[macports-ports] branch master updated (78f8dbbd898 -> ea1d9a155ce)
Renee Otten
reneeotten at macports.org
Mon Apr 4 14:49:04 UTC 2022
Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.
from 78f8dbbd898 gettext: fixed build on macOS 10.7 and 10.8
new 79ff8729db5 py-cppy: update to 1.2.1, remove py35 subport
new eb7ebad6f8d py-kiwisolver: update to 1.4.2
new 8731fc75125 openbabel2: rename port from openbabel
new 70552455e28 py-openbabel: rename to py-openbabel2
new 832c7c37cdd arpeggio{-devel}: update dependencies to {py-}openbabel2, use Python 3.10
new 2ed47b3fae8 openbabel: update to 3.1.1
new ea1d9a155ce py-openbabel: update to
The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
gnome/gnome-chemistry-utils/Portfile | 7 +-
kde/kalzium/Portfile | 4 +-
python/py-cppy/Portfile | 18 ++---
python/py-kiwisolver/Portfile | 10 +--
.../py-kiwisolver/files/patch-include-cstdlib.diff | 11 ---
python/py-openbabel/Portfile | 13 ++--
python/{py-openbabel => py-openbabel2}/Portfile | 22 +++++-
science/arpeggio/Portfile | 10 +--
science/chemtool/Portfile | 4 +-
science/ghemical/Portfile | 4 +-
science/openbabel/Portfile | 87 ++++++++++++++++------
science/openbabel/files/patch-cmake-coordgen.diff | 47 ++++++++++++
science/{openbabel => openbabel2}/Portfile | 31 +++++---
13 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 python/py-kiwisolver/files/patch-include-cstdlib.diff
copy python/{py-openbabel => py-openbabel2}/Portfile (70%)
create mode 100644 science/openbabel/files/patch-cmake-coordgen.diff
copy science/{openbabel => openbabel2}/Portfile (58%)
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