[146839] trunk/dports/science/pymol/files

raimue at macports.org raimue at macports.org
Fri Mar 18 11:00:46 PDT 2016

Revision: 146839
Author:   raimue at macports.org
Date:     2016-03-18 11:00:46 -0700 (Fri, 18 Mar 2016)
Log Message:
Remove unused patch files

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/pymol-clang.diff
--- trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/pymol-clang.diff	2016-03-18 17:39:45 UTC (rev 146838)
+++ trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/pymol-clang.diff	2016-03-18 18:00:46 UTC (rev 146839)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Index: layer0/ShaderMgr.cpp
---- layer0/ShaderMgr.cpp	(revision 4107)
-+++ layer0/ShaderMgr.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ void CShaderPrg_Update_Shaders_For_Backg
- }
- int CShaderPrg_Reload(PyMOLGlobals * G, char *name, char *v, char *f){
--  int status, howLong, needAttach = 0;
-+  int status, howLong;
-   CShaderPrg * I = CShaderMgr_GetShaderPrg_NoSet(G->ShaderMgr, name);
-   if (!I){
-     CShaderMgr *SM = G->ShaderMgr;
-Index: layer0/Sphere.cpp
---- layer0/Sphere.cpp	(revision 4107)
-+++ layer0/Sphere.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ Z* -------------------------------------
- #define tau 0.8506508084F       /* t=(1+sqrt(5))/2, tau=t/sqrt(1+t^2)  */
- #define one 0.5257311121F       /* one=1/sqrt(1+t^2) , unit sphere     */
- static const float start_points[13][3] = {
-   {tau, one, 0},
-   {-tau, one, 0},
-@@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ static const int icosahedron[21][3] = {
-   {7, 2, 9},
-   {6, 10, 2}
- };
- static const int mesh[30][2] = {
-   {0, 3},
-@@ -103,8 +107,6 @@ static const int mesh[30][2] = {
-   {9, 10}
- };
- #include"SphereData.h"
-Index: layer2/RepNonbonded.cpp
---- layer2/RepNonbonded.cpp	(revision 4107)
-+++ layer2/RepNonbonded.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ static void RepNonbondedRender(RepNonbon
-   int ok = true;
-   // 0.018f is found by trial and error
-   // TODO: this is not sufficient to solve the problem of disappearing cylinders
--  float scale_bound = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_field_of_view)  * cPI / 180.0f * 0.018f;
-+  // float scale_bound = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_field_of_view)  * cPI / 180.0f * 0.018f;
-   alpha =
-     SettingGet_f(G, I->R.cs->Setting, I->R.obj->Setting, cSetting_nonbonded_transparency);
-@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ static void RepNonbondedRender(RepNonbon
-     alpha = 1.0F;
-   if(ray) {
-     float radius;
--    float pixel_radius = ray->PixelRadius;
-     ray->transparentf(1.0F - alpha);
-     if(I->Radius == 0.0F) {
-@@ -360,7 +359,6 @@ static void RepNonbondedRender(RepNonbon
- 	  CShaderPrg *shaderPrg;
- 	  if (nonbonded_as_cylinders){
- 	    // vertex scale is bound so that cylinders cannot disappear when it gets too low
--	    float vertex_scale = info->vertex_scale;
- 	    float pixel_scale_value = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_ray_pixel_scale);
- 	    if(pixel_scale_value < 0)
- 	      pixel_scale_value = 1.0F;
-@@ -596,7 +594,6 @@ static void RepNonbondedRender(RepNonbon
- 	  CShaderPrg *shaderPrg;
- 	  if (nonbonded_as_cylinders){
- 	    // vertex scale is bound so that cylinders cannot disappear when it gets too low
--	    float vertex_scale = info->vertex_scale;
- 	    float pixel_scale_value = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_ray_pixel_scale);
- 	    if(pixel_scale_value < 0)
- 	      pixel_scale_value = 1.0F;
-Index: layer2/RepWireBond.cpp
---- layer2/RepWireBond.cpp	(revision 4107)
-+++ layer2/RepWireBond.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -779,7 +779,6 @@ static void RepWireBondRender(RepWireBon
- 	  CShaderPrg *shaderPrg;
- 	  if (line_as_cylinders){
- 	    // vertex scale is bound so that cylinders cannot disappear when it gets too low
--	    float vertex_scale = info->vertex_scale;
- 	    float pixel_scale_value = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_ray_pixel_scale);
- 	    if(pixel_scale_value < 0)
- 	      pixel_scale_value = 1.0F;
-@@ -973,7 +972,6 @@ static void RepWireBondRender(RepWireBon
- 	  CShaderPrg *shaderPrg;
- 	  if (line_as_cylinders){
- 	    // vertex scale is bound so that cylinders cannot disappear when it gets too low
--	    float vertex_scale = info->vertex_scale;
- 	    float pixel_scale_value = SettingGetGlobal_f(G, cSetting_ray_pixel_scale);
- 	    if(pixel_scale_value < 0)
- 	      pixel_scale_value = 1.0F;
-Index: layer3/Executive.cpp
---- layer3/Executive.cpp	(revision 4107)
-+++ layer3/Executive.cpp	(working copy)
-@@ -13978,7 +13978,6 @@ void ExecutiveFullScreen(PyMOLGlobals * 
- #ifndef _PYMOL_NO_GLUT
-   if(G->HaveGUI && G->ValidContext) {
--    CExecutive *I = G->Executive;
-     if (flag) {
-       if(wm_flag < 1) {

Deleted: trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/setup_py.diff
--- trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/setup_py.diff	2016-03-18 17:39:45 UTC (rev 146838)
+++ trunk/dports/science/pymol/files/setup_py.diff	2016-03-18 18:00:46 UTC (rev 146839)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Index: setup.py
---- setup.py	(revision 4106)
-+++ setup.py	(working copy)
-@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ else: # unix style (linux, mac, ...)
-     try:
-         prefix_path = os.environ['PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
-     except KeyError:
--        prefix_path = ["/usr", "/usr/X11", "/opt/local", "/sw"]
-+        prefix_path = ["@PREFIX@", "/usr", "/usr/X11"]
-     for prefix in prefix_path:
-         inc_dirs += filter(os.path.isdir, [prefix + s for s in ["/include", "/include/freetype2", "/include/libxml2"]])
-------------- next part --------------
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