March 2020 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Mar 1 00:59:45 UTC 2020
Ending: Tue Mar 31 23:40:55 UTC 2020
Messages: 1106
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go: backport upstream fix for AVX
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-convert-uulib: update to version 1.7, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-datetime: update to version 1.52
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-datetime-format-strptime: update to version 1.77
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-goto-file: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-long-jump: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-plugin-memusage: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-plugin-uuid: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libnice: update homepage, master_sites, livecheck
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-list-allutils: update to version 0.16
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/sbcl: update to sbcl-2.0.2
Mark Evenson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (10e7e31 -> 0a56261)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] 01/02: nlohmann-json: update version to 3.7.3
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 02/02: nlohmann-json: add myself as co-maintainer
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0a56261 -> b290486)
Rainer Müller
- [macports-ports] 01/02: bash: update to 5.0-16
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] 02/02: bash44: obsolete port
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gmsh: update version 4.5.3->4.5.4
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hpddm: upgrade to latest upstream commit
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b97ab66 -> 1968355)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/08: py-sphinx-bootstrap-theme: update to 0.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/08: py-sphinxcontrib-bibtex: update to 1.0.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/08: py-sqlobject: update to 3.8.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/08: py-storm: update to 0.22, add py3[78] subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/08: py-structlog: update to 20.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/08: py-supervisor: update to 4.1.0, enable tests
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/08: py-formencode: add py38 subport, use python.rootname
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/08: py-greenlet: add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1968355 -> 606d809)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-tastypie: update to 0.14.3, use python.rootname
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-tlsh: update to 3.17.0, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-tornado5: restrict livecheck to 5.x series
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-transaction: update to 3.0.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-autobahn: update to 20.2.2
Mojca Miklavec
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1b5b4e3 -> 17c33e0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-xhtml2pdf: update to 0.2.4, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-xhtml2pdf: whitespace changes only
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-xlib: update to 0.26, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-xmlsec: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-xmlsec: deprecated, modernize checksums
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: update to 6.2.4
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ecs-cli: update to 1.18.1
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0dc6230 -> 458682c)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/09: py-zc-buildout: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/09: py-zc-buildout: update to 2.13.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/09: py-zconfig: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/09: py-zconfig: update to 3.5.0, add py37 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/09: py-zdaemon: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/09: py-zdaemon: update to 4.3, add py37 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/09: py-zope-keyreference: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/09: py-zope-keyreference: modernize checksums, use python.rootname
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/09: py-zopfli: update to 0.1.7, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openhantek: update version to 3.0.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cairo: update to 1.19.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kompose: update to 1.21.0
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-enchant: update to 3.0.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pdbpp: new port
Andrew Kornilov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDRangel: update to 4.13.2
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fluent-bit: fix livecheck
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fluent-bit: update to 1.3.9
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-encode: update to version 3.03
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-deep: update to version 1.130
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-utf8: update to version 1.02
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla: update to version 6.014, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-docker: update to 4.2.0
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: poppler: update to version 0.86.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (467c4dd -> 862e8f0)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-upt-macports: update to commit 3808070 (20200224)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-semver: update to 2.9.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ezstream: Update to 1.0.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic-devel: Update to 8.2.190
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: GraphicsMagick: Update to 1.3.35
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgphoto2: Update to 2.5.24
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongo-c-driver: Update to 1.16.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-event: Update to 2.5.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: youtube-dl: Update to 2020.03.01
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-mongodb: Update to 1.7.3
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-redis: Update to 5.2.0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-xdebug: Update to 2.9.2
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xapian-core: Update to 1.4.15
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-event: Fix "unrecognized options" warnings
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ImageMagick, p5-perlmagick: Update to 6.9.10-97
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-zip: Update to 1.17.2
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libmypaint: Add patch from intltool port
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rke: new port, v. 1.0.4
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-wmctrl: new port
Andrew Kornilov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2136509 -> ea75ef4)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-decorator: update to 4.4.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-ipython: update to 7.13.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-vega: update to 3.1.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-zict: update to 2.0.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-mako: update to 1.1.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python38: fix build on older systems
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Revert "python38: fix build on older systems"
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php74 to 7.4.3
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php73 to 7.3.15
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php72 to 7.2.28
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1b73aa9 -> 7f73ed06)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-quantities: update version to 0.12.4
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-quantities: add python 3.7 and 3.8
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/rust: update to 1.41.1
Aljaž Srebrnič
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: diff-pdf: rebuild with poppler 0.86.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gdal: rebuild +poppler with poppler 0.86.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: inkscape: rebuild with poppler 0.86.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: inkscape-devel: rebuild with poppler 0.86.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdf2djvu: update to version 0.9.17
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bandwhich: update to 0.12.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cmake-devel: update to 20200302-6e9eaca2
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-ansible: update to 2.9.5, add py38 support
Krzysztof Błażewicz
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 0.5.7
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fltk-devel: update to commit 0d7a9e7f
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hamlib-devel: update to commit be922f80
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: liquid-dsp: update to commit 4214bd27
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xcircuit-devel: update to 3.10.17
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-date-manip: update to version 6.81
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-svn-dump: update to version 0.08
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000005
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: alpine: update to version 2.22
John C. Vernaleo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: httpie: add python variants
Krzysztof Błażewicz
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: logtalk: update to 3.36.0
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-oauthlib: add py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-requests-oauthlib: add py38 subport
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-twython 3.7.0: new port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rsync-devel: remove obsolete port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gildas: update to 202003b
Sebastien Bardeau
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 283.0.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.16
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.17.3
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: starship: update to 0.37.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-locale-code: update to version 3.63
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker: update to 19.03.7
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kotlin: update to 1.3.70
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: certbot: pyacme: update to 1.3.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nginx: update to 1.17.9
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (9a83a24 -> 944fc53)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-networkit: update to 6.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-alembic: update to 1.4.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-billiard: update to
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-jupyterlab: update to 1.2.7
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (944fc53 -> 25d234b)
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] 01/03: cfm: update to 0.6.0
Will Eccles
- [macports-ports] 02/03: cfm: fix maintainer
Will Eccles
- [macports-ports] 03/03: cfm: remove homepage line
Will Eccles
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: update to 8.1.24
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcc8: update to 8.4.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: chromedriver: Update to version 81, provide support for recent versions
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-arviz: update to 0.7.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000006
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0603ea2 -> ac09bea)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gradle: update to 6.2.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/02: NetBeans: update to 11.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-timedate: update to version 2.32, descriptions
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fish: add missing sys/time.h header
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fish: require thread-local storage
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: R: update to 3.6.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mesa: add optional dependency expat, rebuild
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-extutils-f77: add selected compiler as depends_lib
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-pdl: update to version 2.021, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d0b12be -> 82f2f30)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-zipp: update to 3.1.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-scikit-learn: update to 0.22.2.post1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-tornado: update to 6.0.4
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-jupyterlab_server: update to 1.0.7
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bazel: update to 2.2.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cmake: update to 3.16.5
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gh: update to 0.6.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.66.0
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lilypond: update to version 2.20.0
Jahrme Risner
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.17.4
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-pdl-graphics-plplot: update to version 0.73
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pycparser: update to 2.20
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-packaging: update to 20.3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: update to 6.3.0
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vte: Fix build with newer vala
Brad Laue
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vte: rebuild with vala 0.46.6
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qri: update to 0.9.6
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vault: update to 1.3.3
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform-0.12: update to 0.12.23
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: coreutils: update to 8.32
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-redis: update to version 1.996
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000007
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: at-spi2-atk: update to version 2.34.2
David B. Evans
- [macports-legacy-support] branch direnttigerfix deleted (was 4d09a85)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9: add upstream patch for tcp client quota bug
Daniel J. Luke
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs13: update to version 13.10.1.
