[MacPorts] PortfileRecipes modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Oct 14 00:27:06 PDT 2015

Page "PortfileRecipes" was changed by ryandesign at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes?action=diff&version=90>
Revision 90
Comment: minor improvements to the replaced_by section
Index: PortfileRecipes
--- PortfileRecipes (version: 89)
+++ PortfileRecipes (version: 90)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
 The old port (osxvnc) should be kept around for a year, and converted into a stub port marked as having been replaced by the new port, so that users who already had the old port installed will learn about the new port and will be prompted (via `port outdated`) to upgrade to it. There are several steps to this process:
  1. Add the `replaced_by` line, indicating the name of the port by which this port has been replaced, for example `replaced_by vineserver`. This causes MacPorts, when running `sudo port upgrade osxvnc`, to deactivate osxvnc and to install vineserver in its place. 
- 1. Use the obsolete 1.0 PortGroup. This will take care of things like removing livecheck and giving the user a message stating that the port is indeed obsolete. 
+ 1. Use the obsolete 1.0 PortGroup. This will take care of things like removing livecheck and giving the user a message stating that the port is indeed obsolete. Note that the `replaced_by` line must precede the `PortGroup obsolete 1.0` line.
  1. In a comment, mention the date, one year in the future, that the port can be removed. 
  1. In order for osxvnc to appear in `port outdated`, increase the port's `version`, `revision` or `epoch`. Customarily, the old port's version is set to the version of the replacement port. So, when osxvnc @3.0_1 was replaced by vineserver @3.1_0, osxvnc's `version` was set to 3.1 and its `revision` dropped to 0 to match the new vineserver port. If the software was only renamed, without changing its version number, then increase the old port's `revision`.
  1. Remove all directives related to fetching and verifying files: `master_sites`, `patch_sites`, `checksums`, `fetch.*`, `cvs.*`, `svn.*`, `hg.*`, `git.*`, or `bzr.*` directives.
@@ -609,6 +609,7 @@
 The reason for leaving a stub port (rather than deleting the old port immediately) is to provide a seamless upgrade process for people who installed the port under its old name. So the stub port should not be deleted until after most users can be expected to have used `sudo port selfupdate` and `sudo port upgrade outdated`. Since some users do not update frequently, it is recommended that the old port remain for no less than one year after the `replaced_by` line is added.
 Sometimes a port is replaced because a [ticket:14540 -devel port] was created but will no longer be updated and is being replaced by a corresponding non-devel port. (For example, the xz-devel port was replaced by the xz port.)
+Ensure that the replacement port does not declare a conflict with the replaced port, as that would prevent the upgrade from succeeding.
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Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes>
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