[136962] trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42

larryv at macports.org larryv at macports.org
Sun May 31 22:14:02 PDT 2015

Revision: 136962
Author:   larryv at macports.org
Date:     2015-05-31 22:14:02 -0700 (Sun, 31 May 2015)
Log Message:
llvm-gcc42: Fix build on Yosemite (#45449)

It lives!
- Remove kernel version check to stop the driver from complaining about
  Darwin 14 and later.
- Fix interpretation of OS X and iOS deployment targets by adapting my
  upstream fix,† which I'm relicensing under GPLv2 for this purpose.
- Stub out unrecognized macros in `/usr/include/xpc/base.h`.

† https://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/gcc?limit_changes=0&view=rev&rev=223808

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/Portfile	2015-05-31 19:19:27 UTC (rev 136961)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/Portfile	2015-06-01 05:14:02 UTC (rev 136962)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 name                    llvm-gcc42
 version                 2336.11
-revision                1
+revision                2
 set gcc_version         4.2.1
 categories              lang
 platforms               darwin
@@ -56,25 +56,22 @@
 # driverdriver-num_infiles.patch : Fix linking with no input files (ie all static archives passed with -l...)
 # driverdriver-armcheck.patch    : Build fix for the driverdriver when arm support is not available (eg: Tiger)
 # deployment_target.patch        : Build fix to correctly get the OS version
+# remove-kernel-version-check.patch : Don't complain on Yosemite and later
+# version-min.patch              : Interpret OS X and iOS versions correctly
+# autogen.patch                  : Update to work with modern autogen (necessary to create fixincludes.patch)
+# fixincludes.patch              : Stub out unrecognized macros in system headers
 patchfiles-append \
 	werror-local-alloc.patch \
 	incpath.patch \
 	driverdriver-num_infiles.patch \
 	driverdriver-armcheck.patch \
-	deployment_target.patch
+	deployment_target.patch \
+	remove-kernel-version-check.patch \
+	version-min.patch \
+	autogen.patch \
+	fixincludes.patch
-platform darwin {
-    if {${os.major} >= 14} {
-        depends_lib
-        depends_run
-        pre-fetch {
-            ui_error "$name is not supported on Yosemite or later."
-            error "unsupported platform"
-        }
-    }
 post-extract {
     xinstall -W ${filespath} build_gcc ${worksrcpath}

Added: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/autogen.patch
--- trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/autogen.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/autogen.patch	2015-06-01 05:14:02 UTC (rev 136962)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: fixincludes/genfixes
+--- fixincludes/genfixes.orig
++++ fixincludes/genfixes
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ fi
+ AG="autogen $AG"
+ set -e
+-if [ -z "`${AG} -v | fgrep 'Ver. 5.'`" ]
++if [ -z "`${AG} -v | fgrep ' 5.'`" ]
+ then
+   echo "AutoGen appears to be out of date or not correctly installed."
+   echo "Please download and install:"

Added: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/fixincludes.patch
--- trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/fixincludes.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/fixincludes.patch	2015-06-01 05:14:02 UTC (rev 136962)
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+The important part of this patch is the change to inclhack.def. The new
+fixincl.x was manually generated using AutoGen.
+Index: fixincludes/inclhack.def
+--- fixincludes/inclhack.def.orig
++++ fixincludes/inclhack.def
+@@ -1221,6 +1221,31 @@ fix = {
+ };
++ *  GCC 4.2 doesn't recognize __has_extension and __has_feature.
