[macports-ports] branch master updated (79902be06b7 -> 7bb3fd700ec)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Thu Mar 10 17:27:07 UTC 2022

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 79902be06b7 MacOSX10.13.sdk: New port
     new d583fa2c7d3 py-urlwatch: update to 2.24
     new 59a1d86064d py-keyring: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports, use python.pep517
     new 3bd52779744 py-gwdatafind: update to 1.05, remove py27/py36 subports
     new 005a908df7d py-h11: update to 0.13.0, remove py27/py36 subport
     new 3c2c04fcc9c py-h2: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 9d6590cc2f7 py-hdfs: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 5d859813166 py-qdarkstyle: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new a789eb53de3 py-helpdev: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 0ab27235f90 py-hieroglyph: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 36fd37e82c6 py-hpack: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new e95b1bbf39a py-hyperframe: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 79fb699380a py-icalendar: update to 4.0.9, remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new ccfcc57acea py-hypy: remove py27 subport
     new d59275a8eda py-imdb: remove py27 subport
     new 00acb55c052 py-imgur: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new f4ed7a2791c py-iminuit: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new fc0a57d20c3 py-importmagic: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 09adfadab60 py-iniparse: remove py27 subport, fix dependency type
     new 0372e62b725 py-ioflo: update to 2.0.2, remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new bd5f65992e5 py-ipaddr: remove port
     new f6252943aeb py-ipy: update to 1.01, remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new cda508615ba py-jmespath-terminal: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 190df6cb5ec py-jsbeautifier: update to 1.14.0, remove py27 subport
     new 2d529668cb1 py-json-rpc: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 7d2a274f0ab py-kaitaistruct: remove py27/py36 subports
     new 05c94aaa052 py-kcs11: update to 1.5.10, remove py27 subport
     new 9d94b784d87 py-langid: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 7bb3fd700ec py-astroquery: do not use pep517

The 28 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 python/py-astroquery/Portfile              |  5 +--
 python/py-gwdatafind/Portfile              | 32 ++++++---------
 python/py-h11/Portfile                     | 13 +++---
 python/py-h2/Portfile                      | 12 +-----
 python/py-hdfs/Portfile                    |  7 +---
 python/py-helpdev/Portfile                 | 14 ++-----
 python/py-hieroglyph/Portfile              |  6 +--
 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py27-hieroglyph |  2 -
 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py35-hieroglyph |  2 -
 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py36-hieroglyph |  2 -
 python/py-hpack/Portfile                   |  5 +--
 python/py-hyperframe/Portfile              | 13 +-----
 python/py-hypy/Portfile                    |  5 +--
 python/py-icalendar/Portfile               | 13 +++---
 python/py-imdb/Portfile                    |  5 +--
 python/py-imgur/Portfile                   | 32 +++++----------
 python/py-iminuit/Portfile                 |  7 +---
 python/py-importmagic/Portfile             |  5 +--
 python/py-iniparse/Portfile                | 45 +++++++++++----------
 python/py-ioflo/Portfile                   | 21 +++-------
 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo27              |  1 -
 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo35              |  1 -
 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo36              |  1 -
 python/py-ipaddr/Portfile                  | 27 -------------
 python/py-ipy/Portfile                     | 15 +++----
 python/py-jmespath-terminal/Portfile       |  7 +---
 python/py-jsbeautifier/Portfile            | 14 +++----
 python/py-json-rpc/Portfile                | 10 +----
 python/py-kaitaistruct/Portfile            |  7 +---
 python/py-kcs11/Portfile                   | 13 +++---
 python/py-keyring/Portfile                 | 31 ++-------------
 python/py-langid/Portfile                  |  5 +--
 python/py-qdarkstyle/Portfile              |  5 +--
 python/py-urlwatch/Portfile                | 64 ++++++++++--------------------
 34 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py27-hieroglyph
 delete mode 100644 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py35-hieroglyph
 delete mode 100644 python/py-hieroglyph/files/py36-hieroglyph
 delete mode 100644 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo27
 delete mode 100644 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo35
 delete mode 100644 python/py-ioflo/files/ioflo36
 delete mode 100644 python/py-ipaddr/Portfile

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