[MacPorts] howto/cpan2port modified

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Fri Jun 8 07:06:42 UTC 2018

Page "howto/cpan2port" was changed by chrstphrchvz
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/cpan2port?action=diff&version=11>
Revision 11
Comment: suggest installing cpan2port from macports, use svn as alternative; remove mention of outdated Perl version (5.22) packages
Index: howto/cpan2port
--- howto/cpan2port (version: 10)
+++ howto/cpan2port (version: 11)
@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
 = How to create portfiles for CPAN Perl modules =
  * Audience: Perl users
- * Requires the following MacPorts perl ports: p5-list-moreutils p5-cpan-meta p5-module-depends p5-cpan-meta-yaml. Note that perl 5.22 is the Macports default version, you can install them as follows:
-port install p5.22-list-moreutils p5.22-cpan-meta p5.22-module-depends p5.22-cpan-meta-yaml
+ * Requires additional Perl modules (available as MacPorts perl ports: see step [#Step4:Getcpan2port Get cpan2port])
 == Introduction ==
@@ -54,18 +52,24 @@
 This particular port actually is available, but we'll pretend it isn't.
-=== Step 4: '''Create MacPorts directory ===
+=== Step 4: '''Get cpan2port ===
+Install using macports (will automatically install prerequisite Perl modules: p5-list-moreutils, p5-cpan-meta, p5-module-depends, p5-cpan-meta-yaml):
+$ port install cpan2port
+Or, from a system without macports:
 $ mkdir ~/macports
 $ cd ~/macports
 $ curl -O https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/contrib/cpan2port/cpan2port
 $ chmod u+x cpan2port
+Then install the Perl modules (from e.g. CPAN or package manager of choice): [https://metacpan.org/release/List-MoreUtils List::MoreUtils], [https://metacpan.org/release/CPAN-Meta CPAN::Meta], [https://metacpan.org/release/Module-Depends Module::Depends], [https://metacpan.org/release/CPAN-Meta-YAML CPAN::Meta::YAML]
 === Step 5: '''Create the port file''' ===
-$ ./cpan2port -t Date::Parse
+$ cpan2port -t Date::Parse

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/cpan2port>
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