[macports-base] branch release-2.4 updated (0ebdf20 -> 6a3a0ed)

Rainer Müller raimue at macports.org
Fri Mar 23 16:25:34 UTC 2018

Rainer Müller (raimue) pushed a change to branch release-2.4
in repository macports-base.

    from 0ebdf20  mportexec: Remove misleading errorInfo output
     new 149b24d  Reinplace quietly when clearing dependency_libs in .la files
     new 6b5f790  portutil.tcl: Fix case-only renames when no arguments given
     new fbb6d1a  portindex.tcl: Remove -a flag from usage
     new 2dd0215  portconfigure: Remove macports-clang-3.8 from our list of preferred compilers
     new 57221e9  fix error when sw_vers fails
     new b7309f0  Fix typo in manpages
     new bc82369  configure: Update macOS version checks
     new 1162dee  configure: Update Xcode version checks
     new 4853357  Error when a port is opened with a nonexistent subport
     new 9cad53f  Fix sometimes leaving orphaned Portfiles in the registry
     new 5bfd917  Add /dev/{u,}random to sandbox whitelist
     new 401aa37  sandbox: Allow file-write-data for /var/db/mds
     new 6a3a0ed  ChangeLog: Update for backports to release-2.4

The 13 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 ChangeLog                         |  9 +++++++++
 configure                         |  6 +++---
 configure.ac                      |  6 +++---
 doc/port-selfupdate.1             | 12 ++++++------
 doc/port-selfupdate.1.txt         |  2 +-
 doc/port-sync.1                   |  4 ++--
 doc/port-sync.1.txt               |  2 +-
 src/macports1.0/macports.tcl      | 16 ++++++++++++++--
 src/port/portindex.tcl            |  4 ++--
 src/port1.0/portconfigure.tcl     |  2 +-
 src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl      |  2 +-
 src/port1.0/portsandbox.tcl       |  3 ++-
 src/port1.0/portutil.tcl          |  7 ++++---
 src/registry2.0/portuninstall.tcl |  2 +-
 14 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

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