[macports-ports] branch master updated (0f86679f025 -> 5a83908d7ba)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Sat May 6 15:06:04 UTC 2023

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 0f86679f025 p5-pgtop: explicitly declare all dependencies
     new 635eb525b2d py-httpcore: update to 0.17.0
     new 7406077ebb0 py-httpx: update to 0.24.0
     new f588f58d366 py-maturin: run maturin with version
     new 165e56d4f0d PG python: add maturin backend
     new df7a8981a58 py-jellyfish: update to 0.11.2
     new 650f0f6e026 py-mediafile: update to 0.11.0; add py311
     new 57cb701a1ef py-mpd2: update to 3.1.0; add py311
     new ef39633ce06 py-pyannotate: add py311
     new c66c07ccd6f py-inflate64: add py311
     new f3783f8ec17 py-docopt: add py311
     new f620d877dfb py-coveralls: add py311
     new c917f5deb86 py-multivolumefile: add py311
     new f0ceb1afb51 py-pybcj: add py311
     new c90af3f9dee py-pyppmd: add py311
     new 87cc2ea91b6 py-pyzstd: update to 0.15.7; add py311
     new fa8b6454bad py-pytest-remotedata: update to 0.4.0; add py311
     new b070be2319e py-py7zr: update to 0.20.5; add py311
     new 5a57289de59 py-pycryptodome{,x}: update to 3.17
     new 71fb61dbe7b py-pytest: update to 7.3.1
     new 09456eb3643 py-pytest-sugar: update to 0.9.7
     new 3c5bdd1f0a8 py-ifaddr: add py311
     new c7cd22a9217 py-soco: update to 0.29.1; add py311
     new 75a09a36cb7 py-werkzeug: update to 2.3.3
     new 1c2148b3b81 py-pathvalidate: add py311
     new 0987f562e17 qobuz-dl: update to
     new 5a83908d7ba py-flask: update to 2.3.2

The 26 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 _resources/port1.0/group/python-1.0.tcl            |  8 ++-
 net/qobuz-dl/Portfile                              | 10 +--
 python/py-coveralls/Portfile                       | 13 +---
 python/py-docopt/Portfile                          |  4 +-
 python/py-flask/Portfile                           | 14 ++--
 python/py-httpcore/Portfile                        | 10 ++-
 python/py-httpx/Portfile                           | 10 +--
 python/py-ifaddr/Portfile                          |  4 +-
 python/py-inflate64/Portfile                       |  5 +-
 python/py-jellyfish/Portfile                       | 80 +++++++++++++++++-----
 python/py-maturin/Portfile                         |  4 +-
 python/py-maturin/files/patch-maturin-command.diff | 49 +++++++++++++
 python/py-mediafile/Portfile                       | 20 +++---
 python/py-mpd2/Portfile                            | 18 ++---
 python/py-multivolumefile/Portfile                 |  4 +-
 python/py-orjson/Portfile                          |  9 +--
 python/py-pathvalidate/Portfile                    |  4 +-
 python/py-py7zr/Portfile                           | 12 ++--
 python/py-pyannotate/Portfile                      |  4 +-
 python/py-pybcj/Portfile                           |  3 +-
 python/py-pycryptodome/Portfile                    |  8 +--
 python/py-pycryptodomex/Portfile                   |  8 +--
 python/py-pyppmd/Portfile                          |  4 +-
 python/py-pytest-remotedata/Portfile               | 12 ++--
 python/py-pytest-sugar/Portfile                    |  8 +--
 python/py-pytest/Portfile                          | 10 +--
 python/py-pyzstd/Portfile                          | 16 ++---
 python/py-soco/Portfile                            | 12 ++--
 python/py-werkzeug/Portfile                        | 17 +++--
 29 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 python/py-maturin/files/patch-maturin-command.diff

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