[macports-ports] branch master updated (a72c324 -> d615197)
Renee Otten
reneeotten at macports.org
Tue Dec 17 03:44:41 UTC 2019
Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.
from a72c324 mpd: require a C++14 compiler
new f480bf3 py-Pillow: remove py26 and py3[34] subports
new 0bf7351 py-asn1crypto: remove py34 subport
new f2f2045 py-bleach: remove py34 subport
new e573057 py-bz2file: remove py34 subport, add size
new 02b5336 py-cffi: remove py34 subport, use https
new 7330687 py-defusedxml: remove py34 subport
new 662392b py-funcparserlib: remove py34 subport, add size
new e58b1d0 py-lazy_object_proxy: remove py34 subport
new b0a6ad2 py-matplotlib: remove py34 subport
new 563d68c py-mistune: remove py34 subport
new 23b200d py-multipledispatch: remove py34 subport
new 2ac34c7 py-notebook: remove py34 subport, use https
new 6acb359 py-pandocfilters: remove py34 subport, add size
new 14aec88 py-parso: remove py34 subport
new c9bf011 py-scandir: remove py34 subport
new 230425d py-testpath: remove py34 subport
new 332a5dc py-wcwidth: remove py34 subport, default PyPI livecheck
new 68de5f7 py-cairo: remove py34 subport
new 7a9381a py-cycler: remove py34 subport, add size
new 1dd4443 py-ipykernel: remove py34 subport
new bf3e6c8 py-kiwisolver: remove py34 subport
new 5764679 py-nbformat: remove py34 subport, add size, use https
new bb7b4ca py-olefile: remove py26 and py3[34] subports
new 45fdf7c py-prometheus_client: remove py34 subport
new 3fc24b5 py-pycparser: remove py34 subport
new c01dab5 py-scipy: remove py34 subport
new 2f90ac0 py-send2trash: remove py34 subport
new eadee64 py-tables: remove py34, use python.rootname and default PyPI livecheck
new aa2b7b5 py-terminado: remove py34 subport
new 347743b py-typed-ast: remove py34 subport
new 449c96a py-webcolors: remove py34 subport, use https
new dea4f46 py-webencodings: remove py34 subport, add size
new fa5a6c3 py-wrapt: remove py34 subport
new 28f4e93 py-jupyter_client: remove py34 subport
new 191906d py-jupyter_core: remove py34 subport, use https
new 27dce17 py-numexpr: remove py34 subport
new ef32334 py-ptyprocess: remove py34 subport
new 87b1b6c py-py: remove py34 subport, use https
new 8a3e6b8 py-tornado: remove py34 subport, use https
new e465d33 py-backports_abc: remove py34 subport, add size, default PyPI livecheck
new dcc3223 py-traitlets: remove py34 subport, use https
new 3ae5bb1 py-unittest2: remove py34 subport
new f10fc34 py-zmq: remove py34 subport
new f32b182 py-decorator: remove py34 subport
new f1f8e2a py-ipython_genutils: remove py34 subport, add size, use https
new a037460 py-traceback2: remove py34 subport
new 2e3d1f8 py-linecache2: remove py34 subport, default PyPI livecheck
new d615197 py-pbr: remove py34 subport
The 48 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
python/py-Pillow/Portfile | 31 +---------------
python/py-Pillow/files/patch-setup-3.4.2.py.diff | 47 ------------------------
python/py-Pillow/files/patch-setup-5.4.1.py.diff | 47 ------------------------
python/py-asn1crypto/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-backports_abc/Portfile | 7 ++--
python/py-bleach/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-bz2file/Portfile | 5 ++-
python/py-cairo/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-cffi/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-cycler/Portfile | 5 ++-
python/py-decorator/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-defusedxml/Portfile | 11 +-----
python/py-funcparserlib/Portfile | 5 ++-
python/py-ipykernel/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-ipython_genutils/Portfile | 7 ++--
python/py-jupyter_client/Portfile | 12 +-----
python/py-jupyter_core/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-kiwisolver/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-lazy_object_proxy/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-linecache2/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-matplotlib/Portfile | 13 +++----
python/py-mistune/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-multipledispatch/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-nbformat/Portfile | 7 ++--
python/py-notebook/Portfile | 10 ++---
python/py-numexpr/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-olefile/Portfile | 11 +-----
python/py-pandocfilters/Portfile | 5 ++-
python/py-parso/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-pbr/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-prometheus_client/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-ptyprocess/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-py/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-pycparser/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-scandir/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-scipy/Portfile | 11 ++----
python/py-send2trash/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-tables/Portfile | 15 ++------
python/py-terminado/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-testpath/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-tornado/Portfile | 23 ++++--------
python/py-traceback2/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-traitlets/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-typed-ast/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-unittest2/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-wcwidth/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-webcolors/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-webencodings/Portfile | 6 ++-
python/py-wrapt/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-zmq/Portfile | 2 +-
50 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 python/py-Pillow/files/patch-setup-3.4.2.py.diff
delete mode 100644 python/py-Pillow/files/patch-setup-5.4.1.py.diff
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