[MacPorts] WorkingWithGitSVN modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Oct 25 08:48:03 PDT 2015

Page "WorkingWithGitSVN" was changed by ryandesign at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGitSVN?action=diff&version=10>
Revision 10
Comment: fill in some blanks in the list of unknown committers
Index: WorkingWithGitSVN
--- WorkingWithGitSVN (version: 9)
+++ WorkingWithGitSVN (version: 10)
@@ -85,17 +85,17 @@
 jkh at apple.com = Jordan K. Hubbard <jkh at macports.org>
 kvv at apple.com = Kevin Van Vechten <kvv at macports.org>
 macsforever2000 at macports.org = Frank Schima <mf2k at macports.org>
-n3npq at mac.com
+n3npq at mac.com = Jeff Johnson <n3npq at macports.org>
 nobody = CVS2SVN <cvs2svn at localhost.localdomain>
 pguyot at kallisys.net = Paul Guyot <pguyot at macports.org>
 portindex at macports.org = PortIndex Generator <portindex at macports.org>
-rmsfisher at macports.org
-root = MacOSForge Admins <admins at macosforge.org>
+rmsfisher at macports.org = Ryan Stonecipher <rmstonecipher at macports.org>
+root = Mac OS Forge Admin <admin at macosforge.org>
 royliu at macports.org = Roy Liu <royliu at macports.org>
-wsanchez at apple.com
+torrey = Torrey Lyons <torrey at opendarwin.org>
+uid50019 = Markus W. Weißmann <mww at macports.org>
+uid50030 = Toby Peterson <toby at macports.org>
+wsanchez at apple.com = Wilfredo Sánchez Vega <wsanchez at apple.com>
 wsiegrist at apple.com = William Siegrist <wms at macports.org>

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WorkingWithGitSVN>
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