[MacPorts] PortfileRecipes modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 3 02:45:03 CET 2016

Page "PortfileRecipes" was changed by raimue
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes?action=diff&version=94>
Revision 94
Comment: Adapt #replaced-by for use with Git
Index: PortfileRecipes
--- PortfileRecipes (version: 93)
+++ PortfileRecipes (version: 94)
@@ -567,11 +567,11 @@
 == Replacing and renaming ports == #replaced-by
-When a software project is renamed, a new port is created with the project's new name. The new port should usually not be created from scratch; instead it should be copied from the old port, using the `svn copy` command, to preserve the port's Subversion history. For example, when the developers of the OSXvnc project renamed it to Vine Server, the new vineserver port was created by copying the old osxvnc port:
+When a software project is renamed, a new port is created with the project's new name. The new port should usually not be created from scratch; but be based on the old port. For example, when the developers of the OSXvnc project renamed it to Vine Server, the new vineserver port was created by copying the old osxvnc port:
 cd $(port dir osxvnc)/../
-svn copy osxvnc vineserver
+cp -R osxvnc vineserver
 Then the new port (vineserver, in this example) is edited, including changing the `name` field to the project's new name, most likely changing the `version`, possibly changing the `homepage`, `master_sites` and `livecheck`, and anything else related to the name change. It's also a good idea to include the project's old name in the new port's `description` and `long_description` so that users searching for it by its old name can find it.

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes>
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