[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Jan 29 13:18:04 UTC 2018

Page "SummerOfCode" was changed by umeshksingla
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=291>
Revision 291
Comment: shortening the title
Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 290)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 291)
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@
 * Languages: Perl, probably Tcl
 * Potential mentors: pixilla
-===== Read packages from other various package managers ===== #foo2port
-As with the cpan2port proposal above, and with the previous [wiki:pypi2port pypi2port] GSoC entry, except with other package managers, such as [http://opam.ocamlpro.com/ opam] for ocaml packages, [http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ cabal] for Haskell, [http://luarocks.org/ luarocks] for Lua, [https://npmjs.org/ npm] for node.js, and so on.
+===== Read packages from various package managers ===== #foo2port
+As with the cpan2port proposal above, and with the previous [wiki:pypi2port pypi2port] GSoC entry, except with other various package managers, such as [http://opam.ocamlpro.com/ opam] for ocaml packages, [http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ cabal] for Haskell, [http://luarocks.org/ luarocks] for Lua, [https://npmjs.org/ npm] for node.js, and so on.
 * Classification: Medium
 * Languages: Tcl, C, OCaml, Haskell, Lua, Node.js, etc.

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
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