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-instrumentkit: new port
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a7461bc -> 7aa0bc4)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] 01/03: muscle: new port, version 3.8.1551
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: mafft: new port, version 7.453
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: cdhit: new port, version 4.8.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7aa0bc4 -> 3ab51da)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: parallel: update to version 20200222
- [macports-ports] 02/02: npm6: update to version 6.14.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-srsly: update to 2.0.1
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rancher-cli: new port, v. 2.4.0-rc4
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: buildbot: update to 2.7.0
Rajdeep Bharati
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a5950f6 -> 1ef6d40)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-pdbpp: fix dependencies, switch to PyPI
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-fancycompleter: add py38 subport, noarch
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-keyring: update to 21.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a7d2916 -> fe23a1f)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-matplotlib: whitespace changes, reorder lines
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-matplotlib: update to 3.2.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bali-phy: update to
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2dc0351 -> c48df91)
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] 01/04: gqrx: retire cxx11 portgroup
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 02/04: gqrx-devel: update commit to 7f0c1d92
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 03/04: gqrx: update version 2.12.1
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 04/04: gqrx: add myself as co-maintainer
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syncthing: update to 1.3.4
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: antlr4-cpp-runtime: new port, v. 4.8
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sphinx: update to 2.4.4
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ldmud: update to 3.6.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: arrsync: remove obsolete project (does not build, does not link, has not been updated in nearly 14 years)
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zabbix4*: Update to 4.0.18, 4.4.6 (#6536)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nss: update to 3.51
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ff9ce0a -> 1289c90)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/07: py-pybind11-stubgen: new port
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/07: netgen: reformat Portfile
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/07: netgen: do not set default variant unless necessary
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/07: netgen: add variants for different Python versions
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 05/07: ngsolve: ensure consistent Python with netgen
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 06/07: ngsolve: avoid opportunistically using MacPorts bash
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 07/07: ngsolve: update version 6.2.2001->6.2.2002
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: theseus: new port, version 3.3.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-xcb-proto: update to 1.14
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xorg-libxcb: update to 1.14
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ghc: Update to version 8.8.3
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (16bf91a -> deffc79)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/02: GPXSee: update to 7.25
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gcc10, libgcc-devel: update to 20200301 snapshot
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (deffc79 -> ffca1b2)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-cftime: new port, version 1.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-netcdf4: update to 1.5.3, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-eric-ide: update to 20.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.17.5
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: itstool: add python38 variant
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-clipboard: update to version 0.24
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-github: update to version 0.96
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-lwp-useragent: update to version 0.034
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000009
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pybind11: reformat Portfile
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-astroid: relax versioning cap for py-wrapt
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: munin: upgrade to 2.0.56, remove obsolete patches
Michael Klein
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: groovy: update to 3.0.2
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-mssql: add subports for Python 3.7 & 3.8
Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-general: update to 2.1.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-symbolic: update to 2.9.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-symbolic: updated patch file
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4df9cc9 -> 15662bc)
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] 01/03: cram: add python 3.8
David Seifert
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-pysam: update to 0.15.4
David Seifert
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pysam: add python 3.8
David Seifert
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-symbolic: add python38 variant
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mkfontdir: remove obsolete port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4cdeb42 -> 7a03a7e)
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] 01/03: thrift: update version to 0.13.0
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-thrift: update version to 0.13.0
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] 03/03: p5-thrift: update version to 0.13.0
Davide Gerhard
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-simple: update to version 1.302172
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000011
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-build: update to version 2.12
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-ffi: update to version 0.25
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-libxml2: update to version 0.14
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-file-slurp: update to version 9999.30
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ppix-quotelike: update to version 0.010
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-devel-ppport: update to version 3.58
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-astro-satpass: update to version 0.113
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-astro-coord-eci-vsop87d: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (127d497 -> bf1f24b)
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 01/07: lang/go: remove custom patches.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 02/07: lang/go: don't use -Wno-nullability-completeness flag on legacy platforms.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 03/07: multimedia/audacious{, -{core, plugins}}: switch to HTTPS-based URLs.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 04/07: sysutils/fatsort: re-add revision.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 05/07: multimedia/audacious-core: update to 3.10.1.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 06/07: multimedia/audacious-plugins: update to 3.10.1.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 07/07: multimedia/audacious: update to 3.10.1. No changes.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fricas: update to 1.3.6
Pieter van Oostrum
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: BWidget: update to 1.9.14
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.67.0
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: h2o: update to 2.2.6
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: multiple X.Org ports: remove obsolete ports
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (90382a8 -> ddda9c4)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/02: n: update to 6.4.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/02: Okapi: update to 1.39.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-instrumentkit: remove python 3.5/3.6 because some dependencies doesn't exist
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asymptote: update to 2.64
Mojca Miklavec
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-click: update to 7.1.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-multidict: update to 4.7.5
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gobject-introspection: update to 1.60.2
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gtk3 +quartz: Fix building on case-sensitive file systems
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7d8c052 -> f9102b8)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/04: proj6: limit livecheck to 6.x version
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-wrapt: update to 1.12.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-dask: update to 2.12.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-distributed: update to 2.12.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: atk: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: at-spi2-core: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (acbc677 -> 8a364d5)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gdk-pixbuf2: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gdk-pixbuf2: fix +x11 variant logic
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8a364d5 -> 099cf16)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/04: appstream-glib: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/04: libdazzle: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 03/04: babl, babl-devel: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 04/04: graphene: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcab: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: android-platform-tools: update to 29.0.6
Leonardo Brondani Schenkel
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: micronaut: update to 1.3.3
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 284.0.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdfpc: update to 4.4.0
Aljaž Srebrnič
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyviz_comms: update to 0.7.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-hookable: update to 5.0.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (69a3203 -> 0ef80ac)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: theseus: remove -ggdb flag, update notes
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-curl: update to
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-requests-mock: update to 1.7.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: radare2: update to 4.3.0
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (44d459b -> 0dbc359)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-bokeh: update to 2.0.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-pygments: update to 2.6.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0dbc359 -> 1523016)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-sqlalchemy: update to 1.3.14
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-jupyterlab: update to 2.0.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-encode: update to version 3.04
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-future-asyncawait: update to version 0.37
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-moox-strictconstructor: update to version 0.011
