[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified
noreply at macports.org
Thu Feb 22 10:16:02 UTC 2018
Page "SummerOfCode" was changed by umeshksingla
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=299>
Revision 299
Comment: comment out the fetch-types project
Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 298)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 299)
@@ -208,20 +208,6 @@
* Programming languages: Tcl, C
* Potential mentors: cal
-==== Improve fetching from version control ==== #fetchtypes
-Make cvs/svn/git/hg/bzr fetch types checkout into the distfiles dir and then export into the work dir, to [[ticket:16373|avoid having to re-fetch]] after cleaning the work directory.
-"`fetch.type svn`" is inefficient in that it checks out a new working copy every time, directly to the work area. That would be like a normal port downloading the distfile every time. Instead, we should check out a working copy to that port's distpath, and then in the extract phase we should `svn export` it to the work area.
-Some checks will be needed in the fetch phase to ensure that an existing working copy:
-* has no modifications: check `svn status`. Ideally, we would try to clean up the working copy, for example by `svn revert`-ing modified or added or deleted files, and then in a second `svn status` run, delete any unversioned files. But it's already an improvement if we just discard the working copy if `svn status --ignore-externals` produces any output.
-* is from the right URL: check `svn info`: check if the "URL" is the one we want. If not, check that the "Repository Root" is a substring of the repository we want. If yes, try to `svn switch` to the URL and revision we want; if not, discard the working copy.
-* Difficulty: Easy
-* Languages: Tcl, C, bash
-* Contact: larryv
=== More Ideas/Hints for your own ideas ===
==== Shell environment ==== #shell-environment
@@ -305,6 +291,24 @@
* Difficulty: Medium
* Language: TBD
* Potential mentors: TBD
+==== Improve fetching from version control ==== #fetchtypes
+Make cvs/svn/git/hg/bzr fetch types checkout into the distfiles dir and then export into the work dir, to [[ticket:16373|avoid having to re-fetch]] after cleaning the work directory.
+"`fetch.type svn`" is inefficient in that it checks out a new working copy every time, directly to the work area. That would be like a normal port downloading the distfile every time. Instead, we should check out a working copy to that port's distpath, and then in the extract phase we should `svn export` it to the work area.
+Some checks will be needed in the fetch phase to ensure that an existing working copy:
+* has no modifications: check `svn status`. Ideally, we would try to clean up the working copy, for example by `svn revert`-ing modified or added or deleted files, and then in a second `svn status` run, delete any unversioned files. But it's already an improvement if we just discard the working copy if `svn status --ignore-externals` produces any output.
+* is from the right URL: check `svn info`: check if the "URL" is the one we want. If not, check that the "Repository Root" is a substring of the repository we want. If yes, try to `svn switch` to the URL and revision we want; if not, discard the working copy.
+* Difficulty: Easy
+* Languages: Tcl, C, bash
+* Contact: larryv
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
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