[MacPorts] howto/PHP modified

MacPorts Wiki noreply at macports.org
Wed Aug 30 12:24:03 UTC 2023

Page "howto/PHP" was changed by vladimir-xaro
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/PHP?action=diff&version=34>
Revision 34
Comment: change to latest packages and remove non-existent package php8*-mssql (latest version of php56-mssql)
Index: howto/PHP
--- howto/PHP (version: 33)
+++ howto/PHP (version: 34)
@@ -27,49 +27,48 @@
 * '''php52''': PHP v5.2.x. This version reached [https://www.php.net/eol.php end of life] in 2011 and is therefore not recommended.
-This page shows how to install and use the php81 family of ports, but you can use another version if you prefer; all of these ports use a similar directory layout.
+This page shows how to install and use the php82 family of ports, but you can use another version if you prefer; all of these ports use a similar directory layout.
 = Step 1: Install PHP SAPIs = #install
 PHP comes in several Server APIs (SAPIs). You can install any or all of these that you need:
 ||=SAPI                    =||=Port                =||=Install command                         =||
-|| Command line             || php81                || `sudo port install php81`                ||
-|| Apache 2 module          || php81-apache2handler || `sudo port install php81-apache2handler` ||
-|| FastCGI                  || php81-cgi            || `sudo port install php81-cgi`            ||
-|| FastCGI Process Manager  || php81-fpm            || `sudo port install php81-fpm`            ||
+|| Command line             || php82                || `sudo port install php82`                ||
+|| Apache 2 module          || php82-apache2handler || `sudo port install php82-apache2handler` ||
+|| FastCGI                  || php82-cgi            || `sudo port install php82-cgi`            ||
+|| FastCGI Process Manager  || php82-fpm            || `sudo port install php82-fpm`            ||
 = Step 2: Install PHP Modules = #modules
-The SAPI ports contain the core PHP features, but there are many optional features available in separate ports, some of which you may want to install as well. Use `port search php81` to see all the ports that are available.
+The SAPI ports contain the core PHP features, but there are many optional features available in separate ports, some of which you may want to install as well. Use `port search php82` to see all the ports that are available.
 Installing a PHP module automatically makes it available to all PHP SAPIs of the same PHP version.
 For example, if you with to interact with a database server, here are some of the choices that exist:
 ||=Database server         =||=Port                =||=Install command                         =||
-|| MSSQL                    || php81-mssql          || `sudo port install php81-mssql`          ||
-|| MySQL, MariaDB, Percona  || php81-mysql          || `sudo port install php81-mysql`          ||
-|| ODBC                     || php81-odbc           || `sudo port install php81-odbc`           ||
-|| Oracle                   || php81-oracle         || `sudo port install php81-oracle`         ||
-|| PostgreSQL               || php81-postgresql     || `sudo port install php81-postgresql`     ||
-|| SQLite                   || php81-sqlite         || `sudo port install php81-sqlite`         ||
+|| MySQL, MariaDB, Percona  || php82-mysql          || `sudo port install php82-mysql`          ||
+|| ODBC                     || php82-odbc           || `sudo port install php82-odbc`           ||
+|| Oracle                   || php82-oracle         || `sudo port install php82-oracle`         ||
+|| PostgreSQL               || php82-postgresql     || `sudo port install php82-postgresql`     ||
+|| SQLite                   || php82-sqlite         || `sudo port install php82-sqlite`         ||
 = Step 3: PHP Configuration file setup = #configuration
 Set up your PHP configuration files. For development purposes use:
-$ cd /opt/local/etc/php81
+$ cd /opt/local/etc/php82
 $ sudo cp php.ini-development php.ini
 or for a production server:
-$ cd /opt/local/etc/php81
+$ cd /opt/local/etc/php82
 $ sudo cp php.ini-production php.ini
-then make changes to that newly created php.ini file - ''/opt/local/etc/php81/php.ini''
+then make changes to that newly created php.ini file - ''/opt/local/etc/php82/php.ini''
 = Step 4: Install phpMyAdmin  = #phpmyadmin
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@
 = Trouble shoot =
 If by some reason the server still doesn't interpret PHP files (i.e. your web client tries to download them) it means the PHP configurations, as described at [[howto/MAMP#job1]], are not taking effect.
-Typically,  the file ''"Include etc/apache2/extra/mod_php81.conf"'' - is not being processed; the file is missing; or the contents incorrect. That file contains the two "AddType" lines below.
+Typically,  the file ''"Include etc/apache2/extra/mod_php82.conf"'' - is not being processed; the file is missing; or the contents incorrect. That file contains the two "AddType" lines below.
 ==  Verify your config file again! ==
 Verify any changes you have made to the config file: /opt/local/etc/apache2/httpd.conf - The most common problem is that the files in the "extra" directory are not "readable"
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@
 $ /opt/local/sbin/apachectl -t
 This will return either "Syntax OK" or a specific line by line error listing.
- The typical error message:  ''"Could not open configuration file /opt/local/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mod_php81.conf: Permission denied"''
+ The typical error message:  ''"Could not open configuration file /opt/local/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mod_php82.conf: Permission denied"''
 After correcting any config errors and saving the updated config file, simply run:
 $ sudo port unload apache2

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/PHP>
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