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xml-libxml: update to version 2.0203, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.17.6
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libuv: update to 1.35.0
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libhttpseverywhere: fix typelib generation, update default rulesets
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libgee: update to version 0.20.3, fix introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tcl-ptk: update to version 1.06
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: docker: update to 19.03.8
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.16.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: radare2: update to 4.3.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs13: update to version 13.11.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: update to 3.1.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic-devel: Update to 8.2.194
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gift: Delete ancient unbuildable port
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: curl: Update to 7.69.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongo-cxx-driver: Update to 3.4.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-phalcon4: Update to 4.0.5
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: youtube-dl: Update to 2020.03.08
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-mongodb: Update to 1.7.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongo-tools: Update to 4.2.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvirt: Update to 6.1.0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-libvirt: Update to 6.1.0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongodb: Update to 4.2.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7740356 -> acc400f)
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] 01/02: dovecot and dovecot-sieve: Update to version 2.3.10
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] 02/02: rspamd: Update to version 2.4
Steve Smith
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcc9: update to 9.3.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl, gegl-devel: rebuild after @rpath fix to gobject-introspection
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libuv: restore patch that works on v1.30
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Revbump ports linked with libprotobuf
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libphonenumber-cpp: update to version 8.11.5
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-archive-zip: update to version 1.68, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-cryptx: update to version 0.068
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cctools: default init variables in as driver patch
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nagios-plugins: update to 2.3.3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-proxy: update to 4.3.4
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libuv: fix universal build
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-mock: update to 4.0.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ImageMagick, p5-perlmagick: Update to 6.9.11-0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tcl-ptk: update to 1.07
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.17.7
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scribus-devel: update to version 1.5.6.svn git master as of 20200309
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: igraph: update to 0.8.1
Szabolcs Horvát
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2: update to 2.0.12
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postfix: update to 3.4.10
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python37: update to 3.7.7
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libomp: Use canonical llvm-project github account. (#6560)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2: fix build on < 10.10
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: [volk-]gnss-sdr: Update to v0.0.12
Carles Fernandez
- [MacPorts] WikiStart modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (6b888df -> 3f1820c)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-sqlalchemy: update to 1.3.15
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/02: geos: update to 3.8.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bison: update to 3.5.3
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wcslib: update to 7.2
Marius Schamschula
- [MacPorts] WikiStart deleted version
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] BadContent modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a014ed0 -> 3da156d)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/03: cgnslib: reformat Portfile
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/03: cgnslib: update version 4.0.0->4.1.0
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/03: darktable: update version 3.0.0->3.0.1
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch codesearch created (now 012b7d6)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] 01/01: codesearch: move to releases.
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: codesearch: move to releases. (#6575)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-list-uniq: disable livecheck due to long standing upstream version error
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-curl: update to version 0.44
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-specio: update to version 0.46
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-htmldocs: Update to latest versions. (#6576)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-warnings: update to version 0.029
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zabbix/zabbix2: remove old ports and point to 44 (#6574)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rclone: Update to 1.51.0 (#6577)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zebra: Whitespace - Add size to checksums - Sort dependencies - Sort config arguments - Conform to mode line
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zebra: Fix size
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-gpilab-*: Update to latest. (#6535)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: minio[-mc]: Update to latest (#6578)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pam-google-authenticator: Update to 1.08 (#6579)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ccf1791 -> 63385c5)
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] 01/02: zebra: Update to version 2.1.4 - Add missing dependencies
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] 02/02: zebra: Fix typo in Portfile
Frank Schima
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-mypy: update to 0.770
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-typing_extensions: add 3.6 subport, fixes
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: c-ares: update to 1.16.0
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sudo: update to 1.8.31p1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fonttools: update to 4.4.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cgnslib: fix install_name of shared library
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tk +quartz: add patch to fix unresponsive menus
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch ntp created (now 8a5da82)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/01: ntp: update to 4.2.8p14
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ntp: update to 4.2.8p14
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: poppler: Fix upstream issue #893
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-build: update to version 2.14
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tex-encode: update to version 2.008, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-xdebug: Update to 2.9.3
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-yaf: Update to 3.1.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rust: update to 1.42.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wtfutil: update to 0.28.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pandas: update to 1.0.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsdl2: bugfix sdl2-config.cmake file
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (befd0f1 -> d3786d0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-cftime: update to 1.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-keyring: update to 21.2.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-spyder-kernels: update to 1.9.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-spyder: update to 4.1.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-htmldocs: re-add and update py35 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syncthing: update to 1.4.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-proxy: update to 4.3.5
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: commons-launcher: delete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-spyder: workaround parso versioning cap
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jakarta-(bcel|regexp): delete ports
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-spyder: Escape periods in regular expressions
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jupytext: new port
Jonathan Stickel
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: uni: update to 1.1.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: consul: update to 1.7.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.67.1
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fzf: update to 0.21.0-1
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: root6: update to 6.20.02
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: broot: update to 0.13.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terminus-font: use python 3.8
Emanuele Giaquinta
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: miller: update to 5.7.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-convert-uulib: update to version 1.71
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-crypt-openssl-ec: update to version 1.32
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-data-messagepack: update to version 1.01, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-gtk3: update to version 0.037
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mojolicious: update to version 8.34
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-type-tiny: update to version 1.010001
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xml-libxml: update to version 2.0204
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bedtools: update to v2.29.2
Arjan van der Velde
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openhantek: update version to 3.0.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postfix: update to 3.5.0
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rtags: update to 2.38
Emanuele Giaquinta
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: update to 6.3.1
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-netcdf: update to 1.0.13
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dns-lexicon: update to 3.3.18
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pygmsh: update to 6.0.9
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kerberos5: Update libressl patch
Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
- [macports-ports] branch openssl created (now d2da1a0)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/01: openssl: update to 1.1.1e, including bug and security fixes
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9: update to 9.16.1
Daniel J. Luke
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1593ddc -> f997d72)
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] 01/02: (fstar|kremlin)-devel: Update to 20200318-(fc97abe|0405434)
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] 02/02: everparse: update to 20200318-bac7e55
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nomacs: update to 3.14.2
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: yarn: new upstream 1.22.4 release.
