[MacPorts] WikiStart modified
MacPorts Wiki
noreply at macports.org
Fri Mar 17 01:39:03 UTC 2023
Page "WikiStart" was changed by QWoman
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WikiStart?action=diff&version=106>
Revision 106
Index: WikiStart
--- WikiStart (version: 105)
+++ WikiStart (version: 106)
@@ -1,59 +1,1 @@
-= The MacPorts Wiki =
-Welcome to the MacPorts Wiki. Here you may learn about MacPorts usage, development, and support.
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- * [https://guide.macports.org/#installing Installing MacPorts in the Guide] - Getting your Mac ready to use MacPorts
- * [wiki:UsingMacPortsQuickStart] - Using MacPorts QuickStart Guide
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- * CatalinaProblems - macOS 10.15
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-=== Desktop Environments ===
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-== MacPorts Development ==
- * [wiki:GetMacPortsSource] - Checking out MacPorts ports and base sources
- * [wiki:CommittersGuide] - Information for committers
- * BuildPhases - Brief documentation on port installation phases
- * [http://guide.macports.org/ MacPorts Guide] - Detailed help and support guide for MacPorts
- * [http://guide.macports.org/#development Portfile development] - Documentation for Portfile authors
- * [http://guide.macports.org/#reference Portfile reference] - Reference for Portfile authors
- * [http://guide.macports.org/#internals MacPorts internals] - Documentation of internal functionality
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- * MacPortsFramework - Work on a Cocoa Framework for accessing MacPorts
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- * ReproducibleBuilds
-=== MacPorts Meetings ===
- * [wiki:Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2019 MacPorts Meeting 2019] - A meeting of fellow MacPorters (11 - 16th October 2019, Slovenia)
- * [wiki:Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018 MacPorts Meeting 2018] - A meeting of fellow MacPorters (10 - 14th March 2018, Slovenia)
- * [wiki:Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016 MacPorts Meeting 2016] - A meeting of fellow MacPorters (13 - 16th March 2016, Slovenia)
+Welcome to the MacPorts Wiki
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/WikiStart>
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Ports system for macOS
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