[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Jan 28 23:59:29 UTC 2018

Page "SummerOfCode" was changed by mojca
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=287>
Revision 287
Comment: Collect build statistics
Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 286)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 287)
@@ -236,7 +236,9 @@
 ==== Improve fetching from version control ==== #fetchtypes
 Make cvs/svn/git/hg/bzr fetch types checkout into the distfiles dir and then export into the work dir, to [[ticket:16373|avoid having to re-fetch]]
-after cleaning the work directory. (Please note: this task alone is not sufficient to fill the whole summer. If you want to work on this, you need to combine it with something else.)
+after cleaning the work directory.
+This task alone is most probably not enough for the whole Summer Of Code.
 * Difficulty: Easy
 * Languages: Tcl, C, bash
@@ -283,6 +285,21 @@
 * Classification: Medium
 * Language: Tcl
 * Potential mentors: larryv
+==== Collect build statistics ==== #build-stats
+Go through the [https://build.macports.org history of builds] and collect per-port statistics & success matrix:
+* whether the current version of port built on each particular OS/arch
+* when was the last time the port built on that OS/arch
+* links to all builds
+* list of installed files, differences in installed files on different OS versions
+* perhaps include some basic functionality to allow checking for build reproducibility
+* what is the latest version of port (in case it's already outdated), ...
+It would be nice to get a decent website for each port to get a quick overview of the port status & health across different OSes. (Part of statistics collection could also be implemented as an extension to Buildbot or Buildbot setup.)
+* Difficulty: Easy to medium
+* Languages: JSON, HTML, Pythor or any scripting language
+* Potential mentors: mojca
 ==== Documentation and website ==== #docs

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
MacPorts <https://www.macports.org/>
Ports system for macOS

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