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vegeta: update to 12.8.1
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: db44: remove obsolete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-build: update to version 2.15
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-libxml2: update to version 0.15
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-encode: update to version 3.05
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ev: update to version 4.33
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-dns: update to version 1.23
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-github: update to version 0.98
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000013
David B. Evans
- [MacPorts] WikiStart modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] WikiStart deleted version
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] BadContent modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4ad5a55 -> f77920d)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-yaml: update to 5.3.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-pandas: update to 1.0.3
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-pyglet: update to 1.5.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f77920d -> de21be2)
Aljaž Srebrnič
- [macports-ports] 01/05: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good: don't require +x11 for +gtk3
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] 02/05: pdfpc: Add video variant
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] 03/05: pdfpc: Add missing library dependency librsvg
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] 04/05: pdfpc: Install configuration file pdfpcrc to ${prefix}/etc
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] 05/05: gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good: Don't increment unnecessarily the revision
Torsten Maehne
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: OpenBLAS: update to version 0.3.9
Nicolas Pavillon
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bedtools: rename "version" to avoid clash with STL
Arjan van der Velde
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: new port: gore
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (77e8ef8 -> ff65d4e)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/07: muniversal PG: whitespace changes
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/07: muniversal PG: use loops to facilitate new languages
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/07: muniversal PG: all merger flags for more languages
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/07: makefile PG: new PortGroup
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 05/07: acpica: use makefile PG
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 06/07: acpica: skip arch check for bison
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 07/07: acpica: update version 20191018->20200214
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ff65d4e -> 8d1475e)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: hpddm: whitespace changes
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: hpddm: use makefile PG
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8d1475e -> c7abf44)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/09: mumps: assume maintainership (mcalhoun)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/09: mumps: whitespace changes
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/09: mumps: refactor and remove redundant code
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/09: mumps: tweak patch files to simplify Portfile
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 05/09: mumps: avoid dependency on libgcc on i386
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 06/09: mumps: remove configure.mtune
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 07/09: mumps: use makefile PG
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 08/09: mumps: update version 5.1.2->5.2.1
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 09/09: mumps: conflict with self
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c7abf44 -> 77e19af)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/09: scotch: assume maintainership (mcalhoun)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/09: scotch: whitespace changes
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/09: scotch: tweak patch files to apply cleanly
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/09: scotch: rearrange code and simplify livecheck
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 05/09: scotch: remove redundant code
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 06/09: scotch: tweak descriptions
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 07/09: scotch: remove cxx from compilers.choose
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 08/09: scotch: add missing dependencies
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 09/09: scotch: use makefile PG
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cchardet: update to 2.1.6
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitlab: New portgroup (#6622)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b39884f -> 18bb9df)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-authority: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-autometaresources: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 03/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-checkissues: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 04/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-checkmetaresources: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 05/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-checkprereqsindexed: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 06/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-checkselfdependency: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 07/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-checkstrictversion: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 08/08: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-ensurelatestperl: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssl: update to 1.1.1e, including bug and security fixes
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openssh, freeradius: revbump after afbcf80436e
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libidn2: fix nm issue on Leopard
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.17.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: terraform-0.12: update to 0.12.24
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: use Java portgroup
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8: add OpenJDK 14 subports
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b66ca5c -> d4b1846)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-cftime: update to
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-language-server: update to 0.31.9
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-matplotlib: update to 3.2.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-spyder: update to 4.1.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qtoctave-mac: remove obsolete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: syncthing-0.14: remove obsolete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: open-cobol: remove obsolete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2dab14c -> e41da0e)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/02: p5-dist-zilla-role-repofileinjector: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/02: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-generatefile-fromsharedir: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-dynamicprereqs: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vault: update to 1.3.4
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-tideways_xhprof: Add legacysupport portgroup
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ezstream: Add legacysupport portgroup
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ezstream: Include sys/types.h before including sys/random.h
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (fa36881 -> dbd7ae9)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-git-contributors: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-git-describe: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 03/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-git-pushinitial: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 04/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-git-remote-check: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 05/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-githubmeta: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 06/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-makemaker-fallback: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 07/07: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-run: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: FAudio: Update to 20.03
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: smartmontools: update to 7.1
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: muparser: Use the right C++ standard library
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wireguard-tools: update to 1.0.20200319
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: x2goclient: Use the right C++ standard library
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xonsh: update to 0.9.15
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mbedtls: explicity use PYTHON_EXECUTABLE
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tor: update to
Dimitris Apostolou
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tor-devel: update to
Dimitris Apostolou
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5647826 -> f39e6b2)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/04: libpsl: build with latest version of Python (3.0)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/04: xorg-xcb-proto: add variant for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/04: xorg-xcb-proto: make version 3.8 the default Python
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/04: libpsl: remove trailing whitespace
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (f39e6b2 -> a46c0ea)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: xorg-libxcb: add variant for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: xorg-libxcb: make version 3.8 the default Python
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: neofetch: update to 7.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libpsl: update built-in data to PSL as of 20200315
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-alien-build: update to version 2.17
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Merge pull request #6625 from herbygillot/gh-0.6.2
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-business-issn: update to version 1.004
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: go: update to 1.14.1 (#6640)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla-pluginbundle-git-checkfor: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla-plugin-rewriteversion-transitional: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dist-zilla-pluginbundle-git-versionmanager: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-pod-weaver-section-allowoverride: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-pod-weaver-section-generatesection: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: eigen3[-devel]: Use new gitlab pg. (#6644)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vala: update to version 0.48.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: at-spi2-core: update to version 2.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg: update to version 2.48.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: adwaita-icon-theme: update to version 3.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gsettings-desktop-schemas: update to version 3.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (a8a4853 -> a7b6827)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-jupyter_client: update to 6.1.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-pyproj: update to 2.6.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/05: py-bleach: update to 3.1.3
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-reportlab: update to 3.5.42
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-alembic: update to 1.4.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gcr: update to version 3.36.0, dependencies, configuration
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libsecret: update to version 0.20.2
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cargo: update to 0.43.0 (#6572)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libhandy: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libdazzle: update to version 3.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d8ca0bc -> d994ac7)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: getdp: add variant for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: getdp: make version 3.8 the default Python
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fantom: drop maintainer
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libpsl-docs: build fix for gtk-doc 1.30+
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: timescaledb: new upstream 1.6.1 release.