++ */
++fix = {
++  hackname  = darwin_has_extension;
++  mach      = "*-*-darwin*";
++  files     = xpc/base.h;
++  select    = "__has_extension\\([A-Za-z_]*\\)";
++  c_fix     = format;
++  c_fix_arg = "0";
++  test_text = "#if __has_extension(attribute_unavailable_with_message)";
++fix = {
++  hackname  = darwin_has_feature;
++  mach      = "*-*-darwin*";
++  files     = xpc/base.h;
++  select    = "__has_feature\\([A-Za-z_]*\\)";
++  c_fix     = format;
++  c_fix_arg = "0";
++  test_text = "#if __has_feature(objc_arc)";
+ /* APPLE LOCAL begin for-fsf-4_4 5133297 */
+ /*
+  *  On darwin8 and earlier, mach-o/swap.h isn't properly guarded
+Index: fixincludes/fixincl.x
+--- fixincludes/fixincl.x.orig
++++ fixincludes/fixincl.x
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ /*  -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- vi: set ro:
+- * 
++ *
+  * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE   (fixincl.x)
+- * 
+- * It has been AutoGen-ed  Friday July 17, 2009 at 11:13:21 AM CEST
++ *
++ * It has been AutoGen-ed
+  * From the definitions    inclhack.def
+  * and the template file   fixincl
+  */
+-/* DO NOT SVN-MERGE THIS FILE, EITHER Fri Jul 17 11:13:21 CEST 2009
++/* DO NOT SVN-MERGE THIS FILE, EITHER Sun May 31 21:20:28 EDT 2015
+  *
+  * You must regenerate it.  Use the ./genfixes script.
+  *
+@@ -15,29 +15,25 @@
+  * certain ANSI-incompatible system header files which are fixed to work
+  * correctly with ANSI C and placed in a directory that GNU C will search.
+  *
+- * This file contains 217 fixup descriptions.
++ * This file contains 219 fixup descriptions.
+  *
+  * See README for more information.
+  *
+  *  inclhack copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
+  *  The Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+  *
+-  *  inclhack is free software.
+- *  
+- *  You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
+- *  GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
+- *  Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+- *  
+- *  inclhack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++  *  inclhack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++ *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++ *  Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++ *  (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ *  inclhack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++ *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  *  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *  
+- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+- *  along with inclhack.  See the file "COPYING".  If not,
+- *  write to:  The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+- *             59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+- *             Boston,  MA  02111-1307, USA.
++ *
++ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++ *  with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+  */
+ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+@@ -1960,6 +1956,80 @@ static const char* apzDarwin_Gcc4_Breaka
+ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+  *
++ *  Description of Darwin_Has_Extension fix
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_ExtensionName[] =
++     "darwin_has_extension";
++ *  File name selection pattern
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_ExtensionList[] =
++  "xpc/base.h\0";
++ *  Machine/OS name selection pattern
++ */
++tSCC* apzDarwin_Has_ExtensionMachs[] = {
++        "*-*-darwin*",
++        (const char*)NULL };
++ *  content selection pattern - do fix if pattern found
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_ExtensionSelect0[] =
++       "__has_extension\\([A-Za-z_]*\\)";
++static tTestDesc aDarwin_Has_ExtensionTests[] = {
++  { TT_EGREP,    zDarwin_Has_ExtensionSelect0, (regex_t*)NULL }, };
++ *  Fix Command Arguments for Darwin_Has_Extension
++ */
++static const char* apzDarwin_Has_ExtensionPatch[] = {
++    "format",
++    "0",
++    (char*)NULL };
++/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
++ *
++ *  Description of Darwin_Has_Feature fix
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_FeatureName[] =
++     "darwin_has_feature";
++ *  File name selection pattern
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_FeatureList[] =
++  "xpc/base.h\0";
++ *  Machine/OS name selection pattern
