[macports-ports] branch master updated (60c5b33caed -> afdc1a289d3)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Mon Nov 27 01:56:42 UTC 2023

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 60c5b33caed py-ddt: update to 1.7.0; remove py37; add py311 py312
     new 74621304e44 py-{asteval,lmfit}: drop py37 subport
     new 4206c2dd5cb py-{minikanren,trepan3k,pyficache,pympler}: drop py37 subport
     new f0415dd02c7 py-pyqt5-{chart,scintilla,webengine}: drop py37 subport
     new b02939c9622 py-python-{lsp-jsonrpc,jsonrpc-server}: drop py37 subport
     new e66edaa7563 py-{rope,pytoolconfig,pdm-backend}: drop py37 subport
     new 0fabfb26594 py-{cons,etuples,logical-unification}: drop py37 subport
     new 7d078a529e8 py-{cairosvg,cssselect2}: drop py37 subport
     new 9424516d7b5 py-{eyed3,fastprogress,filetype}: drop py37 subport
     new 8deb966f5ef py-{inflection,qstylizer,qtawesome}: drop py37 subport
     new afdc1a289d3 py-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter: drop py37 subport

The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 python/py-asteval/Portfile                        |  7 +------
 python/py-cairosvg/Portfile                       |  3 +--
 python/py-cairosvg/files/py37-cairosvg            |  1 -
 python/py-cons/Portfile                           |  5 +----
 python/py-cssselect2/Portfile                     |  3 +--
 python/py-etuples/Portfile                        |  5 +----
 python/py-eyed3/Portfile                          |  2 +-
 python/py-fastprogress/Portfile                   |  2 +-
 python/py-filetype/Portfile                       |  7 +------
 python/py-inflection/Portfile                     |  5 +----
 python/py-lmfit/Portfile                          |  3 +--
 python/py-logical-unification/Portfile            |  5 +----
 python/py-minikanren/Portfile                     |  5 +----
 python/py-pdm-backend/Portfile                    |  3 +--
 python/py-pyficache/Portfile                      |  5 +----
 python/py-pympler/Portfile                        |  5 +----
 python/py-pyqt5-chart/Portfile                    |  2 +-
 python/py-pyqt5-scintilla/Portfile                |  2 +-
 python/py-pyqt5-webengine/Portfile                |  2 +-
 python/py-python-jsonrpc-server/Portfile          | 11 +----------
 python/py-python-lsp-jsonrpc/Portfile             |  2 +-
 python/py-pytoolconfig/Portfile                   |  8 +-------
 python/py-qstylizer/Portfile                      |  3 +--
 python/py-qtawesome/Portfile                      |  5 ++---
 python/py-rope/Portfile                           |  4 +---
 python/py-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter/Portfile |  5 +----
 python/py-trepan3k/Portfile                       |  5 +----
 python/py-trepan3k/files/trepan37                 |  2 --
 28 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/py-cairosvg/files/py37-cairosvg
 delete mode 100644 python/py-trepan3k/files/trepan37

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