[macports-ports] branch master updated (158da96030c -> ce2ea8f83b7)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Sun Nov 19 14:20:43 UTC 2023

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 158da96030c gcc{7,8,9}: fix patch to disable macports cctools as
     new 5da5d674187 fdroidserver,bashplotlib: use defaul master_sites and livecheck
     new 68fd93a8c5d streamlink,ithub-backup: use default master_sites and livecheck
     new 477fa4f2a47 py-{abjad,autobahn,cogen}: use default master_sites and livecheck
     new 6488070dcd7 py-{crank,crayons,dsltools}: use default master_sites and livecheck
     new 3265fa980c1 py-{expressions,fdsnwsscripts,fpconst}: use default master_sites and livecheck
     new 22a100514c8 py-{functools32,google-apputils,hachoir-metadata,httplib2}: use default master_sites and livecheck
     new a6392c12d01 py-{hy,iso3166,iso639}: use default livecheck
     new ce2ea8f83b7 py-{itemadapter,itemloaders,jcc}: use default master_sites and livecheck

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 devel/fdroidserver/Portfile         |  6 ------
 math/bashplotlib/Portfile           |  4 ----
 multimedia/streamlink/Portfile      |  2 --
 python/github-backup/Portfile       |  2 --
 python/py-abjad/Portfile            |  8 +-------
 python/py-autobahn/Portfile         |  6 ------
 python/py-cogen/Portfile            |  8 --------
 python/py-crank/Portfile            |  4 ----
 python/py-crayons/Portfile          |  6 ------
 python/py-dsltools/Portfile         |  8 --------
 python/py-expressions/Portfile      |  7 -------
 python/py-fdsnwsscripts/Portfile    | 10 +---------
 python/py-fpconst/Portfile          |  5 -----
 python/py-functools32/Portfile      |  3 ---
 python/py-google-apputils/Portfile  |  7 -------
 python/py-hachoir-metadata/Portfile |  8 --------
 python/py-httplib2/Portfile         |  9 ++-------
 python/py-hy/Portfile               |  4 ----
 python/py-iso3166/Portfile          |  4 ----
 python/py-iso639/Portfile           |  4 ----
 python/py-itemadapter/Portfile      |  6 ------
 python/py-itemloaders/Portfile      |  6 ------
 python/py-jcc/Portfile              | 11 +----------
 23 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

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