++ */
++tSCC* apzDarwin_Has_FeatureMachs[] = {
++        "*-*-darwin*",
++        (const char*)NULL };
++ *  content selection pattern - do fix if pattern found
++ */
++tSCC zDarwin_Has_FeatureSelect0[] =
++       "__has_feature\\([A-Za-z_]*\\)";
++static tTestDesc aDarwin_Has_FeatureTests[] = {
++  { TT_EGREP,    zDarwin_Has_FeatureSelect0, (regex_t*)NULL }, };
++ *  Fix Command Arguments for Darwin_Has_Feature
++ */
++static const char* apzDarwin_Has_FeaturePatch[] = {
++    "format",
++    "0",
++    (char*)NULL };
++/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
++ *
+  *  Description of Darwin_Macho_Swaph_Externc fix
+  */
+ tSCC zDarwin_Macho_Swaph_ExterncName[] =
+@@ -4652,13 +4722,10 @@ tSCC zMath_ExceptionSelect0[] =
+  */
+ tSCC zMath_ExceptionBypass0[] =
+        "We have a problem when using C\\+\\+|for C\\+\\+, _[a-z0-9A-Z_]+_exception; for C, exception";
+-tSCC zMath_ExceptionBypass1[] =
+-       "defined __cplusplus";
+ #define    MATH_EXCEPTION_TEST_CT  2
+ static tTestDesc aMath_ExceptionTests[] = {
+   { TT_NEGREP,   zMath_ExceptionBypass0, (regex_t*)NULL },
+-  { TT_NEGREP,   zMath_ExceptionBypass1, (regex_t*)NULL },
+   { TT_EGREP,    zMath_ExceptionSelect0, (regex_t*)NULL }, };
+ /*
+@@ -8842,9 +8909,9 @@ static const char* apzGlibc_Fdzero_Inlin
+  *
+  *  List of all fixes
+  */
+-#define REGEX_COUNT          262
++#define REGEX_COUNT          264
+ #define MACH_LIST_SIZE_LIMIT 261
+-#define FIX_COUNT            217
++#define FIX_COUNT            219
+ /*
+  *  Enumerate the fixes
+@@ -8894,6 +8961,8 @@ typedef enum {
+@@ -9290,6 +9359,16 @@ tFixDesc fixDescList[ FIX_COUNT ] = {
+      aDarwin_Gcc4_BreakageTests,   apzDarwin_Gcc4_BreakagePatch, 0 },
++  {  zDarwin_Has_ExtensionName,    zDarwin_Has_ExtensionList,
++     apzDarwin_Has_ExtensionMachs,
++     aDarwin_Has_ExtensionTests,   apzDarwin_Has_ExtensionPatch, 0 },
++  {  zDarwin_Has_FeatureName,    zDarwin_Has_FeatureList,
++     apzDarwin_Has_FeatureMachs,
++     aDarwin_Has_FeatureTests,   apzDarwin_Has_FeaturePatch, 0 },
+   {  zDarwin_Macho_Swaph_ExterncName,    zDarwin_Macho_Swaph_ExterncList,
+      apzDarwin_Macho_Swaph_ExterncMachs,

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/remove-kernel-version-check.patch (from rev 136929, trunk/dports/lang/gcc47/files/remove-kernel-version-check.patch)
--- trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/remove-kernel-version-check.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/remove-kernel-version-check.patch	2015-06-01 05:14:02 UTC (rev 136962)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+commit 9be4ec7ebf2d759114a98b0f532171f0e9e5768d
+Author: fxcoudert <fxcoudert at 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>
+Date:   Sun Sep 14 08:05:43 2014 +0000
+    	PR target/61407
+    	* config/darwin-driver.c (darwin_find_version_from_kernel): Removed
+    	kernel version check to avoid incrementing it after every major OS X
+    	release.
+Extracted from upstream r215251. No code added.
+Index: gcc/config/darwin-driver.c
+--- gcc/config/darwin-driver.c.orig
++++ gcc/config/darwin-driver.c
+@@ -174,8 +174,6 @@ darwin_default_min_version (int * argc_p
+   version_p = osversion + 1;
+   if (ISDIGIT (*version_p))
+     major_vers = major_vers * 10 + (*version_p++ - '0');
+-  if (major_vers > 4 + 9)
+-    goto parse_failed;
+   if (*version_p++ != '.')
+     goto parse_failed;
+   version_pend = strchr(version_p, '.');

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/version-min.patch (from rev 136961, trunk/dports/lang/gcc47/files/macosx-version-min.patch)
--- trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/version-min.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/version-min.patch	2015-06-01 05:14:02 UTC (rev 136962)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+commit 9b0d3d17b04a59bb591c06273d2d5a975f8c5d58
+Author: Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>
+Date:   Fri Nov 14 17:52:32 2014 -0500
+    Handle OS X deployment targets correctly
+    As described in PR target/63810, this addresses several problems with
+    the validation and encoding of deployment target version strings for the
+    currently four testcases exercising inputs to -mmacosx-version-min
+    (gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-*), but they provide minimal
+    coverage, and one is incorrect.
