engine.
  *    xetex-def: Colour and graphics support for XeTeX.
  *    xetex-itrans: Itrans input maps for use with XeLaTeX.

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