[MacPorts] Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Mar 11 10:23:37 UTC 2018

Page "Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr" was changed by raimue
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr?action=diff&version=5>
Revision 5
Index: Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr
--- Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr (version: 4)
+++ Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr (version: 5)
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 = MacPorts PortMgr
+(Ryan joined via video call)
 There's a talk from 2016, see [wiki:Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme#MacPortsPortMgr]. Compared to two years ago, `portmgr@` no longer deals with managing the infrastructure, since we now have the infrastructure team to do that and rely on GitHub.
@@ -26,8 +28,6 @@
 * Would they own any trademarks?
 * Would they own domain names?
-= Video call with Ryan
 == Documentation for infrastructure
 * Should have some internal documentation on buildbot and braeburn
@@ -41,3 +41,14 @@
 * Move mprsyncup on buildbot
   * TODO: Add this as a job to buildbot
+* Updating to buildbot 1.0
+  * New waterfall does not fit our use case
+== Website
+* Move as much as possible to GitHub pages
+  * Statically hosted pages
+* Move guide to GitHub pages, get rid of DocBook XML syntax
+* Create a web page for each port
+  * Serve JSON from braeburn and render it with JavaScript?

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr>
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Ports system for macOS

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