+    * The tiny number is now respected, if present.  Thus "10.9.4"
+      correctly becomes "1094" instead of "1090", and "10.10.1" becomes
+      "101001" instead of "101000".
+    * Zero padding is now ignored.  Thus "10.09" correctly becomes "1090"
+      instead of "100900", and "10.00010" becomes "101000" instead of being
+      treated as invalid.
+    * Deployment targets that are missing minor and tiny numbers are no
+      longer considered invalid.  Thus "10" is treated as "10.0.0", which
+      becomes "1000" without causing an error.
+    With this change, trunk matches the behavior of Apple LLVM Compiler
+    6.1.0 on 8,451 of 8,464 generated test inputs.  (The discrepancies are
+    due to a bug in Clang.)  I don't notice any testsuite regressions on
+    OS X 10.10 Yosemite x86-64.
+    2015-05-15  Lawrence Velázquez  <vq at larryv.me>
+    	PR target/63810
+    	* gcc/config/darwin-c.c (version_components): New global enum.
+    	(parse_version, version_as_legacy_macro)
+    	(version_as_modern_macro, macosx_version_as_macro): New functions.
+    	(version_as_macro): Remove.
+    	(darwin_cpp_builtins): Use new function.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-3.c: Update testcase.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-4.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-5.c: New testcase.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-6.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-7.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-8.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-9.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-10.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-11.c: Ditto.
+    	* gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-12.c: Ditto.
+Adapted for LLVM-GCC 4.2.1 (2336.11) from my upstream trunk fix.
+Extended to fix handling of iOS deployment targets.
+I hereby relicense my upstream contributions under GPLv2 when used by
+the MacPorts Project, as permitted by the terms of the FSF copyright
+The text above is from my email to the gcc-patches mailing list; some
+minor details may not apply to the patch below.
+Index: gcc/config/darwin-c.c
+--- gcc/config/darwin-c.c.orig
++++ gcc/config/darwin-c.c
+@@ -816,35 +816,158 @@ find_subframework_header (cpp_reader *pf
+   return 0;
+ }
+-/* Return the value of darwin_macosx_version_min suitable for the
+-   so '10.4.2' becomes 1042.
+-   Print a warning if the version number is not known.  */
++/* Given an OS X or iOS version VERSION_STR, return it as a statically-allocated
++   array of three integers.  If VERSION_STR is invalid, return NULL.
++   VERSION_STR must consist of one, two, or three tokens, each separated by
++   a single period.  Each token must contain only the characters '0' through
++   '9' and is converted to an equivalent non-negative decimal integer. Omitted
++   tokens become zeros.  For example:
++        "10"              becomes       {10,0,0}
++        "10.10"           becomes       {10,10,0}
++        "10.10.1"         becomes       {10,10,1}
++        "10.000010.1"     becomes       {10,10,1}
++        "10.010.001"      becomes       {10,10,1}
++        "000010.10.00001" becomes       {10,10,1}
++        ".9.1"            is invalid
++        "10..9"           is invalid
++        "10.10."          is invalid  */
++enum version_components { MAJOR, MINOR, TINY };
++static const unsigned long *
++parse_version (const char *version_str)
++  size_t version_len;
++  char *end;
++  static unsigned long version_array[3];
++  version_len = strlen (version_str);
++  if (version_len < 1)
++    return NULL;
++  /* Version string must consist of digits and periods only.  */
++  if (strspn (version_str, "0123456789.") != version_len)
++    return NULL;
++  if (!ISDIGIT (version_str[0]) || !ISDIGIT (version_str[version_len - 1]))
++    return NULL;
++  version_array[MAJOR] = strtoul (version_str, &end, 10);
++  version_str = end + ((*end == '.') ? 1 : 0);
++  /* Version string must not contain adjacent periods.  */
++  if (*version_str == '.')
