[141282] trunk/dports/graphics/glfw/Portfile

michaelld at macports.org michaelld at macports.org
Wed Oct 14 07:21:49 PDT 2015

Revision: 141282
Author:   michaelld at macports.org
Date:     2015-10-14 07:21:49 -0700 (Wed, 14 Oct 2015)
Log Message:
+ add release port, currently at 3.1.2;
+ update devel port to 074aafa8 (20151013);
+ whitespace / formatting.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/glfw/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/glfw/Portfile	2015-10-14 14:14:39 UTC (rev 141281)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/glfw/Portfile	2015-10-14 14:21:49 UTC (rev 141282)
@@ -5,20 +5,44 @@
 PortGroup           cmake 1.0
 PortGroup           github 1.0
-github.setup        glfw glfw ac9a6f850444df75ff1c351011a7ef9792896518
-version             20151012
-checksums           rmd160 b41a8dca363282cc4938b295c6b114d9ccc0cf4a \
-                    sha256 b65c31e2618def5040f8aa2cf8a3fbbf226dbad055825c64e955494520d9eefc
+name                glfw
 categories          graphics
 maintainers         michaelld openmaintainer
 description         GLFW is a free, open-source, portable library for OpenGL and OpenGL ES application development
 license             zlib
 platforms           darwin macosx
-long_description ${description}: \
+subport glfw-devel {}
+if {${subport} eq ${name}} {
+    # release
+    github.setup    glfw glfw 3.1.2
+    # bump the epoch because I moved the version from 20151012 to 3.1.2
+    epoch           1
+    checksums       rmd160 f0a34fda090c5d5e7aef2c916d6160faf777842f \
+                    sha256 a956537ed306746cf0bfe3e4a71758bff6d2a9e25f51fe718516f5b49ad9bfc5
+    conflicts       glfw-devel
+    long_description ${description}: \
+        This port follows the release version of GLFW, which is typically updated every 6 months. If for some reason this port does not build or function as desired, try the ${name}-devel port.
+} else {
+    # devel
+    github.setup    glfw glfw 074aafa814b9cc597b333af358f889a61683622c
+    version         20151013
+    checksums       rmd160 e7ec8dc25e7eb729a2665dcb6a213f33352ac65f \
+                    sha256 1810505463a9f593a6b39df5e00a1bd669a314a0b787247a003601d4b19b08f5
+    conflicts       glfw
+    long_description ${description}: \
     This port follows the GIT master version of GLFW, which is typically updated every few days to weeks.
 # use the real home page, not github's
 homepage            http://www.glfw.org/
@@ -54,12 +78,14 @@
     # move cmake Modules to an appropriate location
     xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/cmake
-    move ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/cmake/glfw ${destroot}${prefix}/share/cmake
+    move ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/cmake/glfw \
+        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/cmake
     # copy html docs if requested
     if {[variant_isset docs]} {
         xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-        copy ${cmake.build_dir}/docs/html ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+        copy ${cmake.build_dir}/docs/html \
+            ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
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