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lttoolbox: Update to 3.5.0
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: junit: update to 4.13 (#6643)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jmol: use Java portgroup (#6636)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: knock: new port (#6650)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (847cea2 -> 0f46a4d)
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 01/02: multimedia/audacious-core: fix build failure due to installed version in less invasive way.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] 02/02: multimedia/audacious-plugins: drop link order change.
Mihai Moldovan
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: caf: not compatible with Lion and below
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mbedtls: fix python executable
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-keyring: fix dependencies
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: redis: update to 5.0.8 (#6651)
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ripgrep: update to 12.0.0 (#6652)
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pynetdicom3: remove obsolete port (#6627)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-psql-plugin: add more postgresql variants
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qt5-qtwebkit: fix build with latest Qt version
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (eefba82 -> 65c1a8c)
Clemens Lang
- [macports-ports] 01/02: asciidoc: use latest Python version (3.8)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: asciidoc: update version 9.0.0rc1->9.0.0rc2
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: caf: allow build on older systems
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnu-classpathx-javamail: delete port (#6645)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gsettings-desktop-schemas: fix failing destroot on 10.14 and earlier
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hub: bump to 2.14.2
Eitan Adler
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: help2man: update to 1.47.13
Kurt Hindenburg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dbus-python: make version 3.8 the default Python
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dbus-python: revbump for changed dependency
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ee96a23 -> 0db8d4c)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/05: py-distlib: new port, version 0.3.0
Ruben Di Battista
- [macports-ports] 02/05: py-importlib-resources: new port, version 1.4.0
Ruben Di Battista
- [macports-ports] 03/05: various py-<ports>: re-add py34 subport
Ruben Di Battista
- [macports-ports] 04/05: py-importlib-metadata: add py34 subport, noarch
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/05: py-virtualenv: update to 20.0.13
Ruben Di Battista
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: deal.ii: use latest Python version (3.8)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: update to 8.1.25
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: luaradio: new port, version 0.6.1
Vanya A. Sergeev
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: liferea: restrict livecheck to stable release versions only
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnu-classpathx-activation: delete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnu-classpathx-comm: delete port
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: castor: update homepage
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ae9cc81 -> 145b042)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: flann: use configure.replace instead delete/append
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: flann: add variant for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: OpenBLAS-devel: update to latest commit, remove unused patch
Nicolas Pavillon
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyilmbase: add support for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mojolicious: update to version 8.35
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ipc-system-simple: update to version 1.28, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-warnings: update to version 0.030
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-http-tiny-multipart: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-plugin-ioevents: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000014, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.17.2 (#6661)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gitlab-runner: update to 12.9.0 (#6657)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (1ec0d92 -> ce674d4)
- [macports-ports] 01/02: perseus-sdr: update version to 0.8.2
- [macports-ports] 02/02: hamlib-devel: update commit to 2377d20d
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: liquid-dsp: update commit to 00e92db1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDRangel: update version to 4.14.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyct 0.4.6: new port
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: holoviews: update to 1.13.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fftw-3: blacklist older compilers
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (94cf3fd -> cd12755)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-vega: update to 3.2.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-fsspec: update to 0.6.3
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-ipykernel: update to 5.2.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-diff-match-patch: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: auto-multiple-choice-devel: update to version 1.4.0-201912050859
Joël Brogniart
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b281730 -> 66444ac)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-pyicu: update to 2.4.3
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-coverage: update to 5.0.4
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-sphinxcontrib-websupport: update to 1.2.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-applaunchservices: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3eed6b6 -> c7903ee)
Mojca Miklavec
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-enum34: update to 1.1.10, add noarch
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gnuplot: update to 5.2.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: directory-studio: update livecheck
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: update to 1.18.2 and 1.16.4 (PY27)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: fix livecheck
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (2276bca -> ba3fde9)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-pytest: update to 5.4.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-qtconsole: update to 4.7.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: legacy-support: disable the multiarch fdopendir.c
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wireguard-go: update to 0.0.20200320
calvin ardi
- [MacPorts] LibcxxOnOlderSystems modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] LibcxxOnOlderSystems modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e491c4e -> cc27020)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-apsw: update to 3.31.1-r1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-aws-sam-translator: update to 1.22.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-awscli: update to 1.18.26
Renee Otten
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: legacysupport: fix build on Tiger
- [macports-legacy-support] branch master updated: fdopendir variations: allow ppc7400
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: starship: update to 0.38.1 (#6648)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: drupal8: update to 8.7.12 (#6671)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: drupal7: update to 7.69 (#6670)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: starship: drop maintainership
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: littleutils: update to 1.2.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dvisvgm: update to 2.9.1
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dbeaver-community: update to 7.0.0 (#6668)
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jython: update to 2.7.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0a07d63 -> ea98c31)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-libsass: new port
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-qtsass: new port
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ea98c31 -> 33fca89)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-libsass: add missing build dependency
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-qtsass: add missing build dependency
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (33fca89 -> f5f3813)
Jeremy L
- [macports-ports] 01/03: arping: upgrade to 2.21
Jeremy L
- [macports-ports] 02/03: sbsat: fix sites, silent upgrade
Jeremy L
- [macports-ports] 03/03: ZendFramework: drop maintainer
Jeremy L
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: legacy-support-devel: bump to 20200323
- [MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] SummerOfCode modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-io: update to 2.6.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-apache-authcookie: update to version 3.29, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-dbd-pg: update to version 3.10.5
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ipc-system-simple: update to version 1.29
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test2-harness: update to version 1.000015
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gsmartcontrol: update to 1.1.3
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (924c678 -> 7e405bb)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-unicodedata2: new port
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/03: fonttools: update to 4.5.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/03: fonttools: add +unicode default variant
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: emacs-mac-app: update to 7.9 (Emacs 26.3)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (8abe373 -> e006ab0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/09: py-bson: update to 0.5.9, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/09: py-blessed: update to 1.17.4
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/09: py-cfn-lint: update to 0.29.0, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/09: py-django-debug-toolbar: update to 2.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/09: py-django-extensions: update to 2.2.8, add py38 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/09: py-editorconfig: fix dependency type, add noarch
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/09: py-eyed3: update to 0.9.4 (0.8.12 for PY27)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/09: py-filetype: new port, version 1.0.6
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/09: py-deprecation: new port, version 2.0.7
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.68.1
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libnotify: update to version 0.7.9, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libnotify: rebuild dependents with version 0.7.9
