[MacPorts] LibcxxOnOlderSystems modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Jan 11 17:55:18 PST 2015

Page "LibcxxOnOlderSystems" was changed by jeremyhu at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/LibcxxOnOlderSystems?action=diff&version=3>
Revision 3
Index: LibcxxOnOlderSystems
--- LibcxxOnOlderSystems (version: 2)
+++ LibcxxOnOlderSystems (version: 3)
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
 Leopard and Snow Leopard do not have libc++ installed by the OS, but MacPorts can build and install system roots that contain these runtimes for your use.  After installing these roots (which is done automatically when the libcxxabi and libcxx ports activate), you can choose to continue using libstdc++ as the default C++ runtime in MacPorts or configure MacPorts to use the new libc++ runtime.
-=== Bootstrapping 1: Install libc++ and libc++abi ===
+==== Bootstrapping 0: Fix the SDK (Leopard Only) ====
+Leopard's SDK has some bugs that are more visible when using newer toolchains, so please follow the steps in [wiki:LeopardSDKFixes Leopard SDK Fixes] first.
+==== Bootstrapping 1: Install libc++ and libc++abi ====
 1. Start with a new install of MacPorts or '''uninstall all ports that use C++'''
 2. Install the libcxx port.  When it activates, the libcxxabi and libcxx ports will install libc++.dylib and libc++abi.dylib (which will remain after you uninstall MacPorts).  This will pull in a number of dependencies.
@@ -27,7 +31,7 @@
 sudo port -v -s install libcxx
-=== Bootstrapping 2: Build a current version of clang against libc++ ===
+==== Bootstrapping 2: Build a current version of clang against libc++ ====
 1. Deactivate all your active ports (or at least the C++ ports) in order to prepare to rebuild them, and just activate the new toolchain:
 	sudo port -v -f deactivate active

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/LibcxxOnOlderSystems>
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