[macports-ports] branch master updated (ad9f17cfe40 -> 30135f77035)
Renee Otten
reneeotten at macports.org
Thu Dec 1 05:06:34 UTC 2022
Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.
from ad9f17cfe40 ntpsec: Fix build failure with clang 14.
new d6315a565e7 py-defusedxml: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 567b1bd3f42 py-entrypoints: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports, clean-up
new eabd41406aa py-idna-ssl: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 238832d9da9 py-ipdb: remove py36 subport
new 7adc9c83aff py-joblib: remove py27 subport
new 10bd7747e72 py-markdown: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 9ef3ddf2dbb py-mpmath: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 9712161af3f py-netaddr: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports, clean-up
new aaa7975c345 py-pandocfilters: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 304b52f3ac4 py-jedi: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 28623e6a334 py-jwt: remove py36 subport, simplify test phase
new 00a844eae31 py-petsc4py: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 83e1192f92c py-pexpect: remove py3{5.6} subports
new 79b869d4a39 py-prettytable: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 561f8ef5fb2 py-prometheus_client: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 70c1e62895b py-prompt_toolkit: remove py3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase
new 46429743ddd py-psutil: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 8f7b8742749 py-psycopg2: remove py36 subport
new d4523c6b4b3 py-pyaudio: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 17332036a36 py-pycares: remove py36 subport
new 13ae668f3a1 py-pypcap: remove py27 subport
new 2901a50b419 py-pyro: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 76eeb04a948 py-pyside2: remove py36 subport
new f25f4dc7f75 py-pytest-mpl: remove py36 subport
new ee47e8f5350 py-rangehttpserver: remove py3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase
new 22c9fb0c67f py-reportlab: remove py36 subport
new f0f95101c04 py-robotframework: remove py36 subport, use default livecheck
new 7b788559c9a py-routes: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 71ce691eacb py-send2trash: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 87a76ca6e4c py-setuptools_scm_git_archive: remove py27/3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase
new 92ff6200b3f py-socks: remove py3{5,6} subports
new 2e8e2453547 py-testpath: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
new 095ee80c2bf py-tomlkit: remove py36 subport, simplify test phase
new 1b99e7a45b9 py-traitlets: remove py3{5,6} subports
new ae8d4751649 py-vxi11: remove py27 subport
new 30135f77035 py-wasabi: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
The 36 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
python/py-defusedxml/Portfile | 4 ++--
python/py-entrypoints/Portfile | 30 +++++----------------------
python/py-idna-ssl/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-ipdb/Portfile | 6 ++----
python/py-ipdb/files/ipdb36 | 1 -
python/py-jedi/Portfile | 4 ++--
python/py-joblib/Portfile | 3 ++-
python/py-jwt/Portfile | 10 ++-------
python/py-markdown/Portfile | 13 ++----------
python/py-mpmath/Portfile | 18 +++-------------
python/py-netaddr/Portfile | 21 ++-----------------
python/py-pandocfilters/Portfile | 4 ++--
python/py-petsc4py/Portfile | 6 +-----
python/py-pexpect/Portfile | 6 ++----
python/py-prettytable/Portfile | 9 +++-----
python/py-prometheus_client/Portfile | 16 ++------------
python/py-prompt_toolkit/Portfile | 24 ++-------------------
python/py-psutil/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-psycopg2/Portfile | 6 +-----
python/py-pyaudio/Portfile | 4 +---
python/py-pycares/Portfile | 7 +------
python/py-pypcap/Portfile | 16 +++++++-------
python/py-pyro/Portfile | 3 +--
python/py-pyside2/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-pytest-mpl/Portfile | 4 +---
python/py-rangehttpserver/Portfile | 17 ++++++---------
python/py-reportlab/Portfile | 6 +-----
python/py-robotframework/Portfile | 13 +-----------
python/py-routes/Portfile | 6 ++----
python/py-send2trash/Portfile | 6 ++----
python/py-setuptools_scm_git_archive/Portfile | 9 ++------
python/py-socks/Portfile | 3 +--
python/py-testpath/Portfile | 20 ++++--------------
python/py-tomlkit/Portfile | 8 ++-----
python/py-traitlets/Portfile | 2 +-
python/py-vxi11/Portfile | 6 +-----
python/py-wasabi/Portfile | 6 +-----
37 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 python/py-ipdb/files/ipdb36
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