[macports-ports] branch master updated (43bc0239344 -> 206a4b6a865)

Herby Gillot herby.gillot at gmail.com
Wed May 22 23:36:10 UTC 2024

Herby Gillot (herbygillot) pushed a change to branch master
in repository macports-ports.

    from 43bc0239344 dart-sdk: update to 3.4.1
     new 77a484e1c80 R-copre: update to 0.2.1
     new 67e92adfd07 R-deps: update to 0.3.0
     new f7336e64a79 R-gausscov: update to 1.1.3
     new 3ade95f976c R-ggsci: update to 3.1.0
     new 747ba969df0 R-gimme: update to 0.7-17
     new 44d555315d0 R-mvtnorm: update to 1.2-5
     new 437ca528a57 R-oeli: update to 0.5.0
     new 2cc49d12950 R-PKI: update to 0.1-14
     new 2bcf04caf54 R-polyCub: update to 0.9.1
     new 3453e0e031a R-reticulate: update to 1.37.0
     new 923d2a56dec R-spacefillr: update to 0.3.3
     new 585b2ac028e R-terra: update to 1.7-78
     new 23287fea1fa R-tf: update to 0.3.4
     new 3e044c84b90 R-vegan: update to 2.6-6.1
     new dcd1c3df2bd R-rapidoc: non-functional: add homepage
     new 206a4b6a865 R*: drop unneeded tests variants

The 16 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "add" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 R/R-Biobase/Portfile                    |  7 ++-----
 R/R-BiocCheck/Portfile                  | 11 ++++-------
 R/R-BiocNeighbors/Portfile              |  9 +++------
 R/R-BiocParallel/Portfile               | 20 ++++++++------------
 R/R-ChemmineR/Portfile                  |  9 +++------
 R/R-DBI/Portfile                        |  7 ++-----
 R/R-DelayedMatrixStats/Portfile         | 12 +++++-------
 R/R-FactoMineR/Portfile                 |  8 ++------
 R/R-IRanges/Portfile                    | 10 +++-------
 R/R-KEGGgraph/Portfile                  | 12 ++++--------
 R/R-MatchIt/Portfile                    | 11 ++++-------
 R/R-PKI/Portfile                        | 21 +++++++--------------
 R/R-PKI/files/patch-unbreak-macros.diff | 24 ------------------------
 R/R-R6/Portfile                         |  7 ++-----
 R/R-RBGL/Portfile                       |  7 ++-----
 R/R-S4Arrays/Portfile                   |  9 ++-------
 R/R-S4Vectors/Portfile                  |  7 ++-----
 R/R-SQLDataFrame/Portfile               |  7 ++-----
 R/R-Seurat/Portfile                     | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-ShortRead/Portfile                  |  9 +++------
 R/R-SparseArray/Portfile                |  7 ++-----
 R/R-Structstrings/Portfile              | 12 ++++--------
 R/R-TH.data/Portfile                    |  7 ++-----
 R/R-Ternary/Portfile                    |  7 ++-----
 R/R-TileDBArray/Portfile                | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-UCSC.utils/Portfile                 |  7 ++-----
 R/R-bamlss/Portfile                     |  9 +++------
 R/R-binom/Portfile                      | 19 +++++++++----------
 R/R-copre/Portfile                      | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-dbplyr/Portfile                     |  8 ++------
 R/R-deps/Portfile                       | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-dm/Portfile                         | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-duckdb/Portfile                     | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-emayili/Portfile                    |  9 +++------
 R/R-fTrading/Portfile                   | 11 +++++------
 R/R-fastcpd/Portfile                    | 12 ++++--------
 R/R-flexsurv/Portfile                   |  9 ++-------
 R/R-flextable/Portfile                  | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-gausscov/Portfile                   | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-genefilter/Portfile                 | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-ggsci/Portfile                      | 11 ++++++-----
 R/R-gimme/Portfile                      | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-glmGamPoi/Portfile                  | 18 +++++++-----------
 R/R-graph/Portfile                      |  7 ++-----
 R/R-gsubfn/Portfile                     | 11 +++++------
 R/R-harmony/Portfile                    |  7 ++-----
 R/R-heplots/Portfile                    | 11 ++++-------
 R/R-metapod/Portfile                    | 11 ++++-------
 R/R-mlt.docreg/Portfile                 |  7 ++-----
 R/R-mnt/Portfile                        |  2 +-
 R/R-mvtnorm/Portfile                    | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-oeli/Portfile                       | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-officedown/Portfile                 |  9 +++------
 R/R-optmatch/Portfile                   |  7 ++-----
 R/R-parsnip/Portfile                    |  9 +++------
 R/R-pins/Portfile                       | 19 ++++++++-----------
 R/R-pkgdown/Portfile                    |  8 ++------
 R/R-polyCub/Portfile                    | 22 +++++++++++++++++-----
 R/R-pomdp/Portfile                      |  7 ++-----
 R/R-pool/Portfile                       |  7 ++-----
 R/R-prediction/Portfile                 |  7 ++-----
 R/R-rapidoc/Portfile                    |  1 +
 R/R-reticulate/Portfile                 | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-rgl/Portfile                        | 33 +++++++++++++++------------------
 R/R-rhdf5/Portfile                      |  8 +++-----
 R/R-rhdf5filters/Portfile               |  9 +++------
 R/R-runMCMCbtadjust/Portfile            |  9 +++------
 R/R-see/Portfile                        | 10 +++-------
 R/R-spacefillr/Portfile                 | 11 ++++++-----
 R/R-sparklyr/Portfile                   |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.data/Portfile              |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.explore/Portfile           |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.geom/Portfile              |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.linnet/Portfile            |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.model/Portfile             |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.random/Portfile            |  7 ++-----
 R/R-spatstat.utils/Portfile             |  7 ++-----
 R/R-systemPipeR/Portfile                | 10 +++-------
 R/R-systemPipeRdata/Portfile            |  7 ++-----
 R/R-targets/Portfile                    | 13 +++++--------
 R/R-terra/Portfile                      | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-tf/Portfile                         | 10 +++++-----
 R/R-tibble/Portfile                     | 12 ++++--------
 R/R-vegan/Portfile                      |  8 ++++----
 84 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 542 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 R/R-PKI/files/patch-unbreak-macros.diff

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