[MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified

MacPorts Wiki noreply at macports.org
Mon Mar 4 08:43:58 UTC 2019

Page "SummerOfCode" was changed by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode?action=diff&version=324>
Revision 324
Index: SummerOfCode
--- SummerOfCode (version: 323)
+++ SummerOfCode (version: 324)
@@ -203,6 +203,16 @@
 * Difficulty: Easy to Medium
 * Languages: Tcl
 * Potential mentors: mcalhoun
+==== Phase out dependency on Xcode ==== #xcode
+MacPorts currently requires a full Xcode installation, even though a lot of ports will install just fine with the Command Line Tools package only. Since we also have a number of ports that need Xcode to build, we cannot completely remove the Xcode dependency. Your task would be to provide a way for maintainers to easily identify ports that depend on Xcode and mark them as such, so MacPorts can warn users without Xcode installed that a port they want to install needs the full Xcode package.
+To achieve this, you can modify "trace mode", a `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES`-based sandbox to track whether a port has accessed files belonging to the Xcode package. If it does, your modifications should cause a warning to be printed suggesting the port maintainers to add `use_xcode yes` to the Portfile (unless of course, it is already there). You should also implement an error message if a user without Xcode installed tries to install a port that has `use_xcode yes` set.
+* Difficulty: Medium
+* Languages: Tcl, C
+* Potential mentors: mcalhoun, cal
 ==== Announcements distributed over the ports tree ==== #news
@@ -284,16 +294,6 @@
 * Languages: Tcl, C, OCaml, Haskell, Lua, Node.js, etc.
 * Potential mentors: pixilla
-==== Phase out dependency on Xcode ==== #xcode
-MacPorts currently requires a full Xcode installation, even though a lot of ports will install just fine with the Command Line Tools package only. Since we also have a number of ports that need Xcode to build, we cannot completely remove the Xcode dependency. Your task would be to provide a way for maintainers to easily identify ports that depend on Xcode and mark them as such, so MacPorts can warn users without Xcode installed that a port they want to install needs the full Xcode package.
-To achieve this, you can modify "trace mode", a `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES`-based sandbox to track whether a port has accessed files belonging to the Xcode package. If it does, your modifications should cause a warning to be printed suggesting the port maintainers to add `use_xcode yes` to the Portfile (unless of course, it is already there). You should also implement an error message if a user without Xcode installed tries to install a port that has `use_xcode yes` set.
-* Difficulty: Medium
-* Languages: Tcl, C
-* Potential mentors: cal
 ==== Speed up trace mode ==== #tracemode
 Trace mode is a library preloading-based sandbox used to hide files that a port does not depend on or that are not part of a standard system's installation (such as `/usr/local`). This can avoid problems due to incompatible user-installed software and avoid "automagic" dependencies and increase the reproducibility of builds.

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/SummerOfCode>
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