[MacPorts] Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Mar 11 11:08:39 UTC 2018

Page "Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr" was changed by mojca
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr?action=diff&version=10>
Revision 10
Comment: Ryan's old website
Index: Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr
--- Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr (version: 9)
+++ Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr (version: 10)
@@ -48,6 +48,11 @@
 == Website
+* Long time ago Ryan wrote an example:
+  * in an old version of Node.js and the code no longer works, but he will upload the code to GitHub
+  * frontend was done with bootstrap
+  * JavaScript-based search engine to replace php search
+* Ryan has some progress creating a website by converting PortIndex into GitHub pages for each port
 * Move as much as possible to GitHub pages
   * Statically hosted pages
 * Move guide to GitHub pages, get rid of DocBook XML syntax

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/PortMgr>
MacPorts <https://www.macports.org/>
Ports system for macOS

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