[macports-ports] branch master updated (69a528fcdb6 -> 23bd4f0c0ca)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Sat Apr 20 03:35:44 UTC 2024

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 69a528fcdb6 duckdb: revbump for Python dependency addition
     new 5d311adc598 py-pymc: update to 5.13.1
     new 4e01f649f97 py-async_generator: drop py37 subport
     new 4a5e235abcf py-asynctest: drop py37 subport
     new f9ef1ce64b1 py-attr: drop py37 subport
     new eb5b6388f85 py-automat: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 6dfcb2ed184 py-backports.zoneinfo: drop py37 subport
     new cda55f19346 py-bcrypt: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 0cb7627165e py-incremental: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 3cfd255ec47 py-click: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new d9a64f03061 py-click-plugins: drop py37 subport
     new 1f30e7bbf07 py-cligj: drop py37 subport
     new c0d4256cc30 py-vo: drop py37 subport
     new eb16f96d6ef py-astropy-helpers: drop py37 subport
     new 690364e1651 py-async-timeout: drop py37 subport
     new 0b00fb5bc17 py-backcall: drop py37 subport
     new c28e92aaf28 py-backports.cached-property: remove obsolete port
     new 8d38715fe8e py-backports: drop py37 subport
     new 352d72b6392 py-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size: remove obsolete port
     new eab5d4313e9 py-blessings: drop py37 subport
     new 25f5a614a22 py-boto: drop py37 subport
     new 754bb0878d0 py-bottle-sqlalchemy: remove obsolete port
     new 32a760faa14 py-bottle: drop py27 subport
     new d87a92e544d py-canmatrix: update to 1.0; drop py37, add py311 subport
     new 7674602e95b py-requests: drop py35 subport
     new 55e294e9ef4 py-chardet: drop py27, py3{5,6} subports
     new 6168710681e py-charset-normalizer: drop py35 subport
     new 5978ce02091 py-cheetah: drop py37 subport
     new 1e713823713 py-sphinxcontrib-versioning: drop py37 subport
     new 4c574c03ceb py-colorclass: drop py37 subport
     new 9e3a8708e00 py-commonmark: drop py37 subport
     new b5b216ef7cc py-configobj: drop py3{5-7} subports
     new 4a32ab65404 py-constantly: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 7cfccac9cb2 py-cryptography: drop py36 subport
     new 7ccf7eafdfb py-datrie: drop py37 subport
     new 6196af7ea67 py-dbfread: drop py37 subport
     new 11e6c2c0bb9 py-debtcollector: drop py37 subport
     new 74b9ad52851 py-decorator: drop py37 subport
     new 4e0cba5e7e4 py-defusedxml: drop py37 subport
     new dfc56d2e7cf py-diff-match-patch: drop py37 subport
     new 23bd4f0c0ca py-distutils-extra: drop py3{5,6} subports

The 40 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 python/py-astropy-helpers/Portfile                 |  7 +--
 python/py-async-timeout/Portfile                   |  4 +-
 python/py-async_generator/Portfile                 |  5 +-
 python/py-asynctest/Portfile                       |  5 +-
 python/py-attr/Portfile                            |  9 +--
 python/py-automat/Portfile                         |  2 +-
 python/py-backcall/Portfile                        |  3 +-
 .../py-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size/Portfile | 38 ------------
 python/py-backports.cached-property/Portfile       | 45 --------------
 python/py-backports.zoneinfo/Portfile              |  5 +-
 python/py-backports/Portfile                       |  2 +-
 python/py-bcrypt/Portfile                          |  2 +-
 python/py-blessings/Portfile                       |  2 +-
 python/py-boto/Portfile                            |  2 +-
 python/py-bottle-sqlalchemy/Portfile               | 36 ------------
 python/py-bottle/Portfile                          |  5 +-
 python/py-canmatrix/Portfile                       | 20 ++++---
 python/py-chardet/Portfile                         |  2 +-
 python/py-charset-normalizer/Portfile              |  4 +-
 python/py-cheetah/Portfile                         |  2 +-
 python/py-click-plugins/Portfile                   |  2 +-
 python/py-click/Portfile                           | 10 +---
 python/py-cligj/Portfile                           |  2 +-
 python/py-colorclass/Portfile                      |  7 +--
 python/py-commonmark/Portfile                      |  2 +-
 python/py-configobj/Portfile                       |  2 +-
 python/py-constantly/Portfile                      |  4 +-
 python/py-cryptography/Portfile                    | 68 +---------------------
 python/py-datrie/Portfile                          |  2 +-
 python/py-dbfread/Portfile                         |  7 +--
 python/py-debtcollector/Portfile                   |  3 +-
 python/py-decorator/Portfile                       |  2 +-
 python/py-defusedxml/Portfile                      |  9 +--
 python/py-diff-match-patch/Portfile                |  2 +-
 python/py-distutils-extra/Portfile                 |  2 +-
 python/py-incremental/Portfile                     |  4 +-
 python/py-pymc/Portfile                            |  8 +--
 python/py-requests/Portfile                        |  2 +-
 python/py-sphinxcontrib-versioning/Portfile        |  2 +-
 python/py-vo/Portfile                              |  4 +-
 40 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/py-backports-shutil_get_terminal_size/Portfile
 delete mode 100644 python/py-backports.cached-property/Portfile
 delete mode 100644 python/py-bottle-sqlalchemy/Portfile

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