++    return NULL;
++  version_array[MINOR] = strtoul (version_str, &end, 10);
++  version_str = end + ((*end == '.') ? 1 : 0);
++  version_array[TINY] = strtoul (version_str, &end, 10);
++  /* Version string must contain no more than three tokens.  */
++  if (*end != '\0')
++    return NULL;
++  return version_array;
++/* Given VERSION -- a three-component OS X version represented as an array of
++   non-negative integers -- return a statically-allocated string suitable for
++   is invalid and cannot be coerced into a valid form, return NULL.
++   The legacy format is a four-character string -- two chars for the major
++   number and one each for the minor and tiny numbers.  Minor and tiny numbers
++   from 10 through 99 are permitted but are clamped to 9 (for example, {10,9,10}
++   produces "1099").  If VERSION contains numbers greater than 99, it is
++   rejected.  */
++static const char *
++version_as_legacy_macro (const unsigned long *version)
++  unsigned long major, minor, tiny;
++  static char result[5];
++  major = version[MAJOR];
++  minor = version[MINOR];
++  tiny = version[TINY];
++  if (major > 99 || minor > 99 || tiny > 99)
++    return NULL;
++  minor = ((minor > 9) ? 9 : minor);
++  tiny = ((tiny > 9) ? 9 : tiny);
++  if (sprintf (result, "%lu%lu%lu", major, minor, tiny) != 4)
++    return NULL;
++  return result;
++/* Given VERSION -- a three-component OS X or iOS version represented as an
++   array of non-negative integers -- return a statically-allocated string
++   suitable for the modern __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ macro
++   invalid, return NULL.
++   The modern format is a five or six-character string -- one or two chars for
++   the major number and two each for the minor and tiny numbers, with
++   zero-padding if necessary (for example, {8,1,0} produces "80100", and
++   {10,10,1} produces "101001").  If VERSION contains numbers greater than 99,
++   it is rejected.  */
++static const char *
++version_as_modern_macro (const unsigned long *version)
++  unsigned long major, minor, tiny;
++  static char result[7];
++  major = version[MAJOR];
++  minor = version[MINOR];
++  tiny = version[TINY];
++  if (major > 99 || minor > 99 || tiny > 99)
++    return NULL;
++  if (sprintf (result, "%lu%02lu%02lu", major, minor, tiny)
++      != ((major > 9) ? 6 : 5))
++    return NULL;
++  return result;
++/* Return the value of darwin_macosx_version_min, suitably formatted for the
++   __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__ macro.  Values representing
++   OS X 10.9 and earlier are encoded using the legacy four-character format,
++   while 10.10 and later use a modern six-character format.  (For example,
++   "10.9" produces "1090", and "10.10.1" produces "101001".)  If
++   darwin_macosx_version_min is invalid and cannot be coerced into a valid
++   form, print a warning and return "1000".  */
+ static const char *
+-/* APPLE LOCAL ARM 5683689 */
+ macosx_version_as_macro (void)
+ {
+-  static char result[] = "1000";
++  const unsigned long *version_array;
++  const char *version_macro;
+-  if (strncmp (darwin_macosx_version_min, "10.", 3) != 0)
++  version_array = parse_version (darwin_macosx_version_min);
++  if (!version_array)
+     goto fail;
+-  if (! ISDIGIT (darwin_macosx_version_min[3]))
++  if (version_array[MAJOR] != 10)
+     goto fail;
+-  result[2] = darwin_macosx_version_min[3];
+-  if (darwin_macosx_version_min[4] != '\0')
+-    {
+-      if (darwin_macosx_version_min[4] != '.')
