[138725] trunk/dports/perl/p5-file-slurp-tiny/Portfile

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Fri Jul 17 09:02:14 PDT 2015

Revision: 138725
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2015-07-17 09:02:14 -0700 (Fri, 17 Jul 2015)
Log Message:
p5-file-slurp-tiny: update to version 0.004, descriptions, drop maintainership, this module is now DISCOURAGED in favor of File::Slurper, but still has a few dependents.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-file-slurp-tiny/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/perl/p5-file-slurp-tiny/Portfile	2015-07-17 15:17:16 UTC (rev 138724)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-file-slurp-tiny/Portfile	2015-07-17 16:02:14 UTC (rev 138725)
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
 PortGroup           perl5 1.0
 perl5.branches      5.16 5.18 5.20 5.22
-perl5.setup         File-Slurp-Tiny 0.003
-maintainers         devans openmaintainer
+perl5.setup         File-Slurp-Tiny 0.004
+maintainers         nomaintainer
 license             {Artistic-1 GPL}
-description         File::Slurp::Tiny - A simple, sane and efficient file slurper
-long_description    This module provides functions for fast and correct slurping \
-                    and spewing. All functions are optionally exported.
+description         File::Slurp::Tiny - A simple, sane and efficient file slurper (DISCOURAGED).
+long_description    ${description} This module is discouraged in favor of File::Slurper. \
+                    Bugs will still be fixed, but new features will probably not be added.
 platforms           darwin
-checksums           rmd160  3409bb345f2af70a243c2bf798b35335ae0b1ca9 \
-                    sha256  ded61a7ab96db8c6a14466a5984091a60af9b384b3355d06aeaa6433ac977c02
+checksums           rmd160  6e862c584394779e7f5d38e007a111291a53285c \
+                    sha256  452995beeabf0e923e65fdc627a725dbb12c9e10c00d8018c16d10ba62757f1e
 supported_archs     noarch
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