[macports-ports] branch master updated (e0d531df494 -> 5ba7b13a85b)

Ken kencu at macports.org
Fri Dec 13 02:03:46 UTC 2024

Ken (kencu) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from e0d531df494 yt-dlp: Update to 2024.12.06; add python313 variant
     new 064ebd10152 R-admisc: update to 0.37
     new 1b6a62bef99 R-arkhe, R-dimensio: update to current versions
     new 9866f9f11ec R-BANAM: update to 0.2.2
     new f3e84c025f5 R-bolasso: update to 0.3.0
     new 7f42131174e R-Bolstad: update to 0.2.42
     new 0634c8f6318 R-caret: update to 7.0-1
     new 61029b85789 R-CCd: new port
     new 8bb60edd048 R-cheapr: update to 0.9.92
     new ebce5b7f92b R-cluster: update to 2.1.7
     new 07f9da8dde7 R-DBI, R-DBItest: update to current versions
     new 6fb67d93ae7 R-duckdbfs: update to 0.0.8
     new eb0e4a2ef56 R-effectsize, R-parameters: update to current versions
     new b1694cad633 R-glmm.hp: update to 0.1-7
     new b9ea34751d0 R-glmmrBase: update to 0.11.1
     new cc827298858 R-greybox: update to 2.0.3
     new 8da7d9660de R-HDTSA: update to 1.0.5
     new 468dbda7464 R-igraph: update to 2.1.2
     new d49bf3d3058 R-lpcde: update to 0.1.5
     new ecb5cf2b4eb R-lubridate: update to 1.9.4
     new 641fba83b62 R-manymome: update to 0.2.5
     new f0e50325b53 R-meta: update to 8.0-1
     new 6765d479651 R-network: update to 1.19.0
     new 906555eae12 R-np: update to 0.60-18
     new cd105d921f3 R-optimx: update to 2024-12.2
     new cb1e277ab53 R-panelPomp: update to
     new 016c86b7c2e R-rstanemax: update to 0.1.7
     new 92b896d2587 R-SparseChol: update to 0.3.2
     new 131ebce31cd R-testthat: update to 3.2.2
     new 5ba7b13a85b R-textshaping: update to 0.4.1

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 R/R-BANAM/Portfile              | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-Bolstad/Portfile            | 17 ++++++++++-------
 R/{R-bivpois => R-CCd}/Portfile | 17 ++++++++++-------
 R/R-DBI/Portfile                |  8 ++++----
 R/R-DBItest/Portfile            |  8 ++++----
 R/R-HDTSA/Portfile              | 16 ++++++++++------
 R/R-SparseChol/Portfile         | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-admisc/Portfile             |  9 +++++----
 R/R-arkhe/Portfile              |  8 ++++----
 R/R-bolasso/Portfile            | 17 +++++++++--------
 R/R-caret/Portfile              | 18 ++++++++++--------
 R/R-cheapr/Portfile             |  8 ++++----
 R/R-cluster/Portfile            | 11 ++++++-----
 R/R-dimensio/Portfile           |  8 ++++----
 R/R-duckdbfs/Portfile           |  8 ++++----
 R/R-effectsize/Portfile         | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-glmm.hp/Portfile            |  8 ++++----
 R/R-glmmrBase/Portfile          |  8 ++++----
 R/R-greybox/Portfile            | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-igraph/Portfile             | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-lpcde/Portfile              | 17 +++++++++--------
 R/R-lubridate/Portfile          | 18 +++++++++---------
 R/R-manymome/Portfile           |  8 ++++----
 R/R-meta/Portfile               | 15 ++++++++-------
 R/R-mvoutlier/Portfile          | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 R/R-network/Portfile            | 12 ++++++------
 R/R-np/Portfile                 | 23 +++++++++++++++--------
 R/R-optimx/Portfile             | 16 +++++++++-------
 R/R-panelPomp/Portfile          | 12 ++++++------
 R/R-parameters/Portfile         |  8 ++++----
 R/R-rstanemax/Portfile          | 14 ++++++++------
 R/R-sgeostat/Portfile           | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 R/R-testthat/Portfile           | 14 +++++++-------
 R/R-textshaping/Portfile        | 16 ++++++++--------
 34 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-)
 copy R/{R-bivpois => R-CCd}/Portfile (51%)
 create mode 100644 R/R-mvoutlier/Portfile
 create mode 100644 R/R-sgeostat/Portfile

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