[MacPorts] Migration modified

MacPorts Wiki noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 2 12:48:14 UTC 2024

Page "Migration" was changed by riffraff
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration?action=diff&version=128>
Revision 128
Index: Migration
--- Migration (version: 127)
+++ Migration (version: 128)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    Open the Xcode application once after installation and follow any prompts.
    Install the same version of the command line tools. (Run `xcode-select --install`). Recent versions of macOS have a bug that prevents them from automatically updating the command line tools, so if the preceding command says they're already installed, they may not be up to date and you may need to update manually by following the instructions in ProblemHotlist#reinstall-clt.
 2. [=#base **Reinstall MacPorts base system**]
    To reinstall, simply [https://www.macports.org/install.php install the base MacPorts system]
@@ -96,4 +96,16 @@
 This will raise the file limit for the duration of the `restore_ports.tcl` command.
-Another potential problem comes from possible differences between ports that do compile on an older macOS, but no longer on the newer. For instance, you might have installed OpenBLAS om macOS Mojave. This was built with gcc10, the then preferred version of gcc. OpenBLAS sets a +gcc10 variant for this and it has remained like that as long as you were updating it. When upgrading to macOS Monterey according to the procedure above, MacPorts will try to exactly recreate what was on Mojave, hence OpenBLAS +gcc10. But gcc10 may not compile on macOS Monterey (it does not as I write this example). Hence, the migration of OpenBLAS and everything that depends on it fails.
+Another potential problem comes from possible differences between ports that do compile on an older macOS, but no longer on the newer. For instance, you might have installed OpenBLAS on macOS Mojave. This was built with gcc10, the then preferred version of gcc. OpenBLAS sets a +gcc10 variant for this and it has remained like that as long as you were updating it. When upgrading to macOS Monterey according to the procedure above, MacPorts will try to exactly recreate what was on Mojave, hence OpenBLAS +gcc10. But gcc10 may not compile on macOS Monterey (it does not as I write this example). Hence, the migration of OpenBLAS and everything that depends on it fails.
+Another issue may come from incompatibility between some additional components, which may manifest itself with ports failing with a message like
+Failure Reason: The version of the CoreSimulator framework installed on this Mac is out-of-date and not supported by this version of Xcode.
+Recovery Suggestion: Please ensure that you have installed all available updates to your Mac's software, and that you are running the most recent version of Xcode supported by macOS.
+In this case you may be able to solve it by running 
+xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration>
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Ports system for macOS

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