[macports-ports] branch master updated (e616b9d80c4 -> e6093c1703c)

Renee Otten reneeotten at macports.org
Sun Apr 21 04:14:13 UTC 2024

Renee Otten (reneeotten) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from e616b9d80c4 n: update to 9.2.3
     new 563145a3c21 py-enum: remove obsolete port
     new 478076c7c93 py-ephem: drop py37 subport
     new 9646ffeaabc py-ez_setup: drop py3{5-7} subports
     new 7feab2a0e5f py-grpcio{,-tools}: drop py37 subport
     new 7f5a12ac6b9 py-protobuf3: drop py37 subport
     new 354fbdc0c45 py-flatbuffers: drop py37 subport
     new 0c549771875 py-flit: drop py37 subport
     new 6c0c47dda23 py-gnureadline: drop py36 subport
     new e9dc66342e5 py-hpack: drop py37 subport
     new ab831a05926 py-httplib2: drop py37 subport
     new dd8351ad3b3 py-hyperframe: drop py37 subport
     new 8407a316e5e py-hyperlink: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new d0c9d592fde py-ipy: drop py37 subport
     new c0d9c6720e4 py-ipython_genutils: drop py27/py37 subports
     new d8ddd5d23fa py-irodsclient: update to 2.0.0; drop py37, add py312 subport
     new 294f1c927b1 py-prettytable: drop py37, add py312 subport
     new c6f7cd873e0 py-isodate: drop py37 subport
     new 799c3f6fabf py-jaraco.classes: drop py37 subport
     new 4c71e23714d py-jedi: drop py37 subport
     new a9dce221677 py-json5: drop py37 subport
     new 7be05ff9993 py-jsonpatch: drop py37 subport
     new 37fee81b43b py-jupyter: drop py37 subport
     new e3fc1834731 py-langid: update to 0.2.2; drop py37, add py312 subport
     new 4e276557e49 py-libvirt: drop py37 subport
     new 2d574d1e5fe py-m2r: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 0e414df4dad py-markdown: drop py37 subport
     new 37a2222c299 py-matplotlib-inline: drop py37 subport
     new 51eef602f96 py-mimeparse: drop py37 subport
     new 518b5666f8b py-mkl{,-include}: drop py27 and py3{5-7} subports
     new cd9ca9bdffb py-more-itertools: drop py3{6,7} subports
     new 1566e831de9 vtk: remove EOL Python variants
     new 6b2fcdcf533 py-mpi4py: drop py27 and py3{5-7} subports
     new ddab5e901cb py-mpmath: drop py37 subport
     new 6591341421c py-msgpack: drop py37 subport
     new 17339c66962 py-mypy: drop py37 subport
     new 880415938a0 py-mypy_extensions: drop py37 subport
     new 083520e88a8 py-netcdf4: drop py37 subport
     new 6ce527d5f85 py-os-service-types: drop py37 subport
     new 22f865ec6d7 py-oslo-i18n: drop py37 subport
     new 38c7f238a18 py-paste: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 0f5da1b90a4 py-pbr: drop py37 subport
     new 46c60f4c10f py-pkgconfig: drop py37 subport
     new 5c4de9c35f4 py-ply: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new be8ede4f757 py-poppler-qt5: drop py37 subport
     new 9d610b90fcc py-ptyprocess: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new aa39bd6898b py-pyaes: drop py37 subport
     new c642a0c6e96 py-pybind11: drop py3{5,6} subports
     new 4faf49419b5 py-pycares: drop py37 subport
     new f823b11857f py-pycryptodome: drop py37 subport
     new e6093c1703c py-pydantic_core: drop py37 subport

The 50 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 devel/grpc/Portfile                  |  4 +-
 graphics/vtk/Portfile                |  2 +-
 python/py-enum/Portfile              | 34 -------------
 python/py-ephem/Portfile             |  2 +-
 python/py-ez_setup/Portfile          |  4 +-
 python/py-flatbuffers/Portfile       |  6 +--
 python/py-flit/Portfile              |  2 +-
 python/py-gnureadline/Portfile       |  2 +-
 python/py-hpack/Portfile             |  5 +-
 python/py-httplib2/Portfile          |  2 +-
 python/py-hyperframe/Portfile        |  5 +-
 python/py-hyperlink/Portfile         |  2 +-
 python/py-ipy/Portfile               |  2 +-
 python/py-ipython_genutils/Portfile  |  2 +-
 python/py-irodsclient/Portfile       | 35 ++++++--------
 python/py-isodate/Portfile           |  5 +-
 python/py-jaraco.classes/Portfile    |  6 +--
 python/py-jedi/Portfile              | 15 +++---
 python/py-json5/Portfile             |  4 +-
 python/py-jsonpatch/Portfile         |  5 +-
 python/py-jupyter/Portfile           |  2 +-
 python/py-jupyter/files/py37-jupyter | 14 ------
 python/py-langid/Portfile            | 18 +++----
 python/py-libvirt/Portfile           |  8 +---
 python/py-m2r/Portfile               |  4 +-
 python/py-markdown/Portfile          | 15 ++----
 python/py-matplotlib-inline/Portfile |  3 +-
 python/py-mimeparse/Portfile         |  2 +-
 python/py-mkl/Portfile               |  2 +-
 python/py-more-itertools/Portfile    | 20 +-------
 python/py-mpi4py/Portfile            |  2 +-
 python/py-mpmath/Portfile            | 11 ++---
 python/py-msgpack/Portfile           |  2 +-
 python/py-mypy/Portfile              | 19 +-------
 python/py-mypy/files/mypy37          |  5 --
 python/py-mypy_extensions/Portfile   |  6 +--
 python/py-netcdf4/Portfile           |  2 +-
 python/py-os-service-types/Portfile  |  3 +-
 python/py-oslo-i18n/Portfile         |  3 +-
 python/py-paste/Portfile             |  2 +-
 python/py-pbr/Portfile               |  2 +-
 python/py-pkgconfig/Portfile         |  5 +-
 python/py-ply/Portfile               |  4 +-
 python/py-poppler-qt5/Portfile       |  2 +-
 python/py-prettytable/Portfile       | 14 ++----
 python/py-protobuf3/Portfile         |  2 +-
 python/py-ptyprocess/Portfile        |  3 +-
 python/py-pyaes/Portfile             |  7 +--
 python/py-pybind11/Portfile          |  4 +-
 python/py-pycares/Portfile           | 12 +----
 python/py-pycryptodome/Portfile      |  4 +-
 python/py-pydantic_core/Portfile     | 93 +-----------------------------------
 52 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 348 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 python/py-enum/Portfile
 delete mode 100644 python/py-jupyter/files/py37-jupyter
 delete mode 100644 python/py-mypy/files/mypy37

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