[MacPorts] Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Mar 3 21:20:40 PST 2016

Page "Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme" was changed by ijackson at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme?action=diff&version=6>
Revision 6
Index: Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme
--- Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme (version: 5)
+++ Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme (version: 6)
@@ -22,6 +22,17 @@
 about timestamps, OS X-specifics, defined build environments,
 timestamps, solutions from Linux and *BSD, the current state of MacPorts
 w.r.t. reproducibility, and finally timestamps.
+=== Upgrading Dependency Engine - My GSoC experience with MacPorts ===
+'''Speaker:''' ''Jackson Isaac ([wiki:ijackson ijackson@])''
+This talk will begin by Jackson sharing his experience while applying for GSoC 2015.
+This will be followed by discussing what options were available and why libsolv was selected.
+How the summer was planned, what things were implemented and what things are left to do.
+Steps to build the branch and set up libsolv will be discussed followed by going through the code.
+The talk will conclude by discussing the future scope and ideas for libsolv in MacPorts. The audience
+will also get to know how a student spends their summer during GSoC and how they benefit from working
+on a well planned project under the guidance of a mentor(s).
 == Workshops ==

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme>
MacPorts <https://www.macports.org/>
Ports system for OS X

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