[macports-ports] branch master updated (9a8e10f0229 -> d868c1a84fd)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Wed Mar 9 21:13:01 UTC 2022

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 9a8e10f0229 sops: update to 3.7.2
     new 60094a813d0 pymol-devel: update to 20220308-d589382f
     new fd8317b0f5f py-jinja2-time: remove py36 subport
     new e3b51c98917 py-arrow: remove py36 subport
     new a39fd2401e4 py-bcdoc: remove deprecated port
     new d9294b64878 py-blessed: update to 1.19.1
     new 684990477a5 py-sumy: update to 0.9.0, update Python versions
     new 01eb2059c03 py-breadability: update Python versions
     new c4d6c3fd260 py-spaCy: remove py36 subport
     new 25eac827e32 py-catalogue: remove py3{5,6} subports
     new ce999fec00d py-cucumber-tag-expressions: update to 4.1.0
     new 72b71ad7e60 py-dap: remove py27 subport
     new bd071e06a3f py-des: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new e2199c20133 py-django-{debug-toolbar,extensions,gravatar2}: remove py27 subport
     new 2172a683d30 py-django-nose: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new ebdea6c26ab py-docstyle: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new e4b852f2cbf py-docx: update to 0.8.11, remove py27 subport
     new 4b34cc55d90 py-dpkt: update
     new 53d91f619ed py-dqsegdb2: remove py27/py36 subports
     new 30ef8f5dd9e py-eli5: remove py3{5,6} subports
     new a380451bbeb py-errorhandler: remove py27 subport
     new c1d6ae0f012 py-eventlet: update to 0.33.0, remove py27/py36 subports
     new a880197dba8 py-excelrd: remove py36 subport
     new 86c6393e1a1 py-eyed3: remove py27 subport
     new 4e44b898346 py-fixtures: remove py27 subport
     new 58d0ec9b70a py-flask-frozen: remove py27 subport
     new ddb5bdc7e62 py-flask-babel: remove py27 subport
     new b6018c33e03 py-flask-uploads: remove py27 subport
     new 26a4c44e5ed py-flask-wtf: remove py27 subport
     new eb794ab3a46 py-fs: update to 2.4.15, remove py27/py36 subports
     new 226304ffb2c py-fuzzywuzzy: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 021bbbd0816 py-google-api: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 10859d45b7b py-google-pasta: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new b2139428476 py-google-pasta: conform to modeline
     new f1d457dffdf py-gsl: update Python subport versions
     new 84f4c1c2ac0 py-gwosc: update to 0.6.1, remove py27/py36 subports
     new d868c1a84fd py-nltk: update to 3.7

The 36 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 python/py-arrow/Portfile                    |  4 +---
 python/py-bcdoc/Portfile                    | 32 -------------------------
 python/py-blessed/Portfile                  | 18 ++++----------
 python/py-breadability/Portfile             |  8 ++-----
 python/py-catalogue/Portfile                |  5 +---
 python/py-cucumber-tag-expressions/Portfile | 20 +++++-----------
 python/py-dap/Portfile                      | 10 +-------
 python/py-des/Portfile                      |  7 +-----
 python/py-django-debug-toolbar/Portfile     | 13 +---------
 python/py-django-extensions/Portfile        | 10 +-------
 python/py-django-gravatar2/Portfile         |  6 ++---
 python/py-django-nose/Portfile              |  7 +-----
 python/py-docstyle/Portfile                 | 25 +------------------
 python/py-docstyle/files/py27-pydocstyle    |  1 -
 python/py-docstyle/files/py35-pydocstyle    |  1 -
 python/py-docstyle/files/py36-pydocstyle    |  1 -
 python/py-docx/Portfile                     | 14 +++++------
 python/py-dpkt/Portfile                     | 21 ++++++++--------
 python/py-dqsegdb2/Portfile                 | 10 +-------
 python/py-eli5/Portfile                     |  5 +---
 python/py-errorhandler/Portfile             |  9 ++-----
 python/py-eventlet/Portfile                 | 19 ++++-----------
 python/py-excelrd/Portfile                  | 13 +++++-----
 python/py-eyed3/Portfile                    | 36 ++++------------------------
 python/py-fixtures/Portfile                 |  8 ++-----
 python/py-flask-babel/Portfile              |  9 ++-----
 python/py-flask-frozen/Portfile             |  9 ++-----
 python/py-flask-uploads/Portfile            | 10 +++-----
 python/py-flask-wtf/Portfile                |  6 ++---
 python/py-fs/Portfile                       | 21 ++++------------
 python/py-fuzzywuzzy/Portfile               |  4 +---
 python/py-google-api/Portfile               |  7 +-----
 python/py-google-pasta/Portfile             | 37 ++++++++++++++---------------
 python/py-gsl/Portfile                      |  3 +--
 python/py-gwosc/Portfile                    | 27 ++++++++++-----------
 python/py-jinja2-time/Portfile              |  5 +---
 python/py-nltk/Portfile                     | 20 ++++++++--------
 python/py-spaCy/Portfile                    | 11 ++++-----
 python/py-sumy/Portfile                     | 15 ++++--------
 science/pymol/Portfile                      | 31 ++++++++++++------------
 40 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 375 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/py-bcdoc/Portfile
 delete mode 100644 python/py-docstyle/files/py27-pydocstyle
 delete mode 100644 python/py-docstyle/files/py35-pydocstyle
 delete mode 100644 python/py-docstyle/files/py36-pydocstyle

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