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlbird: update to version 1.2.11, use python38
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: birdfont: update to version 2.28.0, use python38
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xserve-frontpanel: New port, version 0.1-20181212
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xmlbird: Really use python38
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: Escape periods in regular expressions
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: Fix regular expression
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-numpy: Fix regular expression
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: directory-studio: Simplify livecheck.regex
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: directory-studio: Tabs to spaces
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-zope-component: update to 4.6.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php73 to 7.3.16
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php72 to 7.2.29
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php74-ftp: Add pkgconfig dependency
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ecCodes: update to 2.17.0
Remko Scharroo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xrootd: update to 4.11.3
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-eyed3: add missing checksums for py27 subport
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cmake: update release to 3.17.0 and devel to 20200323 (8638c49f)
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qgis3: bump to 3.12.1
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-cftime: update to
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dbeaver-community: update to 7.0.1
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hugo: update to 0.68.3
calvin ardi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 285.0.1
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (c228100 -> 5450955)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-pyrxp: assume maintainership (mcalhoun)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/04: py-pyrxp: change license type to BSD
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-pyrxp: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/04: py-pyrxp: update version 2.1.0->2.2.0
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-xattr: enable Python 3.8 support.
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-cache-fastmmap: update to version 1.49
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-config-inifiles: update to version 3.000003
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-future: update to version 0.44
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-future-io: update to version 0.07
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-future-asyncawait: update to version 0.38, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ipc-system-simple: update to version 1.30
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-sys-cpuload: update to version 0.12, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kitty: Update to 0.17.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e8a1a1d -> dd8049e)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/08: mod_ca: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 02/08: mod_crl: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 03/08: mod_csr: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 04/08: mod_ocsp: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 05/08: mod_pkcs12: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 06/08: mod_scep: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 07/08: mod_spkac: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] 08/08: mod_timestamp: new port
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bat: update to 0.13.0
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nano: Update to 4.9
Saagar Jha
- [MacPorts] XcodeVersionInfo modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7cb66a6 -> b0b9faa)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gspell: update to version 1.8.3
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/02: balsa: update to version 2.5.9, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-SDL2: add setuptools dep
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: prometheus: update to 2.17.0
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: google-cloud-sdk: update to 286.0.0
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (74c4f34 -> e6f73f3)
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] 01/03: py-oct2py: add `supported_archs none`
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/03: py-oct2py: enable testing
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/03: py-oct2py: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pari: Revert "multiple ports: create PG to handle Xcode 11 bug"
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (53af983 -> 492da32)
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] 01/04: cmake: remove trailing whitespace
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/04: cmake: allow test for clock_gettime
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 03/04: legacysupport 1.1: new PortGroup
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 04/04: cmake: avoid mixing of libstdc++ versions
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: hostage: new port (#6682)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: k9s: update to 0.18.1 (#6697)
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (540d9b1 -> 32112c4)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-fancycompleter: update to 0.9.1
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-setupmeta: new port, version 2.6.20
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-formbuild: deprecated, modernize checksums
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-freezegun: update to 0.3.15
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-levenshtein: add py38 subport, use python.rootname
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-fuzzywuzzy: update to 0.18.0, add py3[78] subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-oct2py: rev-bump for some changes from prior commits earlier today
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (4adfd66 -> aeab7db)
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 01/05: gradle: update to 6.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 02/05: vegeta: update to 12.8.3
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 03/05: dart-sdk: update to 2.7.2
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 04/05: fonttools: update to 4.6.0
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] 05/05: LanguageTool: update to 4.9
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: volk: update release to 2.2.1
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: various: rev-bump for updated Volk ABI
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: statcvs: delete port (#6605)
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qbittorrent: update to 4.2.2 (#6694)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: netpbm: Update to 10.89.03
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xserve-frontpanel: This is for Intel Xserves only
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic-devel: Update to 8.2.202
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (57bdd36 -> d1dfeb0)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/06: py-traits: update to 6.0.0, remove py27 subport
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] 02/06: py-pyface: update to 6.1.2, remove py27 subport, change default backend to pyqt5
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] 03/06: py-traitsui: update to 6.1.3, remove py27 subport
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] 04/06: py-apptools: update to 4.5.0, remove py27 subport
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] 05/06: py-envisage: update to 4.9.2, remove py27 subport
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] 06/06: py-mayavi: update to 4.7.1, remove py27 subport, remove python.default_version from Portfile
Nathan Champagne
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnome-user-docs: update to version 3.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnome-getting-started-docs: update to version 3.36.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: meson-1.0 Portgroup: enable ninja verbose
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: MultiMC5: update to 0.6.9
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.17.4 (#6704)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: flyway: 6.3.2 (#6706)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: holoviews: update to 1.13.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-traitsui: Tabs to spaces
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rke: update to 1.0.5 (#6705)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [MacPorts] howto/MySQL modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongodb: Update to 4.2.5
Ryan Schmidt
- [MacPorts] howto/MAMP modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [MacPorts] howto/PHP modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nomad: update to 0.10.5
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stlink: take maintainership
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mongo-tools: Update to 4.2.5
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: spim: update to version 9.1.21
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdfresurrect: Update to 0.20
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7aef701 -> ea59750)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/10: py-generator: no livecheck, deprecated
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/10: py-geopy: update to 1.21.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/10: py-harvestman: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/10: py-harvestman: deprecated, no livecheck
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 05/10: py-htmlcalendar: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 06/10: py-htmlcalendar: deprecated, no livecheck
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 07/10: py-htmltemplate: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 08/10: py-htmltemplate: deprecated, no livecheck
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 09/10: py-hyperestraier: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 10/10: py-hyperestraier: deprecated, no livecheck
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: netpbm: Update to 10.90.00
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic-devel: Update to 8.2.203
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php: Update php74 to 7.4.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dar: Update to 2.6.9
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: e2fsprogs: Update to 1.45.6
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mod_timestamp: Remove duplicate maintainers line
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: liferea: Use github.livecheck.regex
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ImageMagick, p5-perlmagick: Update to 6.9.11-2
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ksh: Fix build failure on 10.6
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cartman: Update to 0.3.0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gd2: Update to 2.3.0
