[macports-ports] branch master updated (7de453972d4 -> 9e5aa21aa83)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Mon Nov 14 03:21:37 UTC 2022

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 7de453972d4 pounce: new port (version 3.0)
     new ed0a1331d54 py-deprecation: remove py36 subport
     new 9cc503c6d45 py-enchant: remove py36 subport
     new 7daddbab3cc py-managesieve: remove py27 subport, simplify test phase
     new 05b8a937797 py-poetry-core: remove py36 subport
     new 2f8bb19d4cc py-protobuf3: remove py3{5,6} subports
     new a4c62dc9cd0 py-pyavm: remove py27/3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase
     new f8b3d90693b py-pybtex-docutils: remove py27/py36 subports
     new d744f977893 py-pybtex: remove py36 subports, simplify test phase
     new f59702850ba py-pycallgraph: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 1504b248cda py-pydot: remove py3{5,6} subports
     new fbec3f4264d py-pyside{-tools}: remove py3{5,6} subports
     new 0d639d62813 py-pysvn: remove py36 subport
     new 8ca63687e0e py-pytest-subtests: remove py36 subport
     new 04b6c31172f py-pytest-xdist: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new f35435d0f95 py-pytest-forked: remove py27/py3{5,6} subports
     new 56a4ae1743e py-pytidylib: remove py27 subport
     new d1ea38196fa py-pytools: remove py3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase
     new 9e5aa21aa83 py-smmap: remove py3{5,6} subports, simplify test phase

The 18 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 python/py-deprecation/Portfile     |  3 ++-
 python/py-enchant/Portfile         |  3 ++-
 python/py-managesieve/Portfile     | 10 +---------
 python/py-poetry-core/Portfile     |  6 ++----
 python/py-protobuf3/Portfile       |  9 ++++-----
 python/py-pyavm/Portfile           |  9 ++-------
 python/py-pybtex-docutils/Portfile | 13 ++-----------
 python/py-pybtex/Portfile          |  5 ++---
 python/py-pycallgraph/Portfile     |  6 +-----
 python/py-pydot/Portfile           |  7 ++-----
 python/py-pyside-tools/Portfile    |  2 +-
 python/py-pyside/Portfile          |  2 +-
 python/py-pysvn/Portfile           |  2 +-
 python/py-pytest-forked/Portfile   |  6 +-----
 python/py-pytest-subtests/Portfile |  6 ++----
 python/py-pytest-xdist/Portfile    |  6 ++----
 python/py-pytidylib/Portfile       |  4 ++--
 python/py-pytools/Portfile         | 11 ++---------
 python/py-smmap/Portfile           |  8 ++------
 19 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

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