[MacPorts] YosemiteProblems modified
noreply at macports.org
Mon Oct 24 22:52:18 CEST 2016
Page "YosemiteProblems" was changed by jeremyhu
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/YosemiteProblems?action=diff&version=7>
Revision 7
Comment: Provide a workaround for the CoreSimulatorService issue that doesn't require GUI access
Index: YosemiteProblems
--- YosemiteProblems (version: 6)
+++ YosemiteProblems (version: 7)
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
Install Xcode 6.1 or later, and select it with `xcode-select`. (#44581)
-== If you get an iPhoneSimulator or SimVerifier error message == #iphonesimulator
+== If you get a CoreSimulatorService or SimVerifier error message == #iphonesimulator
-Launch Xcode.app once, then close it. (#45445)
+Run the following (#45445):
+ sudo launchctl asuser `id -u macports` sudo -u macports xcrun simctl list
== Tickets for Broken Ports ==
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/YosemiteProblems>
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