+-	goto fail;
+-      if (! ISDIGIT (darwin_macosx_version_min[5]))
+-	goto fail;
+-      if (darwin_macosx_version_min[6] != '\0')
+-	goto fail;
+-      result[3] = darwin_macosx_version_min[5];
+-    }
++  if (version_array[MINOR] < 10)
++    version_macro = version_as_legacy_macro (version_array);
+   else
+-    result[3] = '0';
++    version_macro = version_as_modern_macro (version_array);
+-  return result;
++  if (!version_macro)
++    goto fail;
++  return version_macro;
+  fail:
+   error ("Unknown value %qs of -mmacosx-version-min",
+@@ -863,62 +986,21 @@ macosx_version_as_macro (void)
+ static const char *
+ iphoneos_version_as_macro (void)
+ {
+-  static char result[sizeof ("99.99.99") + 1];
+-  const char *src_ptr = darwin_iphoneos_version_min;
+-  char *result_ptr = &result[0];
++  const unsigned long *version_array;
++  const char *version_macro;
+-  if (! darwin_iphoneos_version_min)
++  version_array = parse_version (darwin_iphoneos_version_min);
++  if (!version_array)
+     goto fail;
+-  if (! ISDIGIT (*src_ptr))
++  if (version_array[MAJOR] > 9)
+     goto fail;
+-  /* Copy over the major version number.  */
+-  *result_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+-  if (ISDIGIT (*src_ptr))
+-    *result_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+-  if (*src_ptr != '.')
++  version_macro = version_as_modern_macro (version_array);
++  if (!version_macro)
+     goto fail;
+-  src_ptr++;
+-  /* Start parsing the minor version number.  */
+-  if (! ISDIGIT (*src_ptr))
+-    goto fail;
+-  /* Zero-pad a single-digit value, or copy a two-digit value.  */
+-  *result_ptr++ = ISDIGIT (*(src_ptr + 1)) ? *src_ptr++ : '0';
+-  *result_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+-  /* Parse the third version number (patch level?)  */
+-  if (*src_ptr == '\0')
+-    {
+-      /* Not present -- default to zeroes.  */
+-      *result_ptr++ = '0';
+-      *result_ptr++ = '0';
+-    }
+-  else if (*src_ptr == '.')
+-    {
+-      src_ptr++;
+-      if (! ISDIGIT (*src_ptr))
+-	goto fail;
+-      /* Zero-pad a single-digit value, or copy a two-digit value.  */
+-      *result_ptr++ = ISDIGIT (*(src_ptr + 1)) ? *src_ptr++ : '0';
+-      *result_ptr++ = *src_ptr++;
+-    }
+-  else
+-    goto fail;
+-  /* Verify and copy the terminating NULL.  */
+-  if (*src_ptr != '\0')
+-    goto fail;
+-  *result_ptr++ = '\0'; 
+-  return result;
++  return version_macro;
+  fail:
+   error ("Unknown value %qs of -miphoneos-version-min",
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-10.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-10.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with zero-padded
++   minor and tiny numbers less than 10 produces the correct
++   four-character macro.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.07.02" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-11.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-11.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with outrageous
++   zero-padding and a minor number greater than 9 still produces
++   a six-character macro.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=00010.010.0000098" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-12.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-12.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with outrageous
++   zero-padding and a minor number less than 10 still produces
++   a four-character macro.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=010.008.000031" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-3.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-3.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++/* Test that most minor versions less than 10 work.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.4.1" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-4.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-4.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++/* Test that minor versions greater than 9 produce a six-character macro.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10.1" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-5.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-5.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with minor number
++   less than 10 and tiny number greater than 9 produces a four-character
++   macro with the tiny number clamped to 9.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.9.10" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-6.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-6.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that tiny numbers are preserved in
++   six-character macros.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10.11" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-7.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-7.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that tiny numbers less than 10 are preserved in
++   four-character macros.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.9.1" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-8.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-8.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with minor number
++   greater than 9 and no tiny number produces a six-character macro
++   ending in "00".  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.11" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-9.c
+--- /dev/null
++++ gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/darwin-minversion-9.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++/* PR target/63810: Test that an OS X minimum version with a zero-padded
++   minor number less than 10 produces a four-character macro.  */
++/* Added by Lawrence Velázquez <vq at larryv.me>.  */
++/* { dg-options "-mmacosx-version-min=10.08.4" } */
++/* { dg-do compile { target *-*-darwin* } } */
++main ()
++  fail me;
++  return 0;

Property changes on: trunk/dports/lang/llvm-gcc42/files/version-min.patch
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /branches/mld-qt-481/dports/lang/gcc47/files/macosx-version-min.patch:92720,92813,92891,92963,93522,93556,93699,93743,93771-93773,93806,93817-93818,93856
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