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-xdebug: Update to 2.9.4
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-redis: Update to 5.2.1
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-yaf: Update to 3.1.3
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: php-zip: Update to 1.18.2
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: phpmyadmin: Update to 5.0.2
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: youtube-dl: Update to 2020.03.24
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: xz: Update to 5.2.5
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: reaver: Update to 1.6.6
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: rtl-sdr: Remove duplicate maintainers line
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: QuantLib: Update to 1.18
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libbswabe: Include all prerequisites in dylib
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpabe: Specify path to all deps' libs and includes
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3a2b9ef -> 1ace2a5)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/07: py-tabulate: update to 0.8.7
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/07: py-pyglet: update to 1.5.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/07: py-jupyter_client: update to 6.1.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/07: py-dask: update to 2.13.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/07: py-distributed: update to 2.13.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/07: py-importlib-metadata: update to 1.5.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 07/07: py-cython: update to 0.29.16
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mbedtls: fix livecheck
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-pyct: fix livecheck
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libnotify: ensure UsingTheRightCompiler
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libvirt: Blacklist clang < 503
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: require C++17
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: sysutils/ntp: add PortGroup legacysupport
Bill Cole
- [MacPorts] FAQ modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (5d27896 -> 03bb315)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-ipdb: update to 0.13.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-path: fix dependencies, revert to 13.1.0 for PY35
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-importlib-metadata: pin to 1.0.0 for PY34
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-scandir: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (db11981 -> 91829a1)
Leonardo Brondani Schenkel
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py*-userpath: Create port
Andrew Zhou
- [macports-ports] 02/02: pipx: Add missing userpath dep and version variants
Andrew Zhou
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: topgrade: new port
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-dns-lexicon: update to 3.3.19
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ci: Remove macOS 10.13 from Azure Pipelines
Rainer Müller
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: fails to build for macOS < 10.14.x
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: watch: update to 3.3.16, switch to GitLab
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Okapi: update to 1.39.0a
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: fix order of platform and pre-fetch blocks
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (60746a6 -> 514d37a)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 01/02: libcxx: remove MacPorts compatibility code
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libcxx: add known_fail for unsupported platforms
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.18
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mksh: update to R58
Marc Simpson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-virtualenv: update to 20.0.15
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop4: known_fail for macOS < 13
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch dar created (now 3c4f428)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/01: dar: don't opportunistically try to build Python bindings
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fribidi: update to 1.0.9 (#6691)
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: packer: update to 1.5.5 (#6702)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: v2ray: update to 4.23.1 (#6693)
Zhenfu Shi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Filezilla (#6683)
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: swi-prolog-devel: update to 8.1.26 (#6675)
Paulo Moura
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qBittorrent: Use correct case for
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-log-any-adapter-callback: update to version 0.101
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-net-github: update to version 0.99
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-simple: update to version 1.302173
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: python39-devel: update to 3.9.0a5
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-setuptools: update to 46.1.3
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-xs-parse-sublike: update to version 0.06
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-future-asyncawait: update to version 0.39
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-sys-cpuload: update to version 0.21
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-search-elasticsearch: update to version 6.80, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-search-elasticsearch-client-2_0: update to version 6.80
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-search-elasticsearch-client-5_0: update to version 6.80
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-search-elasticsearch-client-6_0: new port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dsdcc: enable mbelib as default variant
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: dsdcc: bump revision after default_variants change
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pari: update to 2.11.3, use https
Zero King
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-peewee: update to 3.13.2
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fribidi: Add missing autoconf build dep
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: redo: update to version 0.42 (#6721)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: calcurse: update to 4.5.1 (#6715)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: libpostal-data: allow mirroring, fix missing sites error
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Okapi: fix livecheck
Aaron Madlon-Kay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (ebdbd8e -> ef1a2d1)
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 01/02: automake: update to 1.16.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] 02/02: libtool: rev bump for automake 1.16.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: treeline: update to 3.1.2
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (3bd89cc -> f3f5b73)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-dap: add/conform to modeline
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-dap: update to 3.2.2, add py3[78] subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: openjdk8: update graalVM subports to 20.0.0 (#6724)
Enrico Maria Crisostomo
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-search-elasticsearch-client-6_0: remove conflicting port
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: mm-common: ensure MacPorts Python 3.8 is used
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lensfun: use latest Python version (3.8)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gegl-0.3: rebuild with babl @0.1.74
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gd2: Add legacysupport portgroup for getline
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zeek: Fix typo in error message
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Cenon: Fix typo in error message
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: TeXShop4: Fix typo in error message
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lensfun: Fix building in C++11 mode
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: org-mode: update to v9.3.6
Dan Ports
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Rev bump after 17cb271
Joshua Root
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: prometheus: update to 2.17.1
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: org-mode: Use known_fail yes on 10.6
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (da2288f -> 30d941e)
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 01/02: gnome-user-docs: update to version 3.36.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] 02/02: gnome-getting-started-docs: update to version 3.36.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: vala: update to version 0.48.2
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg: update to version 2.48.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: qore: updated to v0.9.4.2
David Nichols
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: enchant2: update to version 2.2.8
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: nodejs13: update to version 13.12.0
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cpio: update to 2.13 (#6736)
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ddrescue: update to 1.25 (#6714)
David Gilman
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cargo: remove i686 support (#6700)
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ipfs: 0.4.23 (update port version) (#6713)
Matt Ranostay
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gmic: update to 2.9.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: blueutil: update to 2.6.0
Ivan Kuchin
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (e3c109f -> 8d60051)
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 01/03: gnupg2: update to 2.2.20
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 02/03: git: update to 2.26.0
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] 03/03: GPXSee: Update to 7.27
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lang/sbcl: update to sbcl-2.0.3
Mark Evenson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-xdis: update to 4.2.4, add noarch
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-uncompyle6: update to 3.6.4, add py3[78] subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: homebank: Update to version 5.3.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (b7787fb -> e9b295d)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: py-qdarkstyle: add subport for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] 02/02: py-qdarkstyle: add py-qtsass as a dependency
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: LIGO ports: add support for Python 3.8
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: postgresql*: use latest Python version (3.8)
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: fribidi: run autoreconf to avoid version conflicts
Marcus Calhoun-Lopez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bazel: update build dependency from Python 3.7 to Python 3.8.
