[142101] trunk/dports/www/clearsilver/Portfile
mojca at macports.org
mojca at macports.org
Sat Dec 12 04:20:05 PST 2015
Revision: 142101
Author: mojca at macports.org
Date: 2015-11-03 06:08:01 -0800 (Tue, 03 Nov 2015)
Log Message:
clearsilver: whitespace, status line, checksums only
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/www/clearsilver/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/www/clearsilver/Portfile 2015-11-03 14:00:58 UTC (rev 142100)
+++ trunk/dports/www/clearsilver/Portfile 2015-11-03 14:08:01 UTC (rev 142101)
@@ -1,90 +1,95 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem 1.0
-name clearsilver
-version 0.10.5
-revision 2
-categories www python perl
-platforms darwin
-maintainers nomaintainer
-description Language-neutral template system.
-long_description Clearsilver is a fast, powerful, and language-neutral \
- HTML template system. In both static content sites \
- and dynamic HTML applications, it provides a \
- separation between presentation code and application \
- logic which makes working with your project easier.
+name clearsilver
+version 0.10.5
+revision 2
+categories www python perl
+platforms darwin
+maintainers nomaintainer
+description Language-neutral template system.
+long_description Clearsilver is a fast, powerful, and language-neutral \
+ HTML template system. In both static content sites \
+ and dynamic HTML applications, it provides a \
+ separation between presentation code and application \
+ logic which makes working with your project easier.
-homepage http://www.clearsilver.net
-master_sites ${homepage}/downloads
+homepage http://www.clearsilver.net
+master_sites ${homepage}/downloads
-checksums md5 b8c0c7fbe0ef5e06e0c935f134304d44 \
- sha1 138865dc91e27328fe29fcaaac1bc6558f19dd75 \
- rmd160 bd5c616f326b544df8a74eec71a98a474b408249
+checksums rmd160 bd5c616f326b544df8a74eec71a98a474b408249 \
+ sha256 1e9da038deafddd3d0c1c510626c28be5a0f4f17b9091d577fd30e7c5ba88680
-patchfiles patch-rules.mk.in.diff \
- patch-cgi__cgi.c \
- patch-cgi__html.c \
- patch-cgi__rfc2388.c \
- patch-cs__csparse.c \
- patch-cs__cstest.c \
- patch-util__dict.c \
- patch-util__neo_files.c \
- patch-util__neo_hash.c \
- patch-util__neo_hdf.c \
- patch-util__neo_net.c \
- patch-util__neo_server.c \
- patch-util__neo_str.c \
- patch-util__skiplist.c \
- patch-util__ulist.c \
- patch-util__ulocks.c
+patchfiles patch-rules.mk.in.diff \
+ patch-cgi__cgi.c \
+ patch-cgi__html.c \
+ patch-cgi__rfc2388.c \
+ patch-cs__csparse.c \
+ patch-cs__cstest.c \
+ patch-util__dict.c \
+ patch-util__neo_files.c \
+ patch-util__neo_hash.c \
+ patch-util__neo_hdf.c \
+ patch-util__neo_net.c \
+ patch-util__neo_server.c \
+ patch-util__neo_str.c \
+ patch-util__skiplist.c \
+ patch-util__ulist.c \
+ patch-util__ulocks.c
-depends_lib port:python27 port:perl5.16 port:zlib port:gettext
+depends_lib port:python27 \
+ port:perl5.16 \
+ port:zlib \
+ port:gettext
-set python_bin ${prefix}/bin/python2.7
+set python_bin ${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-configure.args --disable-apache --disable-java --disable-ruby \
- --disable-csharp \
- --with-python=${python_bin} \
- --with-perl=${prefix}/bin/perl5.16 \
- --enable-gettext \
- --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
+configure.args --disable-apache \
+ --disable-java \
+ --disable-ruby \
+ --disable-csharp \
+ --with-python=${python_bin} \
+ --with-perl=${prefix}/bin/perl5.16 \
+ --enable-gettext \
+ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
-pre-configure {
- set PYTHON_PATH ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7
+pre-configure {
+ set PYTHON_PATH ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7
- reinplace "s|PYTHON_SITE=`.*|PYTHON_SITE=${PYTHON_PATH}/site-packages|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/configure
+ reinplace "s|PYTHON_SITE=`.*|PYTHON_SITE=${PYTHON_PATH}/site-packages|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/configure
- reinplace "s|/usr/local/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/scripts/document.py
- reinplace "s|/usr/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/scripts/cs_lint.py \
- ${worksrcpath}/scripts/commitlog.py
- reinplace "s|/neo/opt/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/scripts/ChangeLog.py
+ reinplace "s|/usr/local/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/scripts/document.py
+ reinplace "s|/usr/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/scripts/cs_lint.py \
+ ${worksrcpath}/scripts/commitlog.py
+ reinplace "s|/neo/opt/bin/python|${python_bin}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/scripts/ChangeLog.py
- reinplace "s|\$(PERL) Makefile.PL|\$(PERL) Makefile.PL installdirs=vendor|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
+ reinplace "s|\$(PERL) Makefile.PL|\$(PERL) Makefile.PL installdirs=vendor|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
post-configure {
- reinplace "s|#include <features.h>||g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/cgi/cgiwrap.c
+ reinplace "s|#include <features.h>||g"
+ ${worksrcpath}/cgi/cgiwrap.c
## stolen from perl5 group code
post-destroot {
- foreach packlist [exec find ${destroot} -name .packlist] {
- ui_info "Fixing packlist ${packlist}"
- reinplace "s|${destroot}||" ${packlist}
- }
- foreach badfile [exec find ${destroot} -name perllocal.pod] {
- ui_info "Removing ${badfile}"
- file delete ${badfile}
- }
- }
+ foreach packlist [exec find ${destroot} -name .packlist] {
+ ui_info "Fixing packlist ${packlist}"
+ reinplace "s|${destroot}||" ${packlist}
+ }
+ foreach badfile [exec find ${destroot} -name perllocal.pod] {
+ ui_info "Removing ${badfile}"
+ file delete ${badfile}
+ }
-livecheck.type regex
-livecheck.url ${homepage}/downloads
-livecheck.regex {clearsilver-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz}
+livecheck.type regex
+livecheck.url ${homepage}/downloads
+livecheck.regex {clearsilver-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz}
-------------- next part --------------
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