[138214] trunk/dports/multimedia/libass/Portfile

ionic at macports.org ionic at macports.org
Thu Jul 2 07:41:13 PDT 2015

Revision: 138214
Author:   ionic at macports.org
Date:     2015-07-02 07:41:13 -0700 (Thu, 02 Jul 2015)
Log Message:
libass: update to 0.12.2. Port to GitHub. Maintainer timeout. Fixes: #48192.

  - Handle ASM support correctly (i.e., not at all on ppc or ppc64.)
  - Set the --host parameter to the correct arch-apple-darwinversion triplet.

    Without that, the configure scripts fail to set the yasm flags correctly
    for i386 builds, defaulting to the x86_64 options (due to
    x86_64-apple-darwinversion being the default host value.)

  - Enable text relocations with the linker flag "-read_only_relocs suppress".

    It's only needed on i386 - x86_64 builds and links fine without that.
    Additionally, this linker option is not legal on x86_64 anyway.

  - Also add "-read_only_relocs suppress" to i386 LDFLAGS when not building universal.
  - Use TCL's "in" feature instead of glob matching within a list.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/multimedia/libass/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/multimedia/libass/Portfile	2015-07-02 14:25:42 UTC (rev 138213)
+++ trunk/dports/multimedia/libass/Portfile	2015-07-02 14:41:13 UTC (rev 138214)
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem      1.0
+PortGroup       github 1.0
+PortGroup       muniversal 1.0
-name            libass
-version         0.10.2
+github.setup    libass libass 0.12.2
 categories      multimedia
 license         ISC
 maintainers     tds.net:coax openmaintainer
@@ -21,19 +22,43 @@
                 port:fontconfig \
+use_autoreconf  yes
 configure.args  --enable-enca \
                 --enable-fontconfig \
                 --disable-harfbuzz \
-homepage        http://code.google.com/p/libass/
-master_sites    googlecode
+checksums       rmd160  c9325390c4284df651a8bff5b2e7447cb45d94f5 \
+                sha256  1f6652d94c471e17e086433ccb19906935762b53d1ca10f4120263408ce38302
-checksums       rmd160  9f79b17e28a1819b3141ea5d6335a727ccb92443 \
-                sha256  6d3422b12ba8affc9fb1db2aaa905915f4c15c83a62bd3167a1c0fa9d2c465ff
+if {[variant_isset universal]} {
+    # Needed by configure to correctly set the yasm build flags.
+    foreach arch ${configure.universal_archs} {
+        set merger_host($arch) "${arch}-apple-${os.platform}${os.major}.${os.minor}.0"
+    }
+    # I don't feel safe using a *86* match here. Who knows what other arch could
+    # be matching in the future.
+    if {"i386" in ${configure.universal_archs} ||
+        "x86_64" in ${configure.universal_archs}} {
+        depends_build-append port:yasm
+    }
+    lappend merger_configure_args(i386)     --enable-asm
+    lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)   --enable-asm
+    lappend merger_configure_env(i386)      LDFLAGS='-Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress'
+} else {
+    if {${build_arch} eq "i386" || ${build_arch} eq "x86_64"} {
+        depends_build-append    port:yasm
+        configure.args-append   --enable-asm
+    }
+    if {${build_arch} eq "i386"} {
+        configure.ldflags-append -Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress
+    }
 post-destroot {
     set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
     xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir}
-    xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} COPYING Changelog ${destroot}${docdir}
+    xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} COPYING Changelog README.md ${destroot}${docdir}
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