Blair Zajac
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-sphinx-gallery: update to 0.6.0
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: zabbix(4|44): Update to 4.0.19 and 4.4.7 (#6738)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: wireshark3: Make the python variants conflict (#6732)
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-astro-spacetrack: update to version 0.139
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mouse: update to v2.5.10
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-compile: update to v2.4.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pipx: Set python variants' dependencies correctly
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pipx: Do not escape periods in character classes
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: poppler: update to version 0.87.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: diff-pdf: rebuild with libpoppler 0.87.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: pdf2djvu: rebuild with libpoppler 0.87.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: inkscape: rebuild with libpoppler 0.87.0
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: inkscape-devel: update to version 0.92.4 branch 0.92.x as of 20200327
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: scribus-devel: update to version 1.5.6.svn git master as of 20200327
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg: add missing ldflag
Davide Liessi
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: SDRangel: update version to 4.14.2
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (068e6ca -> fe127a1)
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 01/12: libev: update to 4.33
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 02/12: py-bleach: update to 3.1.4
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 03/12: py-imread: update to 0.7.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 04/12: py-s3fs: update to 0.4.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 05/12: py-pyrsistent: update to 0.16.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 06/12: py-fsspec: update to 0.7.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 07/12: py-importlib-metadata: update to 1.6.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 08/12: py-datrie: update to 0.8.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 09/12: py-jupyter_client: update to 6.1.2
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 10/12: py-jupyterlab_server: update to 1.1.0
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 11/12: py-rpy2: update to 3.2.7
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] 12/12: py-tqdm: update to 4.44.1
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lilypond-devel: Synchronize Portfile with 'lilypond' Portfile.
Werner Lemberg
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gloomhaven-helper: New port. (#6740)
Eric A. Borisch
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: tbb: update to 2020.2
Chris Jones
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: add python38 variant, make default. Based on PR #6730, adjusted for variant conflicts with other python variants.
Eric Hall
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: armadillo: update to 9.860.1
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: stellarium: update release to 0.20.0
Michael Dickens
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg: pre-cargo versions still use libcroco
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jupyterlab: relax jupyterlab_server dependency
Andrew Stromnov
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: librsvg: fix depspec typo in pre-cargo version
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kitty: update to version 0.17.2 using python38
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kitty: add a more informative homepage
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (0b9a01c -> 1ebe1a2)
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] 01/02: (fstar|kremlin)-devel: update to 20200330-(244d3f3|d10fb0c)
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] 02/02: everparse: update to 20200330-816d177
Landon Fuller
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: magic-devel: Update to 8.2.205
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ccache: Update to 3.7.9
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-jupyterlab: Escape periods in regular expressions
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: ccache-devel: replaced_by ccache
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (d460283 -> bb57ca2)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/04: py-trepan3k: update to 0.8.11, add py3[78] subports
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 02/04: trepan3k_select: new port
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 03/04: py-trepan: update to 0.8.8
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 04/04: trepan2_select: add trepan2c
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: freetds: Update to 1.1.26
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-trepan: Escape periods in regular expressions
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: trepan2_select: Revbump for previous change
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gdk-pixbuf2: build fix for older platforms
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (55a0514 -> 4f9db80)
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] 01/02: softhsm: update to 2.6.0
Ian Young
- [macports-ports] 02/02: softhsm: patch for macOS 10.15.4, Xcode 11.4
Ian Young
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: byacc: update to 20200330
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: cgal: create new cgal5 port, rename old cgal to cgal4 and update dependents
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnutls: update to 3.6.13
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: octave-statistics: update to 1.4.2
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-distro: update to 1.5.0
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lcov: update to version 1.14 (#6745)
Leo Singer
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: asco: update to 0.4.10
Renee Otten
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: gnutls: workaround Xcode 11.4 isue
Marius Schamschula
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: lazygit: update to 0.19
Herby Gillot
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: speedtest-cli: use python38
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: jsch: update to 0.1.55
Christopher Chavez
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: bind9: use python38
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: Use known_fail for C++11+ PHP modules on Lion
Ryan Schmidt
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: taglib: Adjust whitespace
Ryan Schmidt
- [MacPorts] Mirrors modified
MacPorts Wiki
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-test-simple: update to version 1.302174
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-template-toolkit: update to version 3.008
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ppix-regexp: update to version 0.071
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-ppix-quotelike: update to version 0.011, dependencies
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-mail-authenticationresults: update to version 1.20200331.1
David B. Evans
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: topgrade: update to 4.3.1
Lothar Haeger
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: kotlin: update to 1.3.71
Nils Breunese
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: py-requests-gssapi: update to 1.2.1
Toby Peterson
- [macports-ports] branch master updated (7004e03 -> 53ffcf2)
kimura wataru
- [macports-ports] 01/04: lang/ruby27: update to 2.7.1, contains security fixes
kimura wataru
- [macports-ports] 02/04: lang/ruby26: update to 2.6.6, contains security fixes
kimura wataru
- [macports-ports] 03/04: lang/ruby25: update to 2.5.8, contains security fixes
kimura wataru
- [macports-ports] 04/04: lang/ruby24: update to 2.4.10, contains security fixes
kimura wataru
- [macports-ports] branch master updated: p5-tk: update to version 804.035, dependencies
David B. Evans
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 23:40:55 UTC 2020